Dr. Tatjana Stojanoska Ivanova

Full professor

Tatjana Stojanoska Ivanova was born on November 12, 1975 in Skopje. Primary and secondary education ends in Skopje with continuous excellent success. He graduated from the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in January 1999. In September 1998 she was selected as the best graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and was awarded by the Rectorate of UKIM, and in May 2000 she was awarded the prize by the Ministry of Education and Science for the best graduate student with an average grade of 9.90. She was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje – Institute of Sociology in June 2003 as a junior assistant, and previously was a demonstrator for 3 years. Dr. Stojanoska Ivanova has completed two directions of postgraduate studies – Sociology of social deviations and Sociology of religion, and defended her master’s thesis on “The Moral Aspects of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” in June 2007. She submitted her doctoral dissertation to the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and defended it in April 2011 entitled “Religious Communities and the Principle of Religious Tolerance in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia “. In 2020 she was elected full professor at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Prof. In two terms, Stojanoska Ivanova was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in European Integration and Communication (plus an English language program) and Acting Head of the Institute of Sociology. She submitted her doctoral dissertation to the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and defended it in April 2011 entitled “Religious Communities and the Principle of Religious Tolerance in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia “. In 2020 she was elected full professor at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Prof. In two terms, Stojanoska Ivanova was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in European Integration and Communication (plus an English language program) and Acting Head of the Institute of Sociology. She submitted her doctoral dissertation to the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and defended it in April 2011 entitled “Religious communities and the principle of religious tolerance in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia “. In 2020 she was elected full professor at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Prof. In two terms, Stojanoska Ivanova was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in European Integration and Communication (plus an English language program) and Acting Head of the Institute of Sociology. In two terms, Stojanoska Ivanova was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in European Integration and Communication (plus an English language program) and Acting Head of the Institute of Sociology. In two terms, Stojanoska Ivanova was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in European Integration and Communication (plus an English language program) and Acting Head of the Institute of Sociology.

Dr. Stojanoska Ivanova also carries out international scientific activity and resides in renowned European University Centers. In 2007 he resides at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, in 2008 Linz, Austria, in 2011 he participates in the exchange of professors and students with the AGH University of Krakow, Poland, in 2015 Prague, European Sociological Association, in 2017 Faculty of Criminology and Criminology Р. Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other international papers.

Dr. Stojanoska Ivanova regularly participates in the activities of the Faculty of Philosophy, especially in promoting all the novelties and scientific activities of the same. He is the Chairman of the Commission for Public Relations, Media and Media Promotion at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, a member of the Board for Trust, Cooperation and Public Relations at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, a member of the Commission for organizing an Open Day at UKIM and other activities.

Prof. Stojanoska Ivanova has achieved a number of expert activities in the field of sociology, coordinator of international and national projects in the field of education and culture, educator and trainer in the field of education and teaching methodology. She is engaged as an expert in the preparation of subject programs for civic education for eighth, ninth grade, and secondary vocational education under the auspices of MCEC-Skopje, Member of the Council for Adult Education of R. Macedonia, appointed by the Government of R. Macedonia, Member of the Management Board of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet (Macedonian Opera and Ballet), delegated by the City of Skopje, project coordinator of the City of Skopje and the Ministry of Culture: “Awareness of your Valandovo”, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, 2019. “From pedagogy to archeology”, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, 2018

She speaks English and speaks German.

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Stojanoska Ivanova performs classes and exercises in the subjects:

The second cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Modernity and social deviations

  • 2

    Crime in modern society

  • 3

    Prevention and suppression of deviant phenomena in the EU

  • 4

    Morality in modern Macedonian society

  • 5

    Education and social integration

  • 6

    Social pathology

  • 7

    New phenomena and social problems

The third cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Morality, violence and modernity

  • 2

    Social deviations and the media


Monographs and books:

„Родовиот концепт во руралните средини во Р.Македонија“, Скопје, СОЖМ, 2003г.

„Насилство, агресија и спорт“, Куманово, Флексограф, 2010 г.

„Борба против трговија со луѓе – денес таа утре можеби ти“, Скопје, Женска акција, 2011 г.

„Спортски БОН ТОН“, Скопје, ГИ ГЛОБАЛ, 2013 г.

„Мое Скопје, многу вери, наш соживот“, Скопје, Женска акција, 2014 г.

„Спортот и општеството“, Скопје, ГИ ГЛОБАЛ, 2015 г.

„Мајка Тереза-Светица, добродетелка, мисионерка“, АЛБ и Женска акција, Скопје, 2017 г.

„Заедно до побезбедни училишта“, Скопје: Женска акција, 2017 г.

„Како од НВО до социјално претпријатие“, Скопје: Женска акција, 2018 г.

„Насилство во училиште: социолошки, психолошки и педагошки перпсективи“, Скопје, Институт за европски образовни,  социо-културни и економски политики ЕВРОПА ЗА ТЕБЕ, 2019 г.  

„Човековите права и јас“, Скопје: Женска акција, 2019 г.

„Одржливо живеење – одговорен стил на живеење“, Скопје: Женска акција, 2020 г. 

Scientific papers:

Stojanoska Ivanova, T. The values in the Educational System in the R. of Macedonia and the Regional Countries. Труд објавен во зборник на трудови од меѓународен научен собир “Skopje-Krakow Sociological Seminar Global-Local/Local-Global”, 37.014 (497.7) 

Stojanoska Ivanova, T. Trafficking of women in the era of globalization. Труд објавен во зборник на трудови од меѓународен научен собир „Identity in the era of Globalization and Europeanization“, Скопје, Македонија

Stojanoska, Ivanova, T. School violence in the R.of Macedonia – actual situation. Труд објавен во зборник на трудови од меѓународен научен собир “Sociology and the challenges of the global age”

Стојаноска Иванова Т. Моралните предизвици на младите и општествените промени во 21от век. Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет Скопје, 64, 123-133, (ISSN 0350-1892), Скопје: Филозофски факултет        

Blazevska Stoilkovska, B., Shurbanovska, O., Fritzhand, A., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2018). Life Role Salience and Subjective Well-Being Among Macedonian Employees: Does Family-Supportive Organization Perception Moderate This Relationship. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 31, 3, 281-291  

Tomevska Ilievska, E., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2019). Educational Models as Pedagogical Support of Safe Schools in Urban Environments. Security Dialogues, 10, 1-2, 125-139

Tomevska Ilievska, E., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2019). Media „Installation“ of Refugees in Public Space (Practices and Policies). Security Dialogues, 10, 1, 19-30

Стојаноска Иванова, Т. (2018). Моралните аспекти на јудаизмот, христијанството и исламот. Годишен зборник, 71, 259-264

Drakulovska Cukalevska, M., Dragovic, A., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2018). New Media and Changes in Communication Types. Зборник на трудови од Петта меѓународна научна конференција ”Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, Штип, 6-7 септември, 2018, 991-998

Tomevska Ilievska, E., Stojanoska Ivanova, T., Aleksovska Velichkovska, L. (2018). The Concept of Interactive Models in University Teaching. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 7, 1, 125-130

Стојаноска Иванова, Т. (2017). Улогата на семејството во превенирање на насилството за време на спортските манифестации. Годишен зборник, 70, 231-239

Anastasovski, I., Aleksovska Velichkovska, L., Stardelova, M., Zafirovska Misovski, A., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2017). Whether Family Relationships are a Significant Prerequisite for Deviant Behavior of Visitors (Fans or Supoorters) on the Sport Events. Proceedings of XX International Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2017” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, 120-125

Stojanoska Ivanova, T., Anastasovski, I., Fritzhand, A., Damovska, L. (2016). Good Manners in Sport and Sports Culture – Prerequisite for Combating Sports Violence. The Sociological Review, 17, 2, 19-27

Anastasovski, I., Aleksovska Velichkovska, L., Zivkovic, V., Zafirovska Misovski, A., Nanev, L., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. (2016). Role of Traditional of Traditional Games and Sports in Social and Ethnical Inclusion, Integration and Cohesion in the Post-conflict and Transitional Societies among Children of Elementary Schools. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 5, 2, 19-25                                                                                   

Стојаноска Иванова, Т., Анастасовски, И., Томевска Илиевска, Е. (2016). Интеркултурниот дијалог и спортот. Зборник на трудови од Прва меѓународна конференција ФИЛКО, Штип, 18-19, Март, 2016, 899-904

Стојаноска Иванова, Т. Општествените вредности – двигатели на позитивниот дискурс во спортот. Кондиција, 2,3 (57-60), УДК: 796:316.752. Факултет за физичка култура, спорт и здравје, Скопје, Македонија

Anastasovski, I., Stojanoska Ivanova, T. Sport as a Substitute for Diplomatic Activities. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health. 2, 1 (79-82), Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Скопје, Македонија