- (02) 3 286 281, ext. 42
- (070) 255 257
- wednesday, 10:00–11:00 friday, 10:00–11:00
- zoran@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3968-9717
Dr. Zoran Velkovski
Prof. Dr. Zoran Velkovski was born in Skopje on March 1, 1959. In 1986 he was employed at the Institute of Pedagogy – Faculty of Philosophy Skopje at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”, as a junior assistant. In 1993 he received a master’s degree on “Reasons and motives for educational participation and educational non-engagement of adults” and in 1998 he received a PhD on “Andragogic aspects of unemployment in the Republic of Macedonia”, thus obtaining the title of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. In 1994 he was appointed as teaching assistant, in 1998 – assistant professor, in 2004 – associate professor and since 2008 he is a full professor at the Institute of Pedagogy.
From 1998 to 1999 he worked as the director of the Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Macedonia. From 1999 to 2004 he was the head of the Institute of Pedagogy. In the period from 2004 to 2008, he held the position of Vice Rector for Teaching at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje.
He has realized more than 50 domestic and international projects as a manager or member of a project team and has participated in over 60 domestic and international congresses, conferences, workshops and symposia. He specialized in Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), Nonthanburi, Thailand, 1998 in the field of lifelong learning and distance education. In his work so far, he was a member of a number of commissions and working groups at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia that aimed at drafting strategic, legal and operational documents. During his work he was a consultant to a number of international organizations that deal directly or indirectly with educational issues, such as: World Bank, UNESCO, UNDP, ETF (Turin), EBRD, Unicef, Usaid, etc.
He was a member and chairman of the State Council for Adult Education, chairman of the state commission for nostrification, chairman of the Scientific Society for Pedagogy and Education. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Awakening of Knowledge” at the University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia and is a member of the editorial board of the magazine “CEPS Journal” of the University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia. He speaks English.
Research interests: adult education; vocational education and training; labor market and education; educational policy.
Prof. Dr. Zoran Velkovski is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[PE103Z/18] Education reforms in the European Union
The third cycle of studies:
[PED22] Perspectives in Adult Education
2017 Velkovski, Z. (2017): Adult Education as an Alternative Medicine: A Critical View of Adult Education Policy Development in the F.Y. Republic of Macedonia, in: Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Southeastern Europe, Edited by George A. Koulaouzides and Katarina Popovi´c, SENSE PUBLISHERS ROTTERDAM / BOSTON / TAIPEI,
2017 Velkovski, Z., Riga Progress (MTDs) 2017 – Republic of Macedonia, ETF, Turin, 2017
2016 Velkovski, Z. (Edit.): Concept for Modernization of the Technical Education, World Bank, Skills Development and Innovation Support Project
2016 Velkovski, Z., VET Glossary, World Bank
2015 Velkovski, Z., Rizova, E., Teacher competences for intercultural dialogue”, International Conference titled “Practicum of Future Pedagogues, Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers in Multicultural Environments – Experiences and Challenges, organised by OSCE Mission Skopje and Pedagogical Faculties from Republic of Macedonia.
2015 Velkovski, Z., Rizova, E. Social dialogue and Partnership in Vocational education and training, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2015, ISSN 2334-847X.
2015 Reforms in the Education System in the Republic of Macedonia – 23 Years Later, International Journal for Education and Training (IJERT), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Vol. 1 , No. 1, June, 2015, Skopje
2014 Lidija Georgieva, Zoran Velkovski, Lena Damovska: The role of higher education in fostering inter-cultural dialogue and understanding in a multi-ethnic society- the case of the Republic of Macedonia, International Journal of Education and Research, Contemporary Research Centre, Australia
2013 Velkovski Zoran, Higher Education at a Crossroads, Papers Celebrating the 65-year Anniversary of the Institute of Pedagogy, Skopje
2012 Vlasta Vizek Vidovic & Zoran Velkovski Eds. (2012) Teaching Profession for the 21st Century, UNESCO / CEP, Belgrade
2012 Velkovski Zoran, Tomevska-Ilievska Elizabeta, Tasevska Alma, Contemporary Approaches in the Process of Teaching of Students with Special Learning Needs, International Scientific and Vocational Conference „Inclusive Education – Condition and Challenges“ 17-19 May, 2012, Strumica, Macedonia
2012 Velkovski Zoran et al., Country VET Strategy and Action Plan in a Lifelong-learning Context. ETF/MoES
2011 Velkovski Zoran, Tomevska-Ilievska Elizabeta, The Collaborative Approach in Evaluation of VET, 14th International Conference: Evaluation in Education in the Balkan Countries, Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education – Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 2011
2011 Zoran Velkovski-Elena Misik, Macedonia ECD Study, The Scaling Up of the Step-by-Step Program, James Wolfenson Foundation / Brookings Institute (in print)
2010 Concept for post-secondary education, Ministry of Education, co-author
2010 Zoran Velkovski, Systematic evaluation of the four year VET provision in the Republic of Macedonia
2009 Erlend Sigvaldsen, Zoran Velkovski, Review of Norwegian Programs within Education and Research in the Western Balkans, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, September 2009
2009 Taking Steps to a 21st Century Workforce in Macedonia, Report and recommendations from a supply-demand assessment of workforce development, Erik Payne Butler, in collaboration with Clare Ignatowski, Denise Lamaute, Jovan Madjovski, and Zoran Velkovski, Elena Misik
2009 Strategy for Adult Education in the Republic of Macedonia, Member of the Expert Team
2008 Zoran Velkovski and Natasha Angeloska Galevska, Further Education in The Republic Of Macedonia, 10th International Conferences On Further Education In The Balkan Countries, Konya
2008 Zoran Velkovski, Reforms in preschool and primary education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Skopje,
2006 Zoran Velkovski: Closer cooperation with economy – Adult Education in Macedonia, LLinE Lifelong Learning in Europe, Vol. XI issue 1/2006 Adult Education in the Western Balkan countries; Health education and health Promotion
2006 Zoran Velkovski & Olaf McDaniel: Proposal for a Strategy for Adult Education in the Republic of Macedonia in the Context of Lifelong Learning (2006-2015), ETF, Skopje
2005 Periodical Evaluation, 2004 – 2005, Roma Education Program, FOSIM, Skopje
2005 Lacrimae Mundi, Adult Learning and Unemployment in Macedonia, Skopje;
2003 The Essence of the Educational Product, Humanistic Education at the Universities in the Republic of Macedonia, 25 years jubilee of the Department for Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy Skopje, Skopje, 2003
2003 “Intercultural Education in the Republic of Macedonia”, Intercultural Education in the Balkan Countries”, 09-10 May Ohrid, 2003
2002 “Adult Education in Macedonia”, Felnöttoktási és – képzési lexikon, Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság, OKI Kiadó Ház, Budapest, 2002
2002 “Basic Music Education and the National Music Culture: Situation and Perspectives”, Makedonska Riznica, Skopje, 2002
2001 Zoran Velkovski, Natasha Angeloska – Galevska, “Pre-service and in-service training of teachers from secondary vocational schools in the Republic of Macedonia”, Lust am Lehren – Lust am Lernen, Referate des 30. internationalen Symposiums “Ingenierpädagogik 2001”, Leuchtturm-Schriftenreihe Ingenieurpädagogik, Band 45, Klagenfurt/Österreich, 2001
2000 “Pre-primary and Primary Education in the Republic of Macedonia”, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2000
2002 Vocational Education and Training in a Changing Society: Policies, Development, and Challenges, National Report of Macedonia (1998), Ministry of Education
1999 “Education for a Job or…?” Annual of Faculty of Philosophy/26, Skopje,
1999 “New projection of the educational system and unemployment”, BILOV (Bulletin for adults education in Macedonia) 1, Skopje,
1999 Analysis of the Syllabi and Curricula in Primary Education, UNICEF Skopje
1999 “ECCD – Education for Better Parenthood” (Report), Conference – Central Asia Regional Literacy Forum, Istanbul, Turkey
1998 Vocational Education and Training in a Changing Society: Policies, Development, and Challenges, National Report Republic of Macedonia, member of expert team, Skopje
1998 Andragogical Aspects of Unemployment in the Republic of Macedonia, Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
1998 “Agony of education”, Society Transition and Education, Struga, 3-4/X/97, Skopje,
1998 “The most Important Profession in the World – the Teacher”, Educational reflections /1, Skopje,
1996 “Aims of Education – Past, Present and Future”, Modern Society Changes and the Aims of the Education in the Republic of Macedonia, Struga, 25-26/IV/96
1995 “The Unemployment and Adult Education in Macedonia”, ESREA Conference Adult Education and Labor Market, Strobl, Austria
1995 “Education and Unemployment”, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy/22, Skopje,
1994 “Challenges of the Modern Family”, Family and Education of Children in Modern Conditions, Struga 11-12/XI,
1994 “Adults and Educational Mobility”, Annual of Faculty of Philosophy/21, Skopje,
1993 “Some Aspects of the Theories of De-schoolarization”, Prosvetno Delo, Skopje.