д–р Зора Јачова

Редовен професор

Проф. д-р Зора Јачова е родена во Штип на 05.03.1969 година. Студиите на Дефектолошкиот факултет во Белград ги запишала во учебната 1987/88 година, а дипломирала на 14.10.1991 година.

Во текот на своите студии (1989 до 1990 година) била вклучена во работата на тимот при Заводот за ментално здравје во Белград и работела на примена на методот на психомоторна реедукација со деца кои биле на третман заради тикови и дискогниција, деца со аутизам, деца со оштетен слух како и деца со лесни пречки во психичкиот развој.

За време на своите студии активно учествувала во реализацијата на проектот : „Говорно јазичката развиеност на децата со оштетен слух и можноста за нивно вклучување во редовниот образовен систем” раководен од тимот при Институтот за експериментална фонетика и патологија на говорот во Белград.

Во октомври 1991 година ги запишала последипломските студии на Дефектолошкиот факултет во Белград, a на 15.05.1996 година на Дефектолошкиот факултет во Белград го одбранила магистерскиот труд со наслов: „Проблеми во корелативниот однос при разбирањето на прочитаниот текст во себе и наглас и неговото вербално интерпретирање од страна на глувите ученици”. На 28.06.2001 година на Институтот за дефектологија при Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје го одбранила докторскиот труд со наслов: „Визуелната перцепција на гласовите на македонскиот стандарден јазик и нејзиното значење за едукацијата на слушно оштетените”. Во периодот од 1992 до 1993 година работела како дефектолог во посебната паралелка при редовното училиште „Кирил и Методиј” во Македонска Каменица, а од 1993 до 1994 година била раководител на Одделот за деца со оштетен слух (дефектолог-рехабилитатор) во Институтот за рехабилитација на слух, говор и глас во Скопје.

Во јуни 1994 година е избрана за помлад асистент на Студиите за дефектологија при Институтот за педагогија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје. Во февруари 1997 година била избрана за асистент на Институтот за дефектологија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје.

Во јануари 2002 година е избрана за доцент на Институтот за дефектологија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје за следните научни дисциплини на додипломски студии: Ортопедагогија, Методика на ран третман и предучилишно воспитание на деца со пречки во развојот, Методика на одделенска настава со глуви и наглуви ученици.

Во јануари 2007 година е избрана за вонреден професор на Институтот за дефектологија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје за следните научни области на додипломските студии: дефектологија, сурдологија, ран третман, методика.

Во октомври 2011 година е избрана за редовен професор на Институтот за дефектологија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје за следните научни области (дисциплини): сурдоаудиoлогија, ран третман, методика, дефектологија, логопедија, знаковен јазик, визуелна перцепција на говорот, комуникација на лицата со оштетен слух.

Проф. д-р Зора Јачова во јуни 2016 година е повторно избрана за редовен професор (доживотно) на Институтот за дефектологија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје за следните научни области (дисциплини): методика, дефектологија, ортопедагогија и логопедија.

Проф. д-р Зора Јачова е редовен професор на Институтот за дефектологија при Филозофскиот факултет и Медицинскиот факултет на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил Методиј„ во Скопје. Таа била раководител на прв циклус на студии (2013-2017) и трет цилкус студии (2011-2014) на Институтот за дефектологија при Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје. Била заменик раководител на Институтот за дефектологија при Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје (2001-2009) и втор циклус студии (2004-2009).

Проф. д-р Зора Јачова е член на Интернационалниот издавачки одбор на списанието Human Research in Rehabilitation, Institute for Human Rehabilitation, во Тузла, Босна и Херцеговина, Дефектолошка теорија и практика во Скопје, Република Македонија (од 2014 до денес) и Специјална едукација и рехабилитација во Белград (од 2011 до денес). Таа била член на Интернационалниот издавачки одбор на педагошкото списание на Асоцијацијата за образовната наука, Пракса и теорија во системите на образование во Унгарија (од 2011 до 2012). Била уредник на списанието Дефектолошка теорија и практика во Скопје, Република Македонија (2009-2010) и гостин уредник на списанието Поддршка во учењето во Велика Британија (2007).

Во периодот од 2002-2008 била претседател на Комисијата за едукација и рехабилитација при Сојузот на глуви и наглуви лица на Република Македонија и член на комисијата за стандардизација на македонскиот знаковен јазик (2009-2013). Од 2013 до 2017 била претседател на комисијата за стандардизација на македонскиот знаковен јазик.

Во периодот од 2014-2016 била член на Кoмисијата за изготвување на нацрт моделот за процена за дополнителна, образовна, здравствена и социјална поддршка на дете согласно Меѓународна класификација на функционирање (МКФ), Министерство за труд и социјална политика, Министерство за образование и наука, Министерство за здравство.

Објавила повеќе од 70 труда публикувани во земјата и странство.Учествувала на конгреси и конфернции со над 55 соопштенија. Автор е на 1 учебник, коавтор на 2 прирачника и 4 монографии. Координатор/учесник на 17 меѓународни/национални научноистражувачки проекти.

Го зборува англискиот, српскиот, хрватскиот и бугарскиот јазик.

Студиски посети:

– Универзитет во Љубљана, Педагошки факултет, Институт за специјална едукација и рехабилитација/Институт за логопедија и сурдопедагогија, Република Словенија (2015)

– Универзитет во Осло, Интернационален оддел, Институт за Специјална Едукација-Студии за Образование на глувите-Знаковен Јазик, Октомври, Норвешка (2009)

– Универзитет во Осло, Интернационален оддел, Институт за Специјална Едукација, Февруари, Норвешка (2008)

– Образование на глувите лица, Фондација СИГНО, Осло, Норвешка (2007)

– Системот на инклузивното образование во Германија, Проект на ГТЗ за Унапредување на грижата за децата со пречки во развојот во Република Македонија, Октомври, Германија (2004)

– Сертификат за курс „Реџио Емилија пристап за деца од предучилишна возраст” –Холандија, Pabo-Arnhem, на Европска Комисија – Сократ програма (2003)

– Системот на инклузивно образование во Англија, Проект –ТЕМПУС, Универзитет – Нотингам Трент, Нотингам, Јули, Англија (2000)

– Системот на специјално образование, Проект –ТЕМПУС, Универзитет – Брунел, Март, Лондон, Англија (1999)

– Основното и средното образование на децата со оштетен слух во Холандија- „ЕФАТА”, Ноември, Ворбург, Холандија (1997)

Проф. д–р Зора Јачова изведува настава и вежби по предметите:

На вториот циклус студии:
  • 1

    [ДП1021/18] Едукација и рехабилитација на лицата со оштетен слух

  • 2

    [ДП1023/18] Комуникација на лицата со оштетен слух

  • 3

    [ДП1022/18] Планирање на научно истражување

  • 4

    [ДП1024/18] Глувослепи лица

  • 5

    [ДП201И/18] Инклузивно образование

  • 6

    [ДП203И/18] Визуелна перцепција на говорот

  • 7

    [ДП204И/18] Асистивни технологии

  • 8

    [ИО101З/18] Инклузивна култура, политика и практика

  • 9

    [ИО114И/18] Инклузивно образование на учениците со оштетен слух

  • 10

    [ДП201И/18] Инклузивно образование

На третиот циклус студии:
  • 1

    [ДЕФ2] Современи аспекти во едукацијата на лицата со инвалидност

  • 2

    [ДЕФ6] Методски пристапи во едукацијата на глувите и наглувите лица

  • 3

    [ДЕФ7] Истражувања во знаковните јазици

  • 4

    [ДЕФ8] Истражувања на говорот и јазикот кај слушно оштетените деца

  • 5

    [ДЕФ9] Истражувања во инклузивното образование

  • 6

    [ФЗФ 23] Академско пишување и објавување

  • 7

    [ФЗФ 22] Квантитативни и квалитативни методи на истражување во дефектологијата



2019 Ristovska L, Jachova Z, Spasov Lj, Balova T. Acoustic characteristics of Macedonian consonants. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2019; 20(1-2): 46-62 UDK:159.946.3:811.163.3’282’342

2019 Ristovska L, Jachova Z, Stojcheska V. Psychoacoustic characteristics of tinnitus in relation to audiometric profile. Archives of Acoustics 2019; 44(3): 419-428. 10.24425/aoa.2019.129258 IF: 0.917

2019 Ristovska L, Jachova Z, Spasov Lj, Balova T. Acoustic characteristics of Macedonian vowels. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2019; 19(3-4): 40-50. UDK: 811.163.3’342.1

2018 Jachova, Z., Kovačević, Ј., Hasanbegović, H., Individual Education Plan (IEP) foundation of a quality Inclusive Education, Human Research in Rehabilitation, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p. 88-93 ISSN 2232-9935

2018 Kovačević, Ј., Jachova, Z., Slavnić, S., Radovanović, V., Inclusion-the basis of educational reforms, Proseedings of 5th International conference “Transformation Towards sustainable and resilient society for persons with disabilities”, Ohrid, 2018 pp. 185-197 ISBN 978-608-238-145-9

2018 Hasanbegović, H., Kovačević, Ј., Jachova, Z., Inclusive employment and working integration of people with hearing impairments, Proseedings of 5th International conference “Transformation Towards sustainable and resilient society for persons with disabilities”, Ohrid, 2018, pp. 61-69 ISBN 978-608-238-145-9

2018 Ковачевић, J., Радовановић, В., Јачова, З., Маћешић-Петровић, Д. (2018). Заступљеност метода у настави глувих и наглувих ученика. У: Исковић, Љ., Ковачевић, Т. (Ур.):Специфичност оштећења слуха –кораци и искораци, (119-134). Београд, Универзитет у Београду-Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацију, ISBN 978-86-6203-116-7

2017 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Filipovski, R., Tasevska, D., Expression of distortion product optoacoustic emission in children with otitis media with effusion, Journal of Special Еducation and Rehabilitation, No. 18 (3-4), 2017, p. 44-54 doi: 10.19057/jser.2017.25

2016 Kovačević, Ј., Jachova, Z., Balance and orientation of Hearing Impaired Children. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health Vol.5, No.2, 2016, pp.27-31 ISSN(Print):1857-8152; ISSN (Online):1857-8160

2016 Maćešić-Petrović, D., Žigić, V., Kovačević, Ј., Jačova, Z., What can be done with treatment of attention deficits in persons with visual impairments?, Human Research in Rehabilitation, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2016, p.44-18 ISSN 2232-9935 IF: 1.244

2016 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Ristovska Filipovski, R., Atanasova, N., Correlation between tympanic membrane perforation and hearing loss, Journal of Special Еducation and Rehabilitation, No. 17 (1-2), 2016, p. 36-49 UDK: 616.285:616.28-008.14

2016 Kovačević, Ј., Jačova, Z., Hasanbegović, H., Žigić, V., Maćešić-Petrović, D., Kovačević, B., Persons with Hearing Impairments in Europe-Social and Science Perspectives, Human Research in Rehabilitation, Vol. 6 Issue 1, 2016, p. 4-13 ISSN 2232-9935 IF:1.244

2016 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Filipovski, R., Atanasova, N., Audiometric findings in patients with subjective tinnitus, Croation Review of Rehabilitation Research, Vol.52 No 1., 2016 p. 42-50 ISSN:1331 UDK:376

2015 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Atanasova N., Frequency of Audiometric Notch Following Excessive Noise Exposure, Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2015 ISSN: 0137-5075 IF:0.656

2015 Kovačević, J., Jachova, Z., Creating Inclusive Practice, Proceedings of 10th International Balkan Education and Science Congress “Education and Globalization”, Ohrid, 2015 ISBN 978-9989-823-49-7

2015 Jachova, Z., Kovačević, J., The challenges in inclusive education of children with SEN, Proceedings of 10th International Balkan Education and Science Congress “Education and Globalization”, Ohrid, 2015 ISBN 978-9989-823-49-7

2015 Slavnić, S., Kovačević, J., Radovanović, V., Jachova, Z., The quality of deaf and hard of hearing students in boarding school, Proseedings of 6th International conference “Improving the quality of life of children and young people”, Ohrid, 2015, p.569-579 ISSN 1986-9886

2015 Jachova, Z., Karovska Ristovska, A., Naumovska, K., Filipovska, M., Quality of life of Deaf adolescents, Proseedings of 6th International conference “Improving the quality of life of children and young people”, Ohrid, 2015, p. 581-594 ISSN 1986-9886

2015 Jachova, Z., Tripunovska, M., Karovska Ristovska, A., Filipovska, M., Creation of Inclusive Culture in “Dimo Hadzi Dimov”-Skopje, Proseedings of 6th International conference “Improving the quality of life of children and young people”, Ohrid, 2015, p. 681-692 ISSN 1986-9886

2014 Jachova, Z., Karovska Ristovska, A., Lexicostatistical analysis of the American, Macedonian and Serbian Sign Language, Proceedings of 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Skopje, 2014, p.573-586 ISBN 978-608-238-050-6

2014 Stojkovska Aleksova, R., Jachova, Z., Importance of the assessment model in the application of the assistive technology in students with special educational needs included in the inclusive education, Proceedings of 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Skopje, 2014, p-225-239 ISBN 978-608-238-050-6

2014 Filipovska, M., Jachova, Z., Social interaction of a student with hearing impairment within the inclusive classroom, Proceedings of 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Skopje, 2014, p.213-224 ISBN 978-608-238-050-6

2014 Jachova, Z., Karovska Ristovska A., Filipovska M., Attitudes of teachers in regular schools toward inclusion of children with autism, First Simposium “Scientific Achievements and Practice Implementation”, Struga, 2014, p.119-127 ISBN 978-608-65438-3-9

2014 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Trajkovski V., Early detection of developmental disorders in primary health care, Pediatria Croatica, Vol.58, No. 1, 2014, p.8-14 ISSN 1330-1403 (Print) ISSN 1846-405X (Online) IF 0.133

2014 Jachova, Z., Angelovska-Galevska N., Karovska, A., Methodology in the Study of a Child with a Cohlea Implant within the Inclusive Classroom, Johnsen, B. (eds.) Theory and Methodology in International Comparative Classroom Studes Oslo: Cappelen Damm, No. 2, 2014, p.298-306 ISBN 978-82-02-47061-6

2014 Jachova, Z., Filipovska, M., The leadership of the Special Educator in the Management of the Inclusive Classroom, Vodenje v vzgoji in izobrazevanju, vol.12, s/2014, p.125-141 ISSN 1581-8225

2013 Jachova, Z., A Case Study of a Child with Cochlea Implants within Inclusive the Classroom, Johnsen, B. (eds.) Research Project Preparation within Education and Special Needs Education-Introduction to Theory of Science, Project Planning and Research Plans, Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2013, p. 278-289 ISBN 978-82-7634-977-1

2013 Filipovska, M., Jachova, Z., Participation of hearing-impaired student within the inclusive classroom, VII International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, 2013, p. 177-184

2013 Jachova, Z., Stojkovska-Aleksovska R., The role of assistive technology in the process of individualization of teaching in inclusive schools, Skopje: Open the Windows ISBN 978-608-4602-05-7

2012 Advisor – Jachova, Z. Report- Garner, P., Forbes, F., Fergusson, A., Aspland, T. and Datta, P., Curriculum, assessment and reporting in special educational needs and disability: A thematic overview of recent literature

2011 Јачова З., Ковачева О., Каровска, А. Разлики меѓу знаковните јазици (ASL, BSL, MZL), Круг, Скопје, 2011 ISBN 978-9989-2595-5-5

2011 Kovachevic, J., Jachova, Z., Teacher’s competence in inclusive education, Proceedings of the VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The Modern Society and Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Ss. Kliment Ohridski, Skopje, 2011, p.457-463 ISBN: 978-9989-823-33-6

2011 Jachova, Z., The role of parents in the building of school inclusive culture, Proceedings of the VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The Modern Society and Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Ss. Kliment Ohridski, Skopje, 2011, p. 451-456 ISBN: 978-9989-823-33-6

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Observing classroom participation of a student with a cohlear implant in mainstream settings, Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, vol.5, No.4, 2010, p. 377-386 ISSN: 17888-2591(Online) ISSN: 1788-2583 (Print)

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska., A., Dimovic, J., A child with a Cochlear Implant within mainstream settings, Proceedings of the Conference Special education and Rehabilitation – Science and/or Practice, Sombor, 2010, p. 655-673ISBN 978-86-913605-1-1

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Standardization of the Macedonian Sign Language with the purpose of improving deaf education, Proceedings of Conference for Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part 1. Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, 2010 p. 259-268 ISBN 978-86-80113-98-2

 2010 Jachova, Z., Kovachevic, J., Cochlear implants in the inclusive classroom: a case study , Support for Learning, British Journal of Learning Support, vol. 1, p. 33-37 ISSN 0268-2141

2009 Јачова, З., Каровска, А., Дете со кохлеарен имплант во инклузивната училница-приказ на случај, Круг, Скопје, 2009 ISBN 978-9989-2595-3-1

2009 Angeloska-Galevska, N., Jacova, Z., Action Research in the Inclusive Classroom’. Stefanc, D., Harasimowicz, B.(eds). Social Context of Education, Ljubljana:Facultyof Arts. 2009, p.179-184 ISBN 978-961-237-337-5

2009 Jacova, Z., Karovska A., 2009, Interaction of a child with a Cochlear Implant in the Inclusive Classroom, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries: Policy and Practice, 2009, p. 299-307 ISBN: 978-960-467-198-4

2009 Angeloska – Galevska, N., Jacova, Z., Qualitative Research of Inclusive Practise, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries: Policy and Practice, p. 299-307 ISBN: 978-960-467-198-4

2009 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Specifics in the vocabulary of the students with hearing impirments, Defektology, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Tuzla, Vol.15, No. 2, p.117-124 ISSN: 1512-6994

2009 Nedovich G., Jachova, Z., Rapajich D., Social functioning of children with malignant diseases, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (3-4), 2009, p.7-27 UDK: 376.2-053.2

2008 Jachova, Z., Inclusive Education of children with Hearing Impairment, Journal of Social Politics, Skopje (1), 2008 p.68-76 ISSN 1857-6052 UDK 364

2008 Jachova, Z., Kovacheva O., Karovska, A., Differences between American Sign language (ASL) and British Sign language (BSL), Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (1-2), 2008, p. 41-54 ISSN: 1409-6099 UDK:159.925.8-056.263

2008 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Analysis of interaction between teachers and children within the inclusive classroom, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (3-4), p. 7-22 ISSN: 1409-6099 UDK:376.353-053.5

2008 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., A child with Cochlear Implant in the Inclusive classroom, Proceedings of Conference for Inclusion- Dilemma in Theory and Practice, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, 2008, p. 347-361 ISBN 978-86-80113-71-5

2007 Bartollo, P., Blake, C., Jacova, Z., International Perspectives on SEN and Inclusion, Support for Learning, British Journal of Learning Support , Vol. 22-2, 2007, p. 50-51 ISSN (Print):0268-2141 ISSN (Online):1467-9604

2007 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Early diagnosis as a precondition for a successful cochlear implantation, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (3-4), 2007, p.41-48 ISSN:1409-6099

2007 Curriculum for primary education of Deaf children, Ministry of Education, Skopje

2006 Jachova, Z. at all., “Workplaces for all”- A pilot study on employment and working conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (3-4), 2006, p. 45-56 ISSN:1409-6099

2006 Karovska, A., Jachova, Z., Transitions of the children with disabilities from the Early Intervention services in the regular school, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (3-4), 2006, p. 37-44 ISSN:1409-6099

2006 Јачова, З., Визуелната перцепција на говорот кај лицата со оштетен слух, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2006 ISBN 9989-934-64-9

2006 Petrov, R. Jachova, Z., Grut, L., Eide Valso, K., Tyrmi, G., “Worplaces for all”- A pilot study on employment and working conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia, SINTEF, Skopje (report)  

2005 Jachova, Z., Collaboration with the parents in the frame of Early Intervention with Hearing impairment children as a basic pre-requisite for choosing the educational model, Educational Reflections, Skopje, (4), p. 66-71 ISSN:1409-5270 UDK:37.01

2005 Curriculum for preschool education of Deaf children, Ministry of Education, Skopje

2004 Jachova, Z., Reading and Writing specifics of the Hearing Impairment children, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy, Vol. 57, Skopje, 2004, p. 593-608 ISSN 0350-1892

2004 Jachova, Z., Inclusive Education of children with Special Needs in Republic of Macedonia, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (1-2), p. 35-46 ISBN: 9989879-01-X

2004 Jachova, Z., Dimitrova Radojchikj, D., Chichevska Jovanova, N., Early Intervention of children with Disabilities, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (1-2), p. 47-59 ISBN: 9989879-01-X

2004 Arnaudova, V., Takashmanova, T., Jachova, Z., Peer interaction in classes which use the concept of Inclusive Education, Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje (1-2), p. 87-98 ISBN: 9989879-01-X

2003 Jachova, Z., Information level of regular school pupils about characteristics of the children with development difficulties, and what are their attitudes towards those children, Annual Conference, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2003, p.90-105 ISBN:954-577-212-3

2003 Jachova, Z., Importance of speechreading in deaf and hard oh hearing pupils education, Annual Conference, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2003, p. 33-46 ISBN:954-577-212-3

2003 Jachova, Z., Comparative analysis of the Curriculum for the deaf schools with the Curriculum in the ordinary schools, Annual Conference, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2003, p. 158-165 ISBN:954-577-212-3

2003 Jachova, Z., Concept of Inclusive Education and teacher’s role in the regular school, Proceedings of Conference for pre-school and regular Education-Condition and perspective, Skopje, 2003, p. 537-545

2003 Jachova, Z., The role of Special Educator in the Codex of Inclusive Practice, Proceedings of Conference for Inclusion of children with Special Needs, Skopje, 2003

2002 Jachova, Z., Influence of Individual Educational Plans for improving the Educational standards for children with Special Educational Needs, Educational Reflections, Skopje, (2-3), 2002, p.5-10

 2002 Јачова, З. и сор., Инклузија на децата со посебни потреби во редовните училишта во Република Македонија, Прирачник за наставниците од редовните училишта, Министерство за образование и наука-УНИЦЕФ, Скопје , 2002 ISBN:9989-939-04-7

2001 Jachova, Z., Comparative analysis of models for integrative education of hearing impaired children, Special pedagogy, Sofia, (1), 2001, p. 3-13 ISSN 1310-7003

2001 Jachova, Z., Reception and elaboration of linguistic’s information in speechreading, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2001, Vol.54 (28), p. 249-262 ISSN 0350-1892

2000 Jachova, Z., Kostikj, V., Trajkovska, V., Trajkovska, V., Articualtion status of pre-school children with impaired hearing ecomprassed by rehabilitation treatment, Defectological theory and practice, Skopje(1-2), 2000 p. 69-84 ISSN: 1409-6099 UDK: 376

2000 Jachova, Z., Pedagogical process in Speechreading, Defectological theory and practice, Skopje (3-4), 2000 p. 47-58 ISSN: 1409-6099 UDK: 376

2000 Jachova, Z., Historical review and perspectives of speechreading, Defectological Theory and Practice, Skopje(3-4), 2000 p. 183-192 ISSN: 1409-6099 UDK: 376

2000 Jachova, Z., Leshkovski, I., Inclusion of children with Special Needs in the mainstream School, Sub-regional workshop Central and Eastern Europe, UNESCO CEPES, Bucharest, Romania

2000 Garner, P., Jachova, Z., Mainstream teachers and inclusion. A cronic case of Nimsa (not in my subject area), Proceedings of 5th International Special Education Congress: Including the Excluded, University of Manchester, UK ISBN: 1-903618-13-4

2000 Jachova, Z., Samardjiska Panova, Lj., Ivanovska M., From integration to inclusive education for children with SEN in mainstream School – The Macedonian experience, Proceedings of 5th International Special Education Congress: Including the Excluded, Manchester, 2000, University of Manchester, UK ISBN: 1-903618-13-4

2000 Jachova, Z., Samardjiska Panova, Lj., Leshkovski I., Inclusion of the children with Special Educational Needs-Macedonian experience, Educational reflexion, Skopje (3-4), 2000 p. 10-14

1999 Jachova, Z., From integration to inclusive education for children with Special Educational Needs in Macedonia, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy, Vol.52 (26) Skopje, 1999, p. 409-421 ISSN 0350-1892

1998 Ajdinski, Lj., Jachova, Z., Dimitrova, D., Chichevska, N., Social and economical aspects of the education for children with Special Educational Needs in present condition of transition, Proceedings of Conference for Transition of society and Education, Skopje, 1998, p. 344-352 ISBN:9989-00000000

1997 Jachova, Z., Soltirova, E., Ikonomova, S., Chichevska, N., Georgieva, N., Pre-school upbringing of children with developmental difficulties-condition for successful integrational education, Defectological theory and practice, Skopje, Vol, 1 (4), 1997, p. 9-21

1996 Jachova, Z., Problems in the reading of deaf children, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, Vol.48 (22), 1996, p.103-110 ISSN 0350-1892

Презентирани трудови/предавања:

2018 Kovačević, J., Radovanović, V., Jachova, Z., Bogavac, D. (2018). Inclusive Culture-The Basis for Modern Quality Education. Modern Approaches to the Professional Development and Work of Preschool and Primary School Teachers. Book of abstracts. Belgrade, 25.5.2018, p. 121-122. ISBN: 978-86-7849-253-2 

2017 Ristovska, L., Jachova, Z., Filipovski, R., Psychoacustic tinnitus evaluation as an integral part of audiological examination, Book of apstract, 4 th Macedonian ENT Congress with International Participation, Ohrid , 2017, p.116 ISSN 0025-1097

2015 Jachova, Z., Inclusion of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Department of Special and Rehabilitation Pedagogy/Department of Speech and language therapy (lecture)

2015 Kovačević, J., Jachova, Z., Creating Inclusive Practice, Proceedings of 10th International Balkan Education and Science Congress “Education and Globalization”, Ohrid, 2015, p.191 ISBN 978-9989-823-49-7

2015 Jachova, Z., Kovačević, J., The challenges in inclusive education of children with SEN, Proceedings of 10th International Balkan Education and Science Congress “Education and Globalization”, Ohrid, 2015, p.201 ISBN 978-9989-823-49-7

2014 Jachova, Z., Damovska, L., Filipovska, M., Attitudes of preschool teachers towards inclusion of children with special needs in regular preschool facilities, Proceedings VIII International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, 2014, p.104 ISBN:978-86-6203-054-2

2014 Jachova, Z., Karovska Ristovska A., Filipovska M., Attitudes of teachers in regular schools toward inclusion of children with autism, First Simposium“Scientific Achievements and Practice Implementation”, Struga, 2014, Macedonia

2014 Jachova, Z., Karovsка Ristovska, A., Filipovska, M., Psychological baze of the signs in Macedonian sign language, Book of apstracts, International Conference on Theory and Practice in Pshychology, Skopje, 2014, p. 141

2013 Jachova, Z., Karovska Ristovska, A., Lexicostatistical analysis of the American, Macedonian and Serbian Sign Language, 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Ohrid, 2013, p. 267 ISBN:978-608-238-026-1

2013 Stojkovska Aleksova, R., Jachova, Z., Importance of the assessment model in the application of the assistive technology in students with special educational needs included in the inclusive education, 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Ohrid, 2013, p.225 ISBN:978-608-238-026-1

2013 Andova Stojanova, V., Jachova, Z., Creating a modern system for early intervention as a support in the process of inclusion, 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, 2013, Ohrid, p.33 ISBN:978-608-238-026-1

2013 Filipovska, M., Jachova, Z., Social interaction of a student with hearing impairment within the inclusive classroom, 4th International conference “Modern aspects of special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities”, Ohrid, 2013, p. 128 ISBN:978-608-238-026-1

2013 Stojkovska Aleksova, R., Jachova, Z., Needs assessment model on assistive technology use for students with cerebral palsy from an inclusive school environment, VII International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, 2013, p.137 ISBN: 978-86-6203-032-0

2013 Filipovska, M., Jachova, Z., Participation of hearing-impaired student within the inclusive classroom, VII International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, 2013, p. 101 ISBN: 978-86-6203-032-0

2013 Jachova, Z., Filipovska, M., The Leadership of the Special educator in the Management of the Inclusive Classroom with Hearing-Impaired Children, Book of apstract of 22nd Annual Conference “Educational Leadership: bridging the gap(s) between theory and practice, Portorož, 2013, p.42

2012 Jachova, Z., Stojmenova, M., Problems in written expression of Hearing Impaired Children, VI International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, p.40 ISBN 978-86-6203-030-6

2012 Jachova, Z., Andova Stojanova V., The model of early intervention as a fundamental precondition for successful inclusion, VI International Scientific Conference – “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Belgrade, 2012, p. 20 ISBN 978-86-6203-030-6

2011 Jachova, Z., Creating Inclusive Culture, V International Scientific Conference- “Special Education and Rehabilitation- Today”, Zlatibor, 2011, p. 31 ISBN: 978-86-6203-016-0

2011 Jachova, Z., Psyhological bazis of American, Macedonian and Serbian Sign Language, V International Scientific Conference “Special Education and Rehabilitation-Today”, Zlatibor, 2011, p. 17 ISBN: 978-86-6203-016-0

2010 Jachova, Z., Observing Classroom Participation of a Student with a Cochlear Implant in mainstream settings, 3rd International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education-Intercultural Communication, Multicultural Education, Bekescaba, Hungary, 2010, p.69 ISBN:978-963-88422-6-8

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Participation of the student with a Cochlear implant in the Inclusive classroom, International Conference for Education, Rehabilitation and Employment of the people with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Bitola, 2010, p. 78 ISBN: 978-9989-6949-0-9

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Vasilevska, I., Attitudes of the teacher towards working with a child with a Cochlear implant, International Conference for Education, Rehabilitation and Employment of the people with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Bitola, 2010, p. 80 ISBN: 978-9989-6949-0-9

2010 Cakich, M., Jachova, Z., Problems of persons with hearing impaired in Republic of Macedonia, International Conference for Education, Rehabilitation and Employment of the people with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Bitola, 2010, p. 134 ISBN: 978-9989-6949-0-9

2010 Jachova, Z., Karovska., A., Dimovic, J., A child with a Cochlear Implant within mainstream settings, Proceedings of the Conference Special education and Rehabilitation – Science and/or Practice, Sombor, 2010, p. 71 ISBN 978-86-913605-2-8

2009 Jacova, Z., Karovska, A., Interaction of a child with a cochlear implant in the inclusive classroom, 12th International Conference Inclusive Education in Balkan Countries-Policy and practice, Ohrid, 2009, p.56 ISBN: 978-608-4508-22-9

2009 Angelovska-Galevska N., Jacova, Z., Qualitative research of inclusive practice, 12th International Conference Inclusive Education in Balkan Countries -Policy and practice, Ohrid, 2009, p.13 ISBN: 978-608-4508-22-9

2008 Jachova, Z., Competences of the special educator in the Inclusive Education, Conference of Role of the special educator and rehabilitator in the institutional and uninstitutional treatment of the children with SEN, Skopje, 2008, p. 84 ISBN: 608-4508-05-7

2008 Jachova, Z., Angelovska-Galevska N., Karovska, A., The role of special educator in the inclusive process-case study of a child with a cochlear implant, Conference of Role of the special educator and rehabilitator in the institutional and uninstitutional treatment of the children with SEN, Skopje, 2008, p. 92 ISBN: 608-4508-05-7

2008 Cvetkovska E., Jachova, Z., Multidisciplinary approach as a basic precondition for a successful inclusion of the children with epilepsy, Conference of Role of the special educator and rehabilitator in the institutional and uninstitutional treatment of the children with SEN, Skopje, 2008, p.108 ISBN: 608-4508-05-7

2008 Arnaudova V., Jachova, Z., Peer interactions in a class within inclusive settings, Conference of Role of the special educator and rehabilitator in the institutional and uninstitutional treatment of the children with SEN, Skopje, 2008, p. 94 ISBN: 608-4508-05-7

2008 Jachova, Z., Karovska, A., Analysis of the models of support of the children with hearing impairment within the inclusive classroom, Conference of Role of the special educator and rehabilitator in the institutional and uninstitutional treatment of the children with SEN, Skopje, 2008, p.126 ISBN: 608-4508-05-7


2007 Jachova, Z., Macedonian Deaf Education, SIGNO- Foundation, Conference for Bilingual Education, Oslo, Norway

2006 Jachova, Z., The teacher’s attitudes about Inclusive Education in Mainstream Schools, Conference for Teaching Training in preschool and primary Education, Faculty for Teaching Training, Struga, Macedonia

2006 Jachova, Z., Inclusive Education in Republic of Macedonia, OBBESSU Conference, Alternatives in pedagogy, Vienna, March, 2006, Austria 

2005 Jachova, Z., The problems of Deaf Education, Conference about Deaf Education, National Association for disability persons in Republic of Macedonia, Skopje

2005 Jachova, Z., Early intervention for Deaf children, Conference about Rehabilitation for Deaf children, Association for Deaf persons in Republic of Macedonia, Skopje

2003 Jachova, Z., Macedonian Inclusive Education, Conference for Inclusion-Legislation and Practice, Oslo, Norway

2003 Jachova, Z., The role of special educators in the frame of Codex for Inclusive Practice, Conference for Education for All, ЕducAid, Skopje

2003 Jachova, Z., Information level of regular school pupils about characteristics of the children with Special Needs, and what are their attitudes towards those children, Conference for News in Upbringing, Education and Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Ohrid, 2003, Macedonia p.61 ISBN 9989-934-22-3

2003 Jachova, Z., Inclusive Education of children with Special Needs in Republic of Macedonia, Conference for News in Upbringing, Education and Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Ohrid, 2003, p. 35 ISBN 9989-934-22-3

2003 Jachova, Z., Dimitrova Radojchikj, D., Chichevska Jovanova, N., Early Intervention of children with Disabilities, Ohrid, 2003, p. 38 ISBN 9989-934-22-3

2003 Arnaudova, V., Takashmanova, T., Jachova, Z., Peer interaction in classes which use the concept of Inclusive Education, Conference for News in Upbringing, Education and Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Ohrid, 2003, p. 51 ISBN 9989-934-22-3

2003 Takashmanova, T., Kopachev, D., Petrov, R., Jachova, Z., The self-esteem in Deaf adolescents, Conference for News in Upbringing, Education and Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Ohrid, 2003, p.196 ISBN 9989-934-22-3

2002 Jachova, Z., Influence of the Informative Program about the Characteristics of Children with Hearing Impairment, Conference for Integration and Inclusion for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People, Ljubljana, December, 2002, Slovenia

2002 Jachova, Z., Concept of Inclusive Education and teacher’s role in the regular school, Conference for pre-school and regular Education-Condition and perspective, Ohrid, 2002, Macedonia

2001 Jachova, Z., Information level of regular school pupils about characteristics of the children with development difficulties, and what are their attitudes towards those children, Annual Conference, Shumen, 2001, Bulgaria

2001 Jachova, Z., Importance of speechreading in deaf and hard of hearing pupils education, Annual Conference, Shumen, 2001, Bulgaria

2001 Jachova, Z., Comparative analysis of the Curriculum for the deaf schools with the Curriculum in the ordinary schools, Annual Conference, Shumen, 2001, Bulgaria

2001 Jachova, Z., Sign language in Macedonia, Simposium for Sign Language&Deaf Culture, Zagreb, 2001, p.53 ISBN:953-6418-18-5 UDK:376.33(063)(048)

2001 Jachova, Z., Education of Deaf Chidren and Youth in Macedonia, Simposium for Sign Language&Deaf Culture, Zagreb, 2001, p.62 ISBN:953-6418-18-5 UDK:376.33(063)(048)

2000 Philip G., Jachova, Z., Mainstream teachers and inclusion. A cronic case of Nimsa (not in my subject area), International Special Education Congress: Including the Excluded, Manchester, UK, 2000, p.178

2000 Jachova, Z., Samardjiska Panova, Lj., Ivanovska M., From integration to inclusive education for children with SEN in mainstream School – The Macedonian experience, International Special Education Congress: Including the Excluded, Manchester, 2000, Manchester, UK

1998 Jachova, Z., The problem of Colerative Relation between Comprenhension of the text read aloud and silently and its interpretation of the deaf pupils, Symposium for hearing and Speech Pathology and Education of children with developmental difficulties, November, Belgrade, 1998, Yugoslavia

1996 Jachova, Z., Soltirova, E., Ikonomova, S., Chichevska, N., Georgieva, N., Pre-school upbringing of children with developmental difficulties-condition for successful integrational education, Symposium for early detection, diagnostic, treatment and pre-school education of children with developmental difficulties, November, Struga, 1996, p.17

1995 Jachova, Z., The pedagogically, psychologically and sociologically function of education in the boarding school for the deaf pupils, Symposium for “Education in the boarding school”, Struga, 1995, Macedonia

1994 Jachova, Z., The deaf children and it’s family, Symposium on Family and Education Today, May, Struga, 1994, Macedonia

1993 Jachova, Z., Something problems in the making to speech of the deaf pre-school children, Symposium for Hearing and Speech Pathology and Education of children with developmental difficulties, Belgrade, 1993, Yugoslavia