• (078) 489 298
  • tuesday, 11:00–13:00 thursday, 11:00–13:00
  • zorann@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
  • UKIM repository

Dr. Zoran Nacev

Full professor

Prof. Dr. Zoran Nacev was born in 1957. He graduated from the Institute of Defense at the Faculty of Philosophyin Skopje. He was an expert training associate at the Ministry of Defense. He completed his postgraduate studies in Belgrade, and defended his master’s thesis “Training of professional staff for the needs of defense” at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1990), where he defended his doctoral dissertation (1994), “Training for defense and defense in the Republic Macedonia “. Assistant Professor (1994-1999), Associate Professor (1999-2004), and Full Professor (since 2004).

He has participated in numerous conferences, scientific seminars and schools in the country and abroad. As a main researcher and collaborator he has participated in several scientific research projects, and as an expert in the preparation of the first Law on Defense, Defense Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia and in the restructuring of the defense system and the ARM according to NATO standards.

During his career he was the head of undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace.

Prof. Dr. Zoran Nacev is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:

The second cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Defense policy and strategy

  • 2

    Defense management

  • 3

    National Security Strategy

  • 4

    Security and corporate governance

  • 5

    Globalization and conflicts

The third cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Creating defense strategies

  • 2

    Globalization processes and peace


Зоран Нацев, Игор Ѓорески, Горан Зенделовски и Талат Џафери Стратегиските концепти на НАТО и Република Македонија, КА ЕЛ ЕС –Принт, Скопје, 2016.

Зоран Нацев и Горан Зенделовски, Глобализација, мирот и безбедноста, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2014.

Зоран Нацев и Игор Ѓорески, Управување со системот за одбрана на РМ, Филозофски Факултет, Скопје, 2013.

Зоран Нацев и Тони Петрески, Стратегиски проекции на РМ во надворешната и безбедносната политика, Европа 92 – Кочани, 2013.

Зоран Нацев и Димче Петровски АРМ кон НАТО, Филозофски Факултет, Скопје,2009.

Трајан Гоцевски, Митко Котовчевски, Зоран Нацев и Ратко Начевски, Дефендологија, Македонска Ризница, Куманово, 2002.

Зоран Нацев и Ратко Начевски, Безбедност и националната одбрана, Македонска Ризница, Куманово, 2001.

Зоран Нацев и Ратко Начевски Војна, мир и безбедност, Македонска Ризница, Куманово, 2000.

Зоран Нацев, Доктрини и стратегија, Ѓурѓа,1998, Скопје.

Зоран Нацев, Едукативни проекции во одбраната, Ѓурѓа,1995, Скопје.