Institute of Sociology
The Institute of Sociology was established in 1975 as an educational and academic study group of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, and October of that same year marked the beginning of the undergraduate studies in Sociology for the first time ever in Macedonia. Special contribution in the establishment of the Institute of Sociology (at that time, an educational and academic study group of Sociology) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje – and, thus, in the institutionalization of sociology in Macedonia – was made by our respected colleagues, professors Desanka Miljoska, PhD; Blaga Petroska, PhD, the first Institute of Sociology Chair; and Petre Georgievski, PhD. Together with professors Marija Taševa, PhD and Gjorgje Mladenovski, PhD, then teaching assistants, they helped to fully implement the first Macedonian academic curriculum in Sociology.
At the Institute of Sociology, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje,
Sociology is taught at all levels of study – first, second and third, in accordance
with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The aim of the studies in
Sociology is to prepare young sociologists who will study not only society in
all its aspects, but also the modern tendencies of its dynamic development.
This aim is cultivated from the very beginning of the studies, and it is
operationalized in all the curricula, from the first in 1975, to the latest in
2018. By mastering special subjects of a general-theoretical, methodological
and specialized nature through highly relevant academic content, students
acquire skills that prepare them to teach Sociology, perform the tasks of a
sociologist as a professional associate in high schools, as well as
independently explore our multifaceted, often incongruous, but vibrant social
reality. On designing the study programs, in addition to the conditions and
needs of the Macedonian society, also taken into account are the current
tendencies and achievements of sociological schools in the region, and on a
wider European scale.
The first cycle studies (undergraduate studies) last 4 years or 8 semesters and have 240 ECTS credits. Undergraduate studies are organized in 6 modules: population and sustainable development, politics and communications, European integration, research and analysis, culture and sociology of ethnic groups, and the final exam is the defense of a diploma thesis. Upon graduation, the student acquires the title of graduate sociologist.
The second cycle studies last one year or two semesters, have 60 ECTS credits and students can choose between the three offered courses: culture and religion, economics and human resources development, modern Macedonian society. The final exam is the preparation and defense of a master’s thesis with which the student acquires the title of master in sociological sciences.
The Institute of Sociology offers another second cycle study: European Integration Studies, which also lasts a year or two semesters and carries 60 ECTS credits. Here, too, the final exam is the preparation and defense of a master’s thesis, and with the successful completion of the studies, the students come up with the title of master in European studies for integration.
The third cycle studies at the Institute of Sociology are an integral part of the School for Doctoral Studies at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. They last 3 years and carry 180 ECTS credits. Upon completion of these studies, students acquire the title of Doctor in the field of social sciences in the field of sociology.
In addition to teaching, the Institute of Sociology has implemented a number of scientific research projects that are of fundamental importance for Macedonian science and society, such as: “Sociological aspects of ethnic coexistence in the Republic of Macedonia” (1993-1997, led by prof. Dr. Marija Tasheva), “The problems of expatriates from Macedonia – the family life of Macedonian expatriates in Canada and their ethnic identity” (1995-1996, led by Prof. Dr. Blaga Petroska), “Changes in the social structure in the Republic Macedonia with special emphasis on higher education “(1995-1998, led by Prof. Dr. Petre Georgievski),” Macedonian Society in Transition “(1995-1997, led by Prof. Dr. Ilija Aceski),” European values in the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia ”(led by Prof. Dr. Antoanela Petkovska),as well as international scientific research projects such as “European Values Study” – “European Values Research” (2008-2012, 2017-, led by Prof. Dr. Antoanela Petkovska).
Current teaching staff at the Institute of Sociology: seven full professors – Antoanela Petkovska, PhD; Mileva Gjurovska, PhD; Zoran Matevski, PhD; Vesna Dimitrievska, PhD; Ilo Trajkovski, PhD; Anica Dragović, PhD; and Konstantin Minoski, PhD; and two associate professors: Marija Drakulovska – Čukalevska, PhD; and Tatjana Stojanovska Ivanova, PhD.
Teaching Staff
ECTS Coordinator/Librarian:

Viktorija Petrovska
Junior Library Associate
Phone: +389 2 3116 520 ext. 125