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Dr. Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska
Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska was born in 1974 in Skopje. She graduated (1997) and received her master’s degree (2007) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. She was engaged as a demonstrator from 2000 to 2003 at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. In November 2003 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior teaching assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “Interactive models for developing teachers’ didactic competencies” in December 2011 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, earning her the title of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. She was elected assistant professor in March 2012, and associate professor in December 2016.
Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska has realized study stays at:
– University of Split, Croatis, Erasmus+, „Pedagogical Competencies for Artistic Awakening“ (PCAA). KA1- Learning Mobility of Individuals, KA102-VET learner and staff mobility. Association Children’s World; University of Split-Split, Croatia; SPIELSTATT-Wien, Austria. (2018-2019);
– University of Ljubljana, R. Slovenia (2018);
– University of Javaskula, Finland, Study visit training in the framework of Leonardo da Vinchi mobility project. IPSOVTIM – Improving pedagogical skills of VET teachers in Macedonia. (Number: MKLLP-LDV-A.2.4.-2013-0012) 2013 in Jyvaskyla, Finland, by the Teacher Education College of JAMK University of Applied Sciences. (2013);
– La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. Sapienza University of Rome Department of Dynamic and Clinica Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy. (2012);
– University of Budapest, R. Hungary. (2003);
– University of Ljubljana, R. Slovenia (2000);
– University of Podgorica, R. Montenegro (1998)
Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska was a member of expert teams in the Ministry of Education and Science of RS Macedonia, the Bureau for Development of Education of RS Macedonia, the Center for Vocational and Training of RS Macedonia. Expert in the national project “Support for the reforms in the primary education of the Republic of Macedonia”, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia and Nansen Dialogue Center Skopje. (2017-2018). Participates in the preparation of a national document Strategy for Vocational Education and Training in the Republic of Macedonia 2012-2020, in cooperation with the ETF (European Training Foundation), Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia, Center for Vocational Education and Training (2012-2013).
She was a member of the organizing and editorial board of international scientific conferences in Ohrid-Skopje, Macedonia (2009, 2011, 2014); editor in “Zivot i škola” Časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i education. Izdavač: Faculty of Educational Sciences, University Josipa Jurja Strossmayera in Osijek. ISSN: 0044-4855 (Printed) ISSN: 1849-0972 (Online) (2019 to date); editor in the Croatian Journal of Education- Croatian Časopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje. Published by: Faculty of Education, Svečiličta and Zagreb. ISSN 1848-5189 (Print), ISSN 1848-5197 (Online). editor of the International Journal of Education, Research and Training. (IJERT) “Ss. Cyril and Methodius ”University, Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy – Department of pedagogy (2015 to date); reviewer of the International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) (2016 to date); President of the Board for Cooperation and Public Trust at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 3 terms (2014 until today).
Tomevska-Ilievska is involved in the work of faculty and professional commissions at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: member of the subcommittee for evaluation of the study program-Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje; member of the Competition Commission for enrollment of students in the first cycle of the study programs at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje; member of the Commission for technical processing of the data of the registered candidates in the Competition for enrollment of students in the first cycle of studies in the study programs of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje; member of the program and organizational board – “Days of pedagogy” (2012 until today); Tomevska-Ilievska participates in commissions and bodies of state and other bodies through her membership in the Board for awarding the state award “Mother Teresa” for 2016.
She is the President of the Institute for European Educational, Socio-Cultural and Economic Policies EUROPE FOR YOU Skopje (2017 until today)
Tomevska-Ilievska has been actively participating as an expert and trainer in numerous international and national educational programs for 20 years. In addition, Dr. Elizbeta Tomevska-Ilievska, as an educational expert, evaluator and researcher was involved in national and international projects and numerous scientific research. She participates in many activities related to educational policy in the field of primary and secondary vocational education and training, and in improving language literacy in early school age in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia.
She speaks English, Serbian and Croatian; involved as amateur in photography and sports.
Research interests: pedagogy, methodology, methodology and statistics.
Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[PE803Z/18; F306I/18] Pedagogical communication
The second cycle of studies:
[PE2013/19; МО2013/19] Planning of scientific research
[PE209I/19] Interactive models for developing pedagogical competencies
[PE220I/19] Quantitative research methods
[МО205И/19] The director as a pedagogical head
[FPE111I/19] Pedagogical work with vulnerable people
[FMO108I/19] Managing an interactive process in upbringing and education
The third cycle of studies:
[FZFP2] Methodology of scientific research in education
[PED02] Didactic-methodological approaches to teaching in the field of language and art
[PED06] Interactive competencies – development and implementation
[PED07] Quantitative and qualitative approaches to research of pedagogical phenomena
[PED08] Strategies of visual, graphic and symbolic communication in teaching
On the study program for professional development for acquiring teaching competencies:
[PD033] Methodology
[PD043] Pedagogical practice
[PD05I] School docimology
[PD09I] Pedagogical communication
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2019). Развојот на говорот во интеракција со раното јазично описменување. Прирачник за интерактивна комуникација воспитувач-дете. Скопје: Просветно дело. ISBN:978-9989-0-1253-2.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tonic-Ribarska, J., Trajkovic-Jolevska, S., Ancevska Netkovska, K. and Tofovic Kjamilova, M. (2019) ‘Interactive Models in University Teaching: Application in Pharmacy Education’, International Academic Institute IAI, pp. 225-230
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Stojanovska Ivanova, T. (2019) ‘Educational Models as Pedagogical Support of Safe Schools in Urban Environments ‘, Security Dialogues , 10(1-2), pp. 125-140. ISSN:1857-7172 UDC:364.632:373.5):316.65-057.87(497.7)
Tomevska-ilievska, E. and Geshovska, A. (2019) ‘Pedagogical Assessment of the Development of Children Enrolling in Elementary Education’, Education Journal of Educational Research, 1(1-2), pp. 53-56. ISSN: 2627-3268 (Print) ISSN: 2671-3276 (Online).
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2019) Alternative Models in the Development of Reading. International Conference on Science and Education (ICONSE). pp.8.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2019) ‘Media „Instalation“ of Regugees in Public Space: Practices and Policies’, Security Dialogues, 10(1), pp. 19-30. ISSN:1857-7172
Стојаноска Иванова, Т. и Апостолова, М. (2019) Прирачник за човековите права, човековите права и јас, 1 edn., Скопје: „Женска акција“. ISBN:978-608-66103-7-1 (соработник).
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2019). Развојот на говорот во интеракција со раното јазично описменување. Прирачник за интерактивна комуникација воспитувач-дете. Скопје: Просветно дело. ISBN:978-9989-0-1253-2.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. and Aleksovska-Velichkovska, L. (2018) ‘The Concept of Interactive Models in University Teaching’, Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 7(1), pp. 125-130. ISSN(Print):1857-8152; ISSN(Online):1857-8160; UDC:378.026(497.7).
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2017) Основите на раното јазично описменување на децата во предучилишна возраст, Годишен зборник, 70, стр. 79-91. ISSN: 0350-1892 УДК:373.21:003-028.31.
Џајковска, Б., Јовановска, З., Томевска-Илиевска, Е. и Јошевска, М. (2017) Чекор по чекор до јазична писменост: 50 активности за совладување на јазичните вештини. Скопје: Фондација за образовни и културни иницијативи „Чекор по чекор“- Македонија. ISBN 978-608-4732-83-9.
Стојаноска Иванова, Т., Фрицханд, А. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2017) Мајка Тереза светица, добродетелка, мисионерка.Скопје: „АЛБ“ и „Женска Акција“ Скопје. ISBN 978-608-66103-2-6. (соработник).
Stojanoska Ivanova, T., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Atanasovski, I. (2016) ‘Интеркултурниот дијалог и спортот’, FILKO – Philology: Culture and Education, 1, pp. 889-903. UDK: 316.723-021.463:796 ISBN: 978-608-244-308-9
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tonic Ribarska, J., Trajkovic Jolevska, S., Ancevska Netkovska, K. and Ajdinski, G. (2016) ‘Lifelong Learning – Reality and Perspective’, Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 62, pp. 611-612. ISSN 1409-8695. UDC: 615.15:37.035.
Тасевска, А., Томевска-Илиевска, Е. и Ризова, Е. (2016) ‘Прашањето за ритамот како стратегија за планирање во Валдорфската теорија’, Годишен зборник, 69, pp. 61-71. ISSN: 0350-1892. УДК:37.091.4:141.333.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Rizova, E., Tasevska, A. and Sadiki, S. (2016) ‘Educational Concept for Safe Secondary Schools in Republic of Macedonia (Good Practices, Conclusions, Recommendations)’, ). International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 4(1), pp. 1-8.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е., Симоновска Јаначковска, Е. и Садики, С. (2016) ‘Истражувачките тенденции во образованието во мултикултурни средини во Република Македонија’, Образованието во XXI век – состојби и перспективи -, стр. 15-22. ИСБН 978-608-244-275-4, UDK: 37.091.313 (497.7)
Tofovic-KJamilova, M., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Dimitrov, D. (2015) ‘The Mobility of Education – A Concept for Strengthening the Educational Capacities in R. Macedonia’, International Journal for Education, Research and Training. (IJERT) , 1(1), pp. 67-73. ISSN 1867-9841 (Printed). ISSN 1867-985X (Online). UDK: 37.014.5(497.7)“2007/2013“.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Simonovka Janackovska, E. and Sadiki, S. (2015) Research Trends in Education in Multicultural Environments in the Republic of Macedonia. International Scientific Conference: Education in XXI Century – Conditions and Perspectives. pp. 13 ISBN 978-608-244-238-9
Velichkovski, G., Dimitrov, D. and Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2015) ‘Book of Abstracts, International Scientific Conference: Facing Social Traumas: A Challenge for Sociological Research’, Participation in EU Educational Programmes Opportunity for Overcoming the Lack of Internationalization of Education Institutions in R. Macedonia, , pp. 108-109. ISBN 978-608-238-067-4.
Tofovic-Kjamilova, M., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Sejdini, M. (2015) ‘The Optional Status of Albanian Language in Primary Education’, YILDIZ International Conference on Educational Research and Social Sciences Proceedings Book, pp. 372-382. ISBN 978-605-318-079-1.
Damovska, L., Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tasevska, A. (2015) ‘Practical teaching as a model for developing the pedagogical competences-states and perspectives’, FIRST International Conference „Practicum of Future Pedagogues, Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers in Multicultural Environments – Experiences and Challenges“ (PFRTKTME), pp. 363-376. ISBN 978-608-238-086-5
Tofovic-Kjamilova, M., Dimitrov, D. and Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2014), The Mobility of Education – A Concept for Strengthening the Educational Capacities in R. Macedonia. International Journal for Education, Research and Training. (IJERT) “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy – Department of pedagogy. Volume 1, Issue 1. (pg. 75-81) ISSN 1867-9841 (Printed). ISSN 1867-985X (Online). UDK: 37.014.5(497.7).
Damovska, L., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Tasevska, A. (2014) ‘The Conceptual and Systematic Setting of the Practical Teaching in the Republic of Macedonia (Model and Experiences)’, ) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. (IJCRSEE), 2(2), pp. 7-15.
Velkovski, Z., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Rizova, E. (2014) Vocational Education and Students with Special Educational Needs (Co-author) Fourth International Conference – 20 Years of Special Education and Rehabilitation Studies in Macedonia: Modern Aspects of Special Education and Rehabilition of Persons with Disabilities. Conference Proceedings. Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation- Skopje. (pg. 409-417) ISBN 978-608-238-050-6.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2013) Handbook for Student Practical Teaching at the Faculties of Teaching. The OBSE Mission in Skopje, Skopje, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Philosophy, Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Bureau for the Development of Education in R. Macedonia, Skopje.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tofovic-Kjamilova, M. (2013), ‘The Contemporary Concept of Interactive Models in University Teaching’, 22 Annual ENIRDELM Conference: Educational Leadership: Bridging the Gap(s) between the Theory and Practice. Organised by the National School for Leadership in Education, SloveniaKranj: National School for Leadership in Education. pg. 32-33.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2013) Guidelines for Instruments of Assessment of Language and Mathematical Literacy (EGRA-EGMA), Skopje: Skopje: FOSM and USAID
Tofovic-Kjamilova, M. and Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2013) Development of Language Literacy – States and Perspectives in the Republic of Macedonia, International Symposium: Education between Tradition and Modernity. Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Pedagogy, 2, pp. 174-180. ISBN 978-608-238-011-7 , ISBN 978-608-238-012-4.
Tofovikj-Kjamilova, M. and Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2012) We prepare ourselves to read; Exercises for global reading for 5 to 7 year old children., Skopje: Prosvetno delo JSC.
Velkovski, Z., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. and Tasevska, A. (2012) Contemporary Approaches in the Process of Educating the Pupils with Special Educational Needs. Association of Defectologists of R. Macedonia, Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Faculty of Philosophy-“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje, Institute of Defectology. pg. 112-120. ISBN 978-608-4508-91-5
Delceva-Dizdarevik, J. and Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2012), The Concept of Interactive Models in University Teaching. Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, The University of South-East Europe Lumina. Bucharest, Romania. pp. 18
Velkovski, Z., Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2011) The collaborative approach in evaluation of VET. 14th International Conference: Evaluation in Education in the Balkan Countries. Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. Organised by the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade – Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Adult Education Society, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbian Association of Andragogists. Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-82019-66-4
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2009) The Literacy of the Roma Children – Current Situation and Perspectives, Skopje: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education and Faculty of Philosophy – Institute of Pedagogy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2009) The Complexity of the Language Skill of Listening. Парадигми сучаснои педагогики-наукова конференција. Министерство Освити и Науки Украини.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2009) The Literacy of the Roma Children – Current Situation and Perspectives. Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education & Faculty of Philosophy – Institute of Pedagogy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje.
Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries – Policy and Practice (Book of abstracts) – 12th International Conference, Ohrid (ed. N. Angeloska-Galevska). Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2008) Teacher Competences for the Contemporary School Assessment, Further education in the Balkan countries 9 (eds. Ö. Demirel, A.M. Sünbül). EGITIM KITABEVI YAYINLARI, 1, pp. 549-557.
Tomevska-Ilievska, E. (2005) The Educational Needs of the Roma Children, . Studying the ‘Other’: Aspects of the ‘Other’ from the Perspective of Separate Disciplines in the Higher Education in R. Macedonia“. Skopje: Foundation Open Society Macedonia, pp. 49-111.
Стојаноска Иванова, Т., Фрицханд, А. и Томевска-Илиевска,Е. (2019) Насилство во училиште: социолошки, психолошки и педагошки перспективи – монографија, 1 edn., Скопје: Институт ЕВРОПА ЗА ТЕБЕ Скопје. ISBN: 978-608-66358-0-0.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2018) Македонски јазик: Учебник за прво одделение во деветгодишно основно образование. (VIII издание) Скопје: Просветно дело. ISBN: 978-9989-0-0578-7.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2018) Македонски јазик: Учебник за второ одделение во деветгодишно основно образование. (IX издание) Скопје: Просветно дело. ISBN 978-9989-0-0600-5.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2017) Интерактивни пристапи во наставата, 2 изд., Скопје: Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Филозофски факултет. ISBN:978-608-238-061-2.
Маус, Д. и Рејнолдс, Д. (2017) Ефективна настава: истражувања и практика (Effective teaching: evidence and practice. (превод: Емилија Вељанова). Стручна редакција и адаптација: проф. д-р Елизабета Томевска-Илиевска. Скопје: Арс Ламина – публикации. ISBN 978-608-247-775-6.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2016) Интерактивни модели за развивање на педагошките компетенции, 1 изд., Скопје: Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Филозофски факултет. ISBN:978-608-238-127-5
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2009) Буква по буква Азбука. Методичко-дидактички прирачник за деца и за нивните родители за предучилишна возраст. Скопје: Просветно дело АД.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2009) Голема букварка – Работни листови по Македонски јазик за прво одделение.Скопје: Просветно дело АД.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2009) Пишуваме-Размислуваме – Работни листови по македонски јазик за второ одделение.Скопје: Просветно дело АД.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (2008) Се подготвуваме да читаме-вежби за глобано читање за деца од 5 до 7 годишна возраст. Скопје: Просветно дело АД.
Тофовиќ-Ќамилова, М. и Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (1999) Почнуваме да читаме. Методичко-дидактички прирачник за деца и за нивните родители за предучилишна возраст. Скопје: Просветно дело АД.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (1998) Приказната за Фифи (сликовница). Чекор по чекор. Скопје: ИОО-Македонија.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (1998) Таинствениот Фифи (енигматска сликовница) Чекор по чекор. Скопје: ИОО-Македонија.
Томевска-Илиевска, Е. (1998) Играта на Фифи (сликовница). Чекор по чекор. Скопје: ИОО-Македонија
Project participation:
Меѓународен проект: Erasmus+, „Pedagogical Competencies for Artistic Awakening“ (PCAA). KA1- Learning Mobility of Individuals, KA102-VET learner and staff mobility. Association Children’s World; University of Split-Split, Croatia; SPIELSTATT-Wien, Austria. (2018-2019) (експерт во проект)
Национален проект: „Иднината на Валандово-младите ја развиваат свеста и љубовта кон сопствената култура, наследство, традиција и богатство“. Институт ЕВРОПА ЗА ТЕБЕ Скопје, Министерство за култура на РС Македонија, Општина Валандово. (2019) (носител на проект)
Национален проект: “Зголемување на пристапот и партиципацијата на децата Роми до квалитетен ран детски развој и основно образование”. Здружение за поддршка на маргинализирани групи „Ромски Ресурсен Центар“-Скопје, Асоцијација за Демократски Развој на Ромите Сонце-Тетово. (2019) (експерт)
Национален проект: „Зелена архитектура за зелени училишта“. Како до зелено училиште, Скопје: Женска акција, Град Скопје. (2019). (соработник).
Национален проект: „Шампиони за човекови права, човековите права и јас“. Скопје: Женска акција, Град Скопје. (2019). (соработник).
Меѓународен проект: Erasmus +К2: 2017-1-МКО1-КА201-035380. „Подобрување на квалитетот на физичкото образование на ниво на основно образование и презентирање на неговата важност и значење за здравјето и доброто на генерациите кои доаѓаат“.Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Факултет за физичко образование, спорт и здравје – Скопје. (2017-2019) (експерт во проект)
Национален проект: „Поддршка на реформите во основното образование во Република Македонија“. Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија, Нансен Дијалог Центар Скопје. (2017-2018) (експерт во проект)
Национален проект: „Со читање до лидерство“. Компонента 1: Проценка на јазична и математичка писменост. Компонента 2: Професионален развој на наставниците. УСАИД, Фондација за образовни и културни иницијативи „Чекор по чекор“. (2013-2016) (експерт методолог во проектот)
Национален проект: „Безбедни училишта“. Нарачател: OSCE Mission to Skopje Evaluation of the „Safe School Model Intervention 2012-2014“ supported by the OSCE Mission to Skopje (Ioana Cosma, Head of Human Dimension Department, OSCE Mission to Skopje). (2012-2015) (евалуатор во проектот)
Member of a Scientific Team: Guidelines for Student Practical Teaching at the Faculties of Teaching Skopje. The OBSE Mission in Skopje, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Philosophy, Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Bureau for the Development of Education in R. Macedonia. (2013) (expert)
International project with JAMK Finland: Development of pedagogical competences of VET teachers and leadership skills of principals. Подобрување на педагошките компетенции на наставниците и менаџерските вештини на директорите од средните стручни училишта во Р. Македонија и Косово. (експерт/Lokal Teacher Training Expert) (Национален координатор: Проф. д-р Наташа Ангелоска-Галевска). Ministry for Foreigon Affairs of Finland, Јаваскула колеџ за образование на наставници (ЈАМК – Јаваскула Универзитетот за применети науки од Финска), Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ – Скопје, Филозофски факултет – Институт за педагогија. (2011 – 2013) (експерт во проектот)
International Scientific Project / Research Activities: Collaborative Evaluation of the Influence of the Reformed Four -Year Vocational High School. (National Evaluator: Prof. ZoranVelkovski, Ph.D.). ETF (European Training Foundation), Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Center for Vocational Education and Training (October 2009 – May 2010) (researcher)