Research resources
The scientific infrastructure at the Faculty of Philosophy also consists of electronic databases of academic resources, which are indispensable support for the needs of distance learning. The JSTOR Online Academic Paper Database includes access to all collections of JSTOR journals (approximately 3,000 scholarly journals) as well as access to e-books (approximately 35,000 books). Additionally, access to the ARTSTOR database is provided, which offers 3 million images from leading museums, photo archives, including rare and important collections not available elsewhere and covering a wide range of disciplines, presented together with a set of specialized tools for teaching and learning. The Faculty of Philosophy is continuously working on improving the scientific research infrastructure and increasing the access to as many e-databases of academic resources as possible.
Access to e-resources:

Qualtrix is a powerful online research tool that will enable students, researchers and other staff at the Faculty of Philosophy to create complex research that meets a variety of needs. You can use this tool to set up surveys, collect data, and distribute and analyze responses. Qualtrix is tailored to the institutional characteristics of the Faculty of Philosophy, so respondents can see through the web link that leads to the questionnaire, the logo of the Faculty of Philosophy and the e-mail address that the research is from a known source, ie the Faculty of Philosophy.
Access to Qualtrix is provided for all students and staff of the Faculty of Philosophy from 15.12.2020 to 14.12.2021.

The Cambridge University Press publishes a number of renowned humanities and social science journals available electronically via Cambridge Core.

ARSTOR (off-campus for students: for off-campus access, students should send an email to with the title of the index number)

Elgar Online (off-campus – send email for details)

EBSCO (off-campus – send e-mail for details)

The ERIC (Information Center for Educational Resources) is the most widely used index in the world for educational literature.
Access outside the campus (send e-mail for details)

Academic Search Complete is the most valuable and comprehensive scientific, multidisciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, conferences, etc. The database contains PDF content from as far back as 1887, with the majority of full-text titles in PDF format (which can be searched).
Access outside the campus (send e-mail for details)