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  • tanja@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
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Dr. Tanja Milosevska

Associate professor

Prof. Dr. Tanja Milosevska was born in 1976 in Skopje. She graduated (2001) and received her master’s degree (2007) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In 2003 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “Models of the connection between terrorism and transnational organized crime” in 2013 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Security, Defense and Peace. She was elected assistant professor in 2013, and in March 2018 she was elected associate professor.

From January to June 2007, she was a Fellow of the US Department of State’s Office of International Education Program for Education and Cultural Affairs. As part of this fellowship she conducted a research stay at the George Washington University. She also attended Eliot Masters Degree in International Relations. She received a diploma for successful completion of the Junior Faculty Development Program-Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies.

Member of the organizing and editorial board of international scientific conferences in Ohrid, Macedonia (2015-2019), member of international professional gatherings (France, Germany), editor and deputy editor of the international scientific journal “Security Dialogues” (2016-2019), and Since 2018, she has been the Head of Postgraduate Studies in Corporate Security and Security Management at the Faculty of Philosophy.

She has participated in numerous scientific conferences in Macedonia and abroad. She has received numerous certificates for participation in summer schools and participation with presentations of papers at international scientific conferences in Romania, Germany, Turkey, Croatia, USA, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Denmark and Italy.

She speaks English; amateur piano playing.

Research interests: transnational security threats, terrorism, organized crime.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Milosevska is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:

In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
  • 1

    [IBM6-I] New security threats

  • 2

    [1KB-10-I] Theoretical foundations of corporate security

  • 3

    [B225I / 18] Corruption

  • 4

    [O221I / 18] Use of force in international politics

  • 5

    [MR233I] Terrorism and Contemporary Conflicts

  • 6

    [B226I / 18] Anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism

  • 7

    [FS122I / 18] Transnational Organized Crime


The Concept of Lone-Wolf Terrorists, Annuaire, Faculty of Philosophy, Volume 72, Скопје 2019. ISSN: 323-385:179.7(100)

Digital media revolution and political violence, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, USA, 2018. ISSN: 2156-6992:: 07(03):85–94, 2018.

Risk factors increasing vulnerability of migrant children, Security dialogues, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defence and peace, Vol.9, Number 2, 2018.

Book-Contemporary concept of corporate security, (co-author), Publisher, Faculty of Business Studies and Law, University „Union-Nikola Tesla“, Belgrade, Serbia, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy/AIES Wien, Austria, Institute for Corporative Security Studies, ICS, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018.

Whistle blowing-way to curb corruption in Balkan EU Candidate Countries, Humanities and Social Sciences Review, USA, 2018. ISSN: 2165-6258: 08(01):9–18, 2018.

Книга-Глобален тероризам, Филозофски факултет, Мар-Саж, Скопје, 2018. 

Categorizing the relationship between terrorism and the media, Annuaire, Faculty of Philosophy, Volume 71, Скопје 2018.

Coordination and reorganization of security institutions (co-author), Vol. I, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2018.

The Islamic state-a terrorist organization, a criminal organization or an insurgency, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Vol. 14, No. 33, December 2017.

The Balkan as a prominent point for human smuggling networks, Humanities and Social Sciences Review, Volume 06, Number 02, USA, 2016. ISSN: 2165-6258, 2017.

The specific context of the security sector reform in the Republic of Macedonia, Vol. I, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2017.  

Идентификација на изворите на финансирање на Исламската држава,  Годишен Зборник, Филозофски факултет, книга 70, Скопје 2017. ISSN: 0350-1892.

Книга-Заштита на критичната инфраструктура, (ко-автор), Комора на Република Македонија за приватно обезбедување, Стеда Графика, 2017.

Corruption-a continuous threat to democracy in Western Balkans EU candidates, Security dialogues, Vol. 8, no. 1-2, 2017, ISSN 1857-7172.

The role of Private Security Companies in Crime Prevention, Зборник на трудови од меѓународна научна конференција: Приватната безбедност во XXI век: искуства и предизвици, Комора на Република Македонија за приватно обезбедување, 2016. 351.746.5 (082).

Соработка и формирање на стратегиски сојузи помеѓу тероризмот и транснационалниот организиран криминал,  Годишен Зборник, Филозофски факултет, книга 69, Скопје 2016. ISSN: 0350-1892.

Книга-Модели на поврзаност на тероризмот и на транснационалниот организиран криминал, (второ изменето и дополнето издание), Филозофски факултет, Мар-Саж, Скопје, 2016. 

The discourse and changing face of organized crime, Vol. II, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2016.  

Економски модел на поврзаност на тероризмот и на транснационалниот организиран криминал, Годишен Зборник, Филозофски факултет, книга 68, Скопје 2015. ISSN: 0350-1892

Organized crime and politics: Symbiosis or struggle? Humanities and Social Sciences Review, Volume 04, Number 01, USA, ISSN: 2165-6258, 2015.

Re-conception of transnational organized crime as a security threat-expanded approach to security, Vol. IV, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2015.  

The Links between Women Trafficking and Organized Crime in the Post-Yugoslav Societies, Security dialogues, Vol.6, No.2-1, 2016. ISSN 1857-7172.

Книга-коавтор, Реформи во одбраната, Министерство за одбрана, Република Македонија, Скопје, 2015.

The Success of Democratization in Post Arab Spring Socities, (co-author), International Journal of Social Sciences, Prague, ISSN: 1804-980X, IJoSS Vol. III / No.1 / 2014.

The changing conflict environment, (co-author), Fourth International Scientific Conference: “The Science and the Social Development”, European University, Macedonia, 2014.

Energy security: Macedonian dilemmas and perspectives, (co-author), Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology and Safety, Volume 8, June 2014.

Анализа на структурата на криминалните организации, Annuaire, Vol. 67, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2014.

The role od police in counterterrorim, Security dialogues, International peer reviewed  journal, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defence and peace, Vol.5, Number 1, 2014.

Terrorist violence and the role of the media, (co-author), Contemporary Macedonian Defence, International Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of  Macedonia, Vol. 14, No. 27, December 2014.

 Книга-Модели на поврзаност на тероризмот и на транснационалниот организиран криминал, Филозофски факултет, Бомат графикс, Скопје, 2014. 

The Changing Face of Organized Crime: New Challenges for Prevention Strategies, (co-author), International Scientific Conference “Suzbijanje kriminaliteta i evropske integracija, s osvrtom na ekoloski kriminalitet”, Trebinje, Republika Srpska, март 2014 год.

The interest of the states for membership in international organizations: Case of Macedonian interest for membership in NATO, (co-author), International Scientific Conference “Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I-security and Euro-Atlantic integrations”, Vol. II, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2014.  

The current organized crime-terrorism threat environment, International Scientific Conference “Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I-security and Euro-Atlantic integrations”, Vol. II, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2014.  

The role of security sector against human trafficking in the Republic of Macedonia, (co-author), The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Conference proceedings 9 th International Academic Conference, ISBN 978-80-87927-00-7, IISES, 2014.

Анализа на структурата на криминалните организации, Годишен Зборник, Филозофски факултет, книга 67, Скопје 2014. ISSN 0350-1892.

Terrorist violence and the role of the media, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Vol. 14, No. 27, December 2014.

The role od police in counterterrorim, Security dialogues, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defence and peace, Vol.5, Number 1, 2014, ISSN 1857-7172.

Comparative analysis of the legislature of the private security sector of certain countries of the European Union, (co-author) International Yearbook, Faculty of Security, Skopje, 2014, ISSN: 1857-6508.

Networking forms of global terrorism, Security dialogues, Vol.4, Number 1, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defence and peace, 2013.

Globalization as an accelerator of transnational organized crime (co-author), “Euro-Balkan University”, Skopje, 2013.

Global suicide terrorism, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, International Scientific Journal of the Ministry of  Defence of the Republic of  Macedonia, Vol. 13, No. 24, July 2013.

Global anti-terrorism networking, Annuaire, Vol. 66, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2013.

Terrorist and criminal networks: smart enemies in a new security environment, International Scientific Conference “The Balkan between past and future: Security, conflict resolution and Euro-Atlantic integration”, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Ohrid 2013.                                                                                                

Coordination of the security sector as precondition for efficient crisis management in the Republic of Macedonia, (co-author), Book of papers, University of Applied Sciences, Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2012.

Organized crime as security-political and destabilizing factor of development on societies in transition (case study-Republic of Macedonia), Security dialogues. International peer reviewed journal, No.4, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defense and peace, 2012.

Convergence theory of terrorism and transnational organized crime, Annuaire, Vol. 65, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2012.

Dimensions of security, (co-author), International Scientific Conference “Security and euroatlantic perspectives of the Balkans”, Vol. II, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2012.  

Identifying points of interaction between terrorism and organized crime, Security dialogues, International peer reviewed journal, Vol. 3, Number 2, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defense and peace, 2012.

The role of non-state actors in security, (co-author), International Scientific Conference “Security in the post-conflict (Western) Balkans: transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, Vol. I, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2011.  

Crisis on the traditional concept of internal security of the state, Security dialogues, International peer reviewed  journal, No.3, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defense and peace, 2011.

Political-criminal nexus, Annuaire, Vol. 64, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2011.

The concept of narcoterrorism, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.22, Skopje, Decembar, 2011.

Money laundering as formidable challenge to national security of Republic of Macedonia, Annuaire, Vol. 63, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2010.

Улогата на регионалната соработка во превенција на организираниот криминал во Република Македонија, Security dialogues, International peer reviewed  journal, No.1, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of security, defense and peace, 2010.

Links between Private and Public Sectors in the Republic of Macedonia (co-author),  Varstvoslovje, Journal of  Criminal Justice and Security, let./year 11, št./no. 2, Faculty of  Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2009..

Trends od illegal trafficking of children, babies and human organs-the new challenge of national security system, (co-author), “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.18, Skopje, June, 2009.

Illicit trafficking of weapons and arms as possible security problem, Annuaire, Vol. 62, Faculty of Philosophy, 2009.

The organized crime as a contemporary non-traditional security threat and challenge for the Western Balkans, Analytical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2009.

Inequality in the era of globalization, International Scientific Conference “Globalization, Peace and Security”, Ministry of defense of R. Macedonia, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2008.                   

Diaspora and terrorism, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.17, Skopje, June, 2008.

Suicide terrorist, Annuaire, Vol. 61, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2008.

Actual and potential transnational security threats and challenges, (co-author), Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade-Zemun, Republic of Serbia. 2008.                    

Security aspects of human trafficking in Southeastern Europe, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.15, Skopje, June, 2007.

Corruption as an Obstacle to International Development: The Macedonian Case, International Trade and Finance Association Conference Paper, Miami, Florida, USA, Working Paper 13.

Non-traditional global security threats, Annuaire, Vol. 60, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2007.

Organized crime and business: Symbiosis or struglle?, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade-Zemun, Republic of Serbia. 2007.

The international security dimension of narcotic trade, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.13, Skopje, June, 2006.

NATO versus terrorism,  “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, Skopje, 2006.

The concept of querrilla warfare, Annuaire, Vol. 59, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss Cyril and Methodius University”-Skopje, 2006.

Globalizations security implications, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.11, Skopje, June, 2005.

The corruption as international security problem, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.12, Skopje, December, 2005.

Religious sects as a factor of global security, Annuaire, Vol. 58, Faculty of Philosophy, 2005.

A connection between terrorism and organized crime, “Contemporary Macedonian defense”, Ministry of defense, no.10, Skopje, December, 2004.