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- monday, 10:00–11:00 thursday, 10:00–11:00
- ivan.trajkov@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- ivantrajkov@hotmail.com
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Dr. Ivan Trajkov
Dr. Ivan Trajkov is a full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy, in the scientific fields: Social Work; Theory of social work; Social Development and Community Mental Health.
Head of the second cycle of studies of the subject program in Social Work and Social Policy. Acquired scientific degrees: (2009) PhD in Social Policy and Social Work (Institute for Social Work and Social Policy, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje); (2006) MSc in Social Policy (Institute for Social Work and Social Policy, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje); (1995) graduated psychologist (Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje).
Prof. Dr. Ivan Trajkov realizes other professional and social activities of wider interest:
– preparation of national documents: Law on Psychological Activity, acts for establishment of the Chamber of Psychologists of the Republic of Macedonia
– Member of the Board of the Chamber of Psychologists of Macedonia
– Participation in the preparation of an Action Plan for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration
– Member of the working group for preparation of a program for resocialization and reintegration of children victims of human trafficking MLSP
– Member of the team for preparation of the Training Program for cross-border police between Macedonia and Serbia
– Member of the Board of the Children’s Village – Macedonia
– Member of the Board of the Association for Support and Assistance of Children and Families at Risk – For a Happy Childhood
– is a member of the Subgroup for Combating Child Trafficking at the Ministry of Interior
– is a member of the Commission for Social Humanitarian Activity at the Red Cross of the City of Skopje
Prof. Dr. Ivan Trajkov is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
Directions and approaches in social work
Modern parenting
Evaluation and research methods
Human resource management in the social sphere
Counseling and crisis intervention
Treatment of addicts
Psychosocial help and support
The third cycle of studies:
Behavior and psychosocial development in the social environment
Crisis events and community intervention
– Trajkovska. Anchevska, Z., Trajkov, I., (2019) Quality of life at patients with malignancies. International Conference on Science and Education
– Trajkov, I,. (2018) Rizik od nasilja i radne eksploatacije djece na ulici/djece ulice. IX Međunarodna naučna-stručna konferencija Unapređenje kvalitete života djece I mladih. pp. 259-267
– Trajkov, I,. (2018) Managing Professional Stress to a border police for the time of the migrant crisis in the balkan region. International Conference Migratios and Refugees in a globalized world: Responsibilities and responses
– Ilievski, V., Trajkov, I., Coneva, A. (2018). Psyhosocial support for people with mental disorders. Međunarodna naučna konferencija Šezseset godina socijalnih radnika u Bosni i Hercegovini
– Trajkov, I,. (2017) Quality of life of children in foster families. VIII Međunarodna naučna-stručna konferencija Unapređenje kvalitete života djece I mladih. pp. 113-119
– Georgievska, S., Trajkov, I. (2017). Quality of life in children without parents placed in foster families. Faculty of Philosophy Journal of social policy, pp. 141-187
– Димеска, Н., Трајков, И., (2017). Третман на сексуално злоставувано дете. VIII Меѓународна научна конференција Меѓународен Дијалог: Исток – Запад. пп. 75-79
– Serafimovska, E., Markovik, M,, Trajkov, I,. (2016). Political crisis, media and emotions. ANNUAL of ISPJR Vol. 15, Number 1, pp. 31-44
– Georgievska, S,. Trajkov, I., (2016). Tendencies for perceived self-efficacy and procrastination in students. TEACHER Imternational Journal of Education, No.1, pp. 37-43
– Trajkov, I., Georgievska, S,. (2016). Professional burnout and balance between work and family life among teachers. TEACHER Imternational Journal of Education, No.1, pp. 55-59
– Angeloska, Galevska, N,. Trajkov, I,. Ethics in research with vulnerable children. International Research Institute. (2016). Studies from Education and Society
– Trajkov, I. (2015). Treatment – a perspective in social work and a challenge for social workers. Faculty of Philosophy Journal of social policy, No. 11/2 pp. 423-439
– Trajkova. N. V., Trajkov. I., (2015). Social Work with children who have emotional and behaviour problems. Mezdunarodnyj naucno-issledovatel’skij zurnal, No.3 April 2015, pp. 123-126
– Trajkov, I., Georgievska, S. (2014). Professional burnout and balance between work and family life among teachers, In Teacher, Pedagogical Faculty, Bitola
– Georgievska, S. Trajkov, I. (2014). Tendencies for perceived self-efficacy and procrastination in students, In Teacher, Pedagogical Faculty, Bitola
– Georgievska, S. Trajkov, I. (2014). The impact of self esteem and level of general anxiety and anxiety before exams, Сборник научни доклади, VII Национален конгрес по психологија, Софиа, Бугариа
– Trajkov, I., Georgievska, S. (2014). Cognitive behavioral therapy as psychological intervention for treating traumatized children, Сборник научни доклади, VII Национален конгрес по психологија, Софиа, Бугариа
– Социјална инклузија на лица со ментални растројства, Donbas State pedagogical University, Horlivka Institute for foreign languages, Koper, 2013
– The role of school readers in implementing the concept of inclusive education, 21st Annual conference, ENIRDELM, 27-29.09.2012, Antalya, Turkey
– Socijalizacija dece sa rizicnom ponasanje, Sicijalizacija u uslovima drustvene krize, Scientific meeting, Faculty of Philosophy, 2011, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo
– Using art therapy – a way to foster giftedness and creativity in children (2009). Во: Надарените и талентираните креатори на прогресот (теорија и практика), Педагошки Факултет, Битола, Kniga 2. (стр. 234-238) (Коавтор E. Томевска Илиевска)
– Психосоцијална рехабилитација – компонента на заштита на лицата со ментални растројства во заедницата, Годишен зборник 63 (2010). Филозофски Факултет, Скопје
– Децентрализација на здравствената заштита во делот на менталното здравје – отпочнување на процесот на дехоспитализација, Ревија за социјална политика бр. 5 јули, 2010
– Професионален стрес кај социјални работници и психолози во социјална заштита и здравство, Годишен зборник 62 (2009). Филозофски Факултет, Скопје
– Современи теоретски концепции за стрес, Годишен зборник 60 (2007). Филозофски Факултет, Скопје
– Quality of life at mentally ill person with a special accent of social inclusion, 2010 In: Bulgarian Journal of Psychology
– Професионални стрес код психолога и социјалних радника у социјалној заштити, (2010) Во: Socijalna zastita na raskrscu-lokalni odgovor globalnoj krizi, Врњачка Бања, Србија
– Psihosocijalna intervencija vo zastita na mentalnoto zdravje (2009) (skripta za interna upotreba)
– Incomplete inclusion of children of primary school age (7-14 years old) in primary education (2010) In: Education and Values in the Balkan countries, No. 10 (Трајков, И, Арнаудова, С)
– Satisfaction from Teaching Methods in Lifelong Process in Macedonia (2008) In: Education and Values in the Balkan countries, No. 9 (pp. 541-548) (Трајков, И, Арнаудова, С)
– Differences in outcomes between students studying in ECT system and students studying in traditional system. (2008) In: Education and Values in the Balkan countries, No. 9 (pp. 1199-1204) (Арнаудова, С. Трајков, И,)
– Altruism, empathy and self-esteem at students from helping and administrative studies (2007). In: Family violence, empathy and professional work, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (pp. 130-138) (Trajkov, I., Arnaudova, S.))
– Psychical problems and disorders at children-victims of family violence, (2007 In: Family violence, empathy and professional work, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (pp. 92-100) (Trajkov, I., Arnaudova, S.)
– Research about family violence in Republic of Macedonia (2007), In: Psychology and violence in the society, Faculty of Philosophy, Osijek, Croatia (pp. 169-175) (Arnaudova, S., Trajkov, I. and Denkova, F.)
– A role of the family and school in process of civilization on exceptional children (2007), In: European dimensions of reforms in the educational system, Novi Sad, Serbia (pp. 449-452) (Trajkov, I, Arnaudova, S.)
– Primary prevention of drug abuse among the adolescents (2006), In: Mladost slomlenih krila, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (pp. 30-42) (Arnaudova, S.,Trajkov, I. and Tasevska-Belcovska, J.)
– Primary prevention of drug abuse among the adolescents, student assistance program in Macedonia (2006), In: Mladost slomlenih krila, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (pp. 43-49) (Trajkov, I., Arnaudova, S., and Tasevska-Belcovska, J.)
– Теории за когнитивниот развој и нивната примена во образованието, Воспитание-Списание за теорија и практика Педагошки факултет – Штип (2002);
– Социјално емоционална ексклузија на детето во семејството и неговиот психосоцијален развој, Зборник Университетска специјалност “Социјални дејности”, Софија (2002);
– Структура на вредносниот систем кај студентите од Педагошките факултети во периодот на транзиција во Р. Македонија ,Зборник Образованието на Балканите Благоевград (2001)