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- marina@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- marinamitrevska@yahoo.com
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Dr. Marina Mitrevska
Prof. Dr. Marina Mitrevska was born in 1963. She graduated (1987) and received her master’s degree (1993) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In May 1988 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Department of Defense and since 1991 at the Institute of Defense. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “International status of civil defense as a determinant of the organizational-functional compatibility of the defense system of the Republic of Macedonia” in March 1998 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje, which earned her the title of Doctor of Science. She was elected assistant professor in June 1998, and associate professor in 2003. Since December 2008 she has been a full professor at the Institute of Security, Defense and Peace at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Since 2010 she has been engaged at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product lifecycle management Sustainable Production, TEMPUS -144959, IT-JPCR, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). Since 2018, she has been engaged in a new study program of the second cycle at the University of Sarajevo, at the Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security in the subject Crisis Management.
She attended courses and seminars in Germany, Serbia and Croatia.
She is a member of the board for awarding the prize “Goce Delchev” in all areas of science in the Republic of North Macedonia from 04.02.2020. From 03.08.2018 she is a member of the Board for accreditation and evaluation of higher education in the Republic of North Macedonia. Since 10.02.2020 she is a member of the Board for evaluation of higher education in the Republic of North Macedonia. Since 2017 she has been the editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal Contemporary Macedonian Defense, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Northern Macedonia. From 2012 to 2014 she was the editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal Contemporary Macedonian Defense, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Northern Macedonia. She is a member of the International Board, European Journal of Human Security, Belgrade, Serbia. She is a member of the international editorial board of the international scientific journal Security.
Since 2016 she has been the Head of the third cycle of doctoral studies at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. She was also the head of the master studies in Strategic and Defense Studies at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace.
She speaks English, Serbian and Croatian.
Research interests: conflicts, crises, security.
Prof. Dr. Marina Mitrevska is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[BOM303Z/18; PKB502Z/18] Crisis management
The second cycle of studies:
Humanitarian aspects of peace and security
Corporate and social responsibility
Corporate crisis management
National Security and Defense
The third cycle of studies:
[BOM 5] Humanitarian aspects of peace and development
[BOM 12] Theories and institutions for crisis management
Митревска М., Кениг Н., Правци за иден развој на приватната безбедност во Република Северна Македонија, Комора за приватно обезбедување на Република Северна Македонија, декември 2019.
Mitrevska M., Mileski T., Mikac R.,Critical Infrastructure-concept and security challenges, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Skopje, 2019.
Митревска М., Милески Т., Микац Р., Критична инфраструктура-Фондација Фридрих Еберт, Скопје, 2019
Марина М., Милески Т., Критична инфраструктура: платформа за успешен развој на безбедноста на Република Северна Македонија. Предизвици-владеење на правото, инспирација и аспирација, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Скопје, бр.2/06/ 2019.
Митревска Марина, Хумана безбедност, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2016
Митревска Марина, Кризен менаџмент, Филозофски факултет, Скопје 2015.
Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I security and euro-atlantic integrations: Macedonia in the new international security surroundings: lessons learned from the conflict 2001, University St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, 2014
Sigurnost Urbanih sredina: Upravljanje kriznim situacijama: slucaj Makedonije, Fakultet za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju I bezbednosne studije,Sarajevo, Bosna I Hercegovina, 16.05.2014
Five Years of Croatia in NATO: Enlargement of NATO AND Western Balkans: case of Macedonia, NATO end The Atlantic Council of Croatia, Zagreb, March 31-April 02, 2014
Internacional Scientific conference Archibald Reiss Days: Situation and Perspectives of Crisis Management in the RepublikMacedonia: with Special Reference to the Police,Belgrad, 03.03.2014
Gender equality and gender perspective in defence and security, Quotas in the defence and in the army in Macedonia:constraints or incentives for women, Ministry of defence of the Republic of Macedonia,Skopje, 23-24 April 2013
The regional dialogue on gender and security: Uniting Governments and CSO`S Efforts in Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 Agenda, 25-26 April 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia
Perspektive europeizacije Zapadnog Balkana:Pogledi sa Zapadnog Balkana-slucaj Makedonija, Hanns Seidel Stiftung and The Atlantic Council of Croatia, Zagreb, 17.12.2013
The Balkans between past and future: security, conflict resolution and Euro-atlantic integration: Conflict in Macedonia: A Challenge for new reforms policy, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2012
Security Sector Reforms in the Republic of Macedonia and Their Impact on Crime Curbing: Implementation of the Ohrid framework agreement: a condition for safe Macedonia, European University, Skopje, on 15-th of September 2012
Grizold A., Mitrevska M., Anthony W.-St.J., Bučkovski V., Tršar I., Conflict Prevention and Conflict Menagement in the New Security Context: The Case of the FYRM, Ljubljana, 2012
Security and Euro-Atlantic perspectives of the Balkans, Crisis management in Macedonia: conditions and prospects, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2012
Процесот на планирање и донесување одлуки во современите операции, Менаџирање на кризите: може ли кризата да се управува?, Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, MILCON ~12, Скопје, 2012
Implementation of the Ohrid agreement: key for the political peace in Macedonia, International Scientific Conference, Security in the post-conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2011
Crisis management days 2011: Krizni menagment: regionalna iskustva I izazovi za Makedoniju, Velika Gorica, Zagreb 25-26. Juni 2011
Implementation of the Ohrid agreement: key for the political peace in Macedonia, International Scientific Conference, Security in the post-conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2011
Југоисточна Европа создавање на нов моментум, 75-ти РОС-РОС семинар, Собрание на Република Македонија и Министерство за одбрана на Швајцарија,Скопје, 19-21 октомври 2010,
Историја и апокрифи-демитологизација на 2001, Фондација отворено општество, 20-21 јануари 2010
Вклучување на родот во создавањето национална безбедносна политика и во надзор брз безбедносниот сектор, Собрание на Република Македонија, 21-22 октомври, 2009
Митревска Марина Цивилна одбрана, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2010.
Митревска М., Гризолд А., Бучковски В., Ванис Е., Превенција и менаџирање на конфликти-случај Македонија, Фондација Институт Отворено општество-Македонија, Скопје, 2009.
Mitrevska M., Grizold A., Vanis E., Buckovski V., Parandalimi dhe menaxhimi I konflikteve-rasti I maqedonisе (paradigm e re e sigurisė), Fondacion Instituti shoqėria e hapur – Maqedoni, Shkup, 2009.
Euro-Atlantic Integrations and the Role of Parliament, paper presented: Parliamentary Control and Crisis Management, Skopje 22-23 November 2007
Митревска Марина, Кризен менаџмент, Филозофски факултет, Скопје 2005
Марина Митревска, Трајан Гоцевски, Кризен менаџмент, Филозофски факултет, Скопје 2001.
Трајан Гоцевски, Марина Митревска, Кризен менаџмент, Филозофски факултет, Скопје 2000.
Scientific papers:
Sustained Emergency Relief-Regionally Developed Capacities, The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, IOS Press, 2012
European Union and crisis management lessons for West-Balkans countries, University of appled sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia 2012
Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement: ACondition For Safe Macedonia Ohrid, 2012
Crisis management: University of appled sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2011
Типологии на мировните операции, Годишен зборник, Филозофски факултет, 2010
The Fight Against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Balkans, Crisis Management in the Republic of Macedonia, The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, IOS Press, 2007
Parliamentary Control and Crisis Management, Center for European Perspective, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007
Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia on the Road to NATO, Perspectives of the Republic of Macedonia on the Road to NATO and EU, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2006
Crisis Management: Necessity for a Stable and Secure Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Affairs, MIC, Vol. V, No.5, 2005
Macedonia towards the EU: Whether and How Much Prevention Matters, (Co-author) International Relations Review, 3-4, Zagreb, 2005
Human Security, Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2004
Peacebuilding and Human Security in Post-conflict Macedonia, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Skopje, 2004
Concept of Human Security, Contemporary Macedonian Defence No. 10, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2004
Crisis Management Agency in the Republic of Macedonia: A Real Necessity, Macedonia in NATO, Ministry of Defence, Skopje 2003
Slovenian Vision for NATO, Contemporary Macedonian Defence No. 9, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2003
Crisis Management of UN, Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2002
Perspektive europeizacije Zapadnog Balkana:Pogledi sa Zapadnog Balkana-slucaj Makedonija, Hanns Seidel Stiftung and The Atlantic Council of Croatia, Zagreb, 17.12.2013
The Balkans between past and future: security, conflict resolution and Euro-atlantic integration: Conflict in Macedonia: A Challenge for new reforms policy, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2012
The regional dialogue on gender and security: Uniting Governments and CSO`S Efforts in Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 Agenda, 25-26 April 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia
Gender equality and gender perspective in defence and security, Quotas in the defence and in the army in Macedonia:constraints or incentives for women, Ministry of defence of the Republic of Macedonia,Skopje, 23-24 April 2013
Security Sector Reforms in the Republic of Macedonia and Their Impact on Crime Curbing: Implementation of the Ohrid framework agreement: a condition for safe Macedonia, European University, Skopje, on 15-th of September 2012
Security and Euro-Atlantic perspectives of the Balkans, Crisis management in Macedonia: conditions and prospects, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2012
Процесот на планирање и донесување одлуки во современите операции, Менаџирање на кризите: може ли кризата да се управува?, Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, MILCON ~12, Скопје, 2012
Implementation of the Ohrid agreement: key for the political peace in Macedonia, International Scientific Conference, Security in the post-conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Security, Skopje, Vol.II, 2011
Crisis management days 2011: Krizni menagment: regionalna iskustva I izazovi za Makedoniju, Velika Gorica, Zagreb 25-26. Juni 2011
Југоисточна Европа создавање на нов моментум, 75-тиРОС-РОС семинар, Собрание на Република Македонија и Министерство за одбрана на Швајцарија,Скопје, 19-21 октомври 2010,
Историја и апокрифи-демитологизација на 2001, Фондација отворено општество, 20-21 јануари 2010
Вклучување на родот во создавањето национална безбедносна политика и во надзор брз безбедносниот сектор, Собрание на Република Македонија, 21-22 октомври, 2009
Euro-Atlantic Integrations and the Role of Parliament, paper presented: Parliamentary Control and Crisis Management, Skopje 22-23 November 2007
Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia on the Road to NATO, Perspectives of the Republic of Macedonia on the Road to NATO and EU, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2006
Crisis Management: Necessity for a Stable and Secure Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Affairs,
Macedonia towards the EU: Whether and How Much Prevention Matters, (Co-author) International Relations Review, 3-4, Zagreb, 2005
Human Security, Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2004
Peacebuilding and Human Security in Post-conflict Macedonia, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Skopje, 2004
Concept of Human Security, Contemporary Macedonian Defence No. 10, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2004
Crisis Management Agency in the Republic of Macedonia: A Real Necessity, Macedonia in NATO, Ministry of Defence, Skopje 2003
Slovenian Vision for NATO, Contemporary Macedonian Defence No. 9, Ministry of Defence, Skopje, 2003
Crisis Management of UN, Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2002