• monday, 10:00–11:00 thursday, 11:00–12:00
  • sofija.arnaudova@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
  • UKIM repository

Dr. Sofija Georgievska

Associate professor

Dr. Sofija Georgievska was born in Skopje on September 28, 1982. She finished primary and secondary school in Skopje. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Institute of Psychology in 2005 with an average grade of 9.82. After completing her undergraduate studies, she enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy (direction: Psychosocial work) and completed them with an average grade of 9.87. After defending her Master’s thesis entitled: Examination of the level of empathy, altruism and assertiveness by applying multimodal triangulation in students of the auxiliary directions, she obtained the scientific degree of Master of Social Policy.

In December 2005, Georgievska was elected at the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy as a junior assistant in the fields of psychology and mental hygiene, and in December 2008 as an assistant in the fields of Methodology in Social Work, Social Affairs and Methodology of Social Research.

Since 2017, Georgievska has been engaged as an associate professor at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy.

She is the winner of the award for the best student of the final year of studies during the academic year 2004/2005 at the Faculty of Philosophy by the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”“ July 26-Frank Manning ”.

She attended courses and seminars and made study visits to universities in Estonia, Slovenia, Croatia. She is engaged as a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis. Erasmus coordinator at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the association “For a Happy Childhood”.

She speaks English and German.

Research interests: methodology and statistics, psychosocial work with marginalized groups, development of skills and techniques in auxiliary professions.

Prof. Dr. Sofija Georgievska performs classes and exercises in the subjects:

The second cycle of studies:
  • 1

    [SM104Z / 18] Research and practical methods and techniques in social management

  • 2

    [SM216I / 18] Staff training – On-the-job coaching

  • 3

    [SRSP202Z / 18] Research and practical methods and techniques in social work

  • 4

    [SRSP223I / 18] Creative techniques in social work

The third cycle of studies:
  • 1

    [FZF3] Methodology of scientific research 30 works with application and examples in the field of social sciences (social work and social policy)

  • 2

    [SR2] Behavior and psychosocial development in the social environment

  • 3

    [SRSP8] The concept of emotions in social work


Teamwork And Effectiveness Of Work Organizations, U: Godisnajk za psihologiju 2018

Quality of life among private and public sector employees, Во: Unapredyenje Kvaliteta života djece i mladih, Univeruitet u Tuzla (2018)

Георгиевска, С. (2016). Психолошка траума кај жени жртви на семејно насилство. Во Годишен зборник бр. 69. Филозофски Факултет, Скопје (стр. 291-306

Георгиевска, С., Денкова – Зафировска. Ф. (2016). Семејната афективна врзаност и насилното однесување кај адолесцентите. Во: Меѓународен диајлог: Исток – запад (психологија и образование).  

Georgievska, S., Trajkov, I.  (2016).Tendencies for perceived self-efficacy and procrastination in students. In: Teacher International journal of education, Faculty of Education – Bitola  (pp. 3742) 

Trajkov, I., Georgievska, S. (2016). Professional burn out and balance between work and family life among teachers. In: Teacher International journal of education, Faculty of Education – Bitola  (pp.55-58)

Георгиевска, С. (2015). Поврзаноста помеѓу условите за живот во семејството, успехот во училиште и неприспособеното однесување кај адолесцентите. Во Годишен зборник бр. 68. Филозофски Факултет, Скопје (стр. 149-162)

Violence against Children at Risk and Children without Parental Care, In: Child and Family Welfare, Edited by Patricia-Luciana Runcan, Georgeta Raţă and Mihai-BogdanIovu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014   

Георгиевска, С. (2014). Разлики во перцепцијата на родителските воспитни стилови кај родителите и децата изложени на социјален ризик. Во Годишен зборник Бр. 67. Филозофски Факултет, Скопје (стр. 206- 218)

Georgievska, S. (2014). The impact of self esteem on the degree of general and examination anxity. In Journal of Social Policy No. 11/2. Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje. (pp. 504-511) 

Георгиевска, С., Денкова-Зафировска, Ф. (2013). Социјална дистанца кај средношколци од македонска и албанска национална припадност. Во Годишен зборник Бр. 66. Филозофски Факултет, Скопје (стр. 283- 300)                                                                       

Професионален развој на наставници, Во: Просветно дело, Бр.5 (2012). АД Просветно дело, Скопје

Псхолошки профил на жртвите на мобинг на работното место, Годишеn зборник 65 (2012). Филозофски Факултет, Скопје

Motivation and evaluation of employees, Во: Psychical development of mental health and work, Faculty of Philosophy, Nis (2012)

Effectiveness and motivation for work with students at teachers from primary and secondary education, In: Teacher, Pedagogical Faculty, Bitola, (2012)

Mobbing at workplace – consequence from social crisis, Naučni Skup Socijalizacija u uslovima drustvene krize, Kosovska Mitrovica (2013)

Стратегии за соочување соочување со стрес кај деца згрижени во установи за социјална заштита Во: Годишен зборник бр. 64, (2011), Филозофски факултет,

Вредносне оријентације код студената Филозофског факултета у Скопљу (2011) Во: Идентитет и криза идентитета. Косовска Митровица 

Learning with computers and video games. (2011). ICT in the education of the Balkan countries 

Професионален стрес кај вработените од помагателните професии, (2010), Славјански Универзитет Свети Николе

Улогата на обуките кај вработените во социјална заштита во стекнување со компетенции за помагателна дејност, (2010), Славјански Универзитет Свети Николе