
- (02) 3 116 520, лок. 258
- понеделник 11:00–13:00 четврток 12:00–14:00
- alma@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- профил на ризницата на УКИМ
д-р Алма Тасевска
Проф. д–р Алма Тасевска е родена 1982 година во Скопје. Додипломски студии запишува на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје, на студиската програма по Педагогија. Дипломира во 2004 година со просек 9,64. Во 2005 година запишува последипломски студии (предучилишна насока) и истите ги завршува со просек 10,00. По одбрана на магистерскиот труд во јуни 2008 година, со наслов: „Валдорфската педагошка концепција, теоретски основи и дидактичко-методска организација”, се стекнува со научен степен магистер по педагошки науки. Докторската дисертација на тема „Игровната активност како методски концепт во првиот образовен циклус” ја брани во април 2012 година на Филозофскиот факултет при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје, со што се стекнува со звањето доктор на педагошки науки.
Во март 2006 година е избрана за помлад асистент во областите: Педагогија, Методика и Дидактика на Институтот за педагогија при Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје. Во звањето доцент е избрана во септември 2012 година, а од ноември 2017 година работи како вонреден професор при Институт за педагогија на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје. Проф. д-р Алма Тасевска остварила студиски престои и научно-истражувачка работа на реномирани универзитети во Германија, Холандија, Хрватска.
Таа е член на следниве комисии и работни групи: Комисија за меѓународна соработка на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје; Комисија за лиценцирање на вработени во детските градинки, при Министерство за труд и социјална политика; Работна група за развој на моделот на (ре)лиценцирање на вработени во детските градинки, УНИЦЕФ и Министерство за труд и социјална политика; Подпретседател на Комисија за верификација на процесот на лиценцирање на вработени во детските градинки, при Министерство за труд и социјална политика; Работна група за изработка на национална стратегија за дијаспора, сектор за образование; Комисија за уредување на Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје.
Својата научно-истражувачка работа ја развива преку учество на бројни национални и меѓународни проектни активности, како што се:
– Fostering Accessible Study Technologies (FAST): Accessible Learning Management System in Humanities and Social Sciences, Project Reference: 2018-1-MK01-KA203-047104 (2019-present)
– Positive parenting Campaign, UNICEF-office, Skopje, 2018-2019
– Development of competences for kindergarten teachers, UNICEF office-Skopje, 2018-2019
– INO4EDU, UNICEF & Smart up-Social innovation lab, creating a national online platform for play-based tools and materials for teachers and parents, 2018-2019
– Strengthening the role of civil society in assuring Equity and Excellence in Early childhood, Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, 2018
– Creating Profile Descriptor for Mentor Teachers, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe-Mission to Skopje (OSCE), the Democratic Governance Unit, 2016-2017
– Improving Roma Employment Through Education and Training IPA-4, GRANT N0. 12-9134 / 1, Europe Aid / 135012 / M / ACT / MK, REF-Roma educational found-Budapest, 2016-2017
– Networking of pedagogues from the Republic of Macedonia and research of educational needs for strengthening their professional competences, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, UKIM, Skopje, 2015-2016
– Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIEP), USAID & Macedonian Civic Education Centre (MCEC), 2015-2017
– Anchoring Multiethnic Youth Work in the University Curriculum for Future Teachers, Civil Peace Service Project, Centre for Balkan Cooperation LOJA & Bildungs und Begegnungsstӓtte fur gewaltfreie Aktione.V. KURVE Wustrow, 2013-2017
– Strengthening the Pre-Service Teacher Training System in a Multi-Ethnic Society, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe-Mission to Skopje (OSCE), Democratic Governance Unit, 2011-2015
– Communities for learning, Readers are Leaders, USAID & The Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia, 2015-2017
– External Evaluator in the “Youth in Action” Program, National Agency for Educational Programs and Mobility, R. of Macedonia, 2012-2013
Проф. д-р Алма Тасевска активно учествува и води бројни семинари и работилници од областа на нејзиниот истражувачки интерес:
– Socio-emotional development, British Embassy-Skopje & UNICEF office-Skopje, 2019
– Strengthening functional Pre-school education system in Serbia, UNICEF and World Bank Vrdnik, Serbia, December 2017
– Mathematics + within the project Reading to Leadership, USAID & Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, 2016- 2017
– Reading, Learning and Entertaining within the project Reading to Leadership, USAID & Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, 2017
– Creating a descriptor for a mentor for practical teaching, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe-Mission to Skopje (OSCE), Democratic Governance Unit, Skopje, 2016
– Strengthening the professional competencies of educators and caregivers for work in Roma communities, IPA 4 – Grant Scheme for Macedonia, Improving Roma Employment through Education and Training, Roma Educational Fund-Budapest and Ambrela, Skopje, 2016
– Integration of Multicultural Learning in Teaching, USAID & MCEC, Skopje, 2016
– Our Reading-the-World within the project Reading to Leadership, USAID & Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, 2016
– Community Learning Workshops within the project Reading to Leadership, USAID & Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, 2016-2017
– Integrated planning in kindergartens within the project Mosaic model for integrated, multicultural education in Macedonia, Centre for common ground, Stip, 2015
– Co-operation between educators and caregivers in kindergartens, JUDG Spring-Skopje, Skopje,2015
– Reading to Leadership within the project Reading to Leadership, USAID & Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives Step by Step, Ohrid, 2015
– Pedagogical Conception by Maria Montessori, Macedonian Montessori Association-Skopje, 2014
– Criteria for the selection of mentors for practical classes, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe-Mission to Skopje (OSCE), Democratic Governance Unit, Strumica, 2012
Проф. д-р Алма Тасевска зборува англиски и германски јазик.
Истражувачки интереси: Од 2006 година до денес, проф. д-р Алма Тасевска активно се бави со педагошка проблематика во сегментот на предучилишна и рана-училишна возраст.
Проф. д-р Алма Тасевска реализира настава и вежби по предметите на првиот циклус студии:
На првиот циклус студии:
[ПЕ404З/18; СС202З/18 ] Семејна педагогија
На вториот циклус студии:
[ПЕ1023/18] Настава и учење
[ПЕ212И/18] Професионалниот развој на воспитувачите
[ПЕ213И/18] Игровни стратегии за учење и развој
[ФПЕ113И/18] Позитивно родителство
[MO1013/18] Менаџмент и претприемништво во образованието
[МО210И/18] Управување со ефективна градинка
На третиот циклус студии:
[ПЕД01] Алтернативни пристапи во раното учење и развој
[ПЕД05] Индикатори на квалитетот за рано образование
[ПЕД09] Компатибилноста на програмските подрачја во предучилишна и рана училишна возраст
[ПЕД13] Методски приоди на игровната активност
На ППМ – доквалификација:
[ПД043] Педагошка практика
[ПД06И] Училишна организација
The Issue of Parental Competences in the Context of Early Childhood Development, Sozialarbeit des Südens, Paulo Freire Verlag, Deutshland, 2019
The Role of Digital Games in Children’s Life, Teaching innovations, XXXII, Vol. 32, No 4, 2019/4, (97-108), Teacher Education Faculty, University of Belgrade, SERBIA, UDK 794.088.2:159.922.72, doi: 10.5937/inovacije1904097R, 2019
Competences of the educators for following and valuing early learning and development of children , 14-th International Balkan Education and Science Congress: Quality in contemporary educational processes, Concepts, Strategies, Implementation, Evaluation, 2019
Strengthening the services in early childhood development in the Roma communities, European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 54-60, mar. 2018. ISSN 2312-8429. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.26417/ejser.v5i1.p54-60.
Analyzing the Issue of the Didactic Aspect of the Activity of Play. ICSS 13-th International Conference on Social Sciences, Conference Proceedings, Volume II: European Centre for Science Education and Research. (pg. 282-292). ISBN 978-88-909161-2-0 2017
Analyzing educational concept for safe secondary schools in Republic of Macedonia (good practices, conclusions, recommendations), (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education., Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016.
Analyzing the issue of respecting the developmental possibilities and activity-planning in early childhood development.University “Goce Delcev“-Stip: Faculty of Educational Science. UDK: 373. (pg. 223-227) ISBN 978-608-244-275-4, 2016
Comparative analysis of programs for pre-school educators in Europe, University “Goce Delcev“-Stip: Faculty of Educational Science. UDK: 378.091.12-051 (4) (pg. 196-202) ISBN 978-608-244-275-4, 2016
The issue of rhythm as a strategy in the planning of the Waldorf pedagogy, Annuaire of Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje, Volume 69. ISSN 0350-1892, 2016
Analyzing preschool education through the prism of the holistic approach, International Journal for Education, Research and Training. Volume 1 Issue 1. (pg. 92-104) ISSN 1867-9841 (Printed). ISSN 1867-985X (Online). UDK: 373.2.014.3 (497.7), 2015
Research the process of development of the multicultural competencies of the students future pre-school educators, teachers and pedagogues. University “Ss Cyril and Methodius“-Skopje: Faculty of Pedagogy „St. Kliment Ohridski“ – Skopje, Macedonia (pg. 788-799) ISBN 978-9989-823-64-0, 2015
Research a practical teaching as a model for developing the pedagogical competences-states and perspectives. FIRST International Conference „Practicum of Future Pedagogues, Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers in Multicultural Environments – Experiences and Challenges“ (PFRTKTME) (pg 363-376) ISBN 978-608-238-086-5, 2015
Research the process of development of Intercultural Competences at University Level. YILDIZ International Conference on Educational Research and Social Sciences Proceedings Book: Istanbul: Pegem Akademi, Yildiz Technical University. (pg. 362-371). ISBN 978-605-318-079-1, 2015
Analyzing the Conceptual and Systematic Setting of the Practical Teaching in the Republic of Macedonia (Model and Experiences), (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. Volume 2, Issue.2, December (2014) ISSN 2334-847X (printed), ISSN 2334-8496 (online).
Analyzing requirements for reorganization of the first cycle of primary education in the republic of Macedonia, (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. Volume 2, Issue.1, June (2014) ISSN 2334-847X (printed), ISSN 2334-8496 (online).
Research professional competences of kindergarten teachers in R. Macedonia regarding the physical and health development of children aged between 0 to 6, Conference proceedings, 1-st International scientific conference: research in physical education, sport and health, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health. (pg 503-507) UDC: 373. (497.7)ISSN: 1857-8152 (Print), ISSN: 1857-8160 (Online), 2014
Research contemporary strategies for the development of critical thinking in the first cycle of primary education, Conference proceedings of the Second International Conference Education across borders „Critical Thinking in Education“ 31 October-1 November, Korce, Albania. (pg 261-269) ISBN 9789928146274 (Printed), ISBN 978992814619 (Online), 2014
Analyzing the Program Ordering of Pre-School Education: States and Perspectives, Conference proceedings of the International Conference Education between tradition and modernity, International Symposium: Education between Tradition and Modernity. Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Pedagogy. Vol. 1 (pg. 239-246). ISBN 978-608-238-011-7 (Vol. 1), ISBN 978-608-238-012-4 (Vol. 2), 2013
Research strategic, Conceptual, and Systematic Changes in the Elementary Education in R. Macedonia (States and Perspectives). Annuaire of Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje, Vol. 66. ISSN 0350-1892, 2013
Strategic, Conceptual, and Systematic Changes in the Elementary Education in R. Macedonia (States and Perspectives). Annuaire of Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje, Vol. 66. ISSN 0350-1892, 2013
Analyzing the Educational Reforms in the First Cycle of Primary Education in the Republic of Macedonia, Conference proceedings of the15th international conference: Educational Reforms in the 21 Century in the Balkan Countries. Organised by the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, The University of South-East Europe Lumina. Bucharest, Romania (pg. 86-93). ISBN 978-606-93743-0-3, 2012
Analyzing contemporary Approaches in the Process of Educating the Pupils with Special Educational Needs . Association of Defectologists of R. Macedonia, Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Faculty of Philosophy-“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje, Institute of Defectology. (pg. 112-120) ISBN 978-608-4508-91-5, 2012
Contemporary Approaches in the Process of Educating the Pupils with Special Educational Needs, Association of Defectologists of R. Macedonia, Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Faculty of Philosophy – “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje, Institute of Defectology, 2012
Didactic-methodic modelling of the play activities the early school age. Annuaire of Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje, Vol. 65. ISSN 0350-1892, 2012