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Dr. Vera Stojanovska
Prof. Dr. Vera Stojanovska was born in 1965 in Kumanovo. She completed primary and secondary education in Skopje. She graduated (1989) and received her master’s degree (1996) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In May 1988/89 he was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Cooperation between the school pedagogue and primary school teachers” in July 2002 at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, which earned her the title of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. In the academic title of assistant professor she was elected in 2003, and in the title of associate professor she was elected in 2007. Since 2012 she is a full professor at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy – “St. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje.
In the past period, in addition to the realization of the teaching at the home faculty, she was engaged for the realization of the teaching of pedagogy (general course) at the first cycle of studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Faculty of Philology, as well as the teaching of health promotion and health education (for the part: pedagogy and didactics) at the Medical Faculty of the three-year professional studies for nurses / technicians, speech therapists, radiological technologists and physiotherapists in Skopje.
With her contributions she has participated in domestic and international scientific-professional gatherings, seminars and conferences of national and international character. She has published a significant number of articles in domestic and foreign journals and proceedings of international scientific conferences, as well as three books in the field of pedagogy and methodology of work of a pedagogue and a university textbook. Within the activities of wider interest, she was a member of several organizational and program boards of scientific-professional gatherings at home and abroad. She has studied in Austria and the Netherlands.
She has been a reviewer and expert consultant for scientific, professional and university teaching publications. With her expertise, she participated in the work of several professional commissions formed at the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as in commissions for selection of teachers in all teaching-scientific titles.
As a professional in the field of didactics and the application of pedagogical models of modern educational technologies in the teaching and learning processes, she was a member of expert teams for preparation of strategic documents for the development of education in Macedonia. She has participated in several project teams for preparation and implementation of training programs for educators, teachers, professional associates and principals from primary and secondary schools and has performed other expert activities of wider social interest. She is a member of the editorial and review board of international journals: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), International Journal of Education, Research and Training (IJERT) and International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE ). She was the head of the postgraduate studies in pedagogy in the period from 2009-2013. He speaks English, Serbian and Croatian.
She is a lover of theater, film, art and music.
Research interests: didactics, educational technology, school pedagogy, school documentology, methodology of pedagogue work, quality management in education, evaluation of the educational process, pedagogical communication, educational technology, curriculum development.
Prof. Dr. Vera Stojanovska is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[PE808I/18; F304I/18 ] School docimology
The second cycle of studies:
[PE1023/18] Teaching and learning
[FPE108I/18] Communications in educational institutions
[PE205I/18; FMO106I/18] Modern educational technologies
[PE207I/18] Evaluation of the educational process
[МО102З/18] Quality management of education
[МО204И/18] Communications in educational organizations
[HRM2012I/18] Business communication
[FMCR227I/18] Quality management of education
The third cycle of studies:
[PED11] Curriculum of the modern school
[PED14] Modeling the teaching process
[PED15] Multimedia didactics
[PED31] Management and professional-pedagogical management of the school
Selected bibliography
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Kostov., B., Modern Dimensions of The Leadership and Management with The Educational Institutions, Improving the quality of life of children and youth, X International scientific conference “Improving the quality of life of children and youth”, 21st – 23rd June (2019), Istanbul, Turkey.;
Stojanovska, Z. V., Barakoska, T. A., Kostov, K. B. (2018). The profesional needs of the school pedagogues for improving the quality of work with the students in the primary education. Zbornik radova: IX Međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija: Unapređenje kvalitete života dјece i mladih. Udruženje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih, Tuzla (Bosna i Hercegovina).
Kostov, B., Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V. (2018). Activities and Forms of Cooperation between the teachers and the parents of the children with special needs from the special schools. 5th International conference. Skopje: Faculty of philosophy, Institut for special education and rehabilitation, pp. 249-257
Стојановска, В. (2017). Соработката меѓу педагогот и наставниците во основното училиште. Скопје: КА ЕЛ ЕС – Принт
Vasileva, M., Stojanovska, V.,Trajkovik, V. (2016). Ability the Students of Pedagogy to use ICT in teaching. International Journal for Education, Reserarch and Training (IJERT).
Stojanovska, V. (2016). Teachers from Primary Education about the Implementation of ICT in the Teaching Process. International Journal for Education, Reserarch and Training (IJERT).
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A. (2016). Training of the Teachers for the Application of ICT in the Teaching Process. Some Issues in Pedagogy and Methodology, International Research Institute sro, Komárno, Slovakia, pp. 34-43
Barakoska, T. A., Stojanovska, Z. V. (2016). Leasure time activities seen through the prism of the primary schools. VII Međunarodna naučno – stručna konferencija ”Unapredzenje kvaliteta zivota gjece i mladih”, Tematski zbornik I deo, 24.-26.06.2016. godine, Tuzla: Udruženje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih i Edukacisko-rehabilitaciski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli (Bosna i Hercegovina)
Nikodinovska-Bancotovska, S., Stojanovska, V. (2015). The ındıvıdualızed approach to descrıptıve gradıng. 10th International Balkan Education and Science Congress on the topic of “Educatıon and globalızatıon” September 17-19, 2015. INTERNATIONAL Balkan congress on education and science (10 ; 2015) Education and globalization [Електронски извор] / 10th International Balkan congress on education and science, September 17-19, 2015 ; [editor Vlado Timovski]. – Skopje : Faculty of pedagogy St. “Kliment Ohridski”, 2016.
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Stošić, L. (2015). Impact of the school climate on the effectiveness of the school from the teaching staff perspective, The III International forum on cognitive modeling (IFCM-2015), September 14-21, Varna Bulgaria, Pages 314-320
Stošić L., Stojanovska V. (2014). Parents’ attitudes about using computers in preschool children. THE II-nd INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON COGNITIVE MODELLING (IFCM-2014, September 6-13, 2014, Isola, Slovenia). Part 2 – Cognitive Modelling in Science, Culture, Education.
Stošić, L., Stojanovska, V., Stošić, I. (2014). PERCEPTION OF TEACHERS REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATION IN EDUCATION. Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference, (20-21 November 2014, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation).
Stojanovska, V., Vasileva, M. (2014). Digitized Children’s Games from The Past in Function of the Realization of the Matematics Curriculum in Primary Education. Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Pedagogical Journal of Association of Educational Sciences, Komárno, Slovakia. International Research Institute s.r.o. Volume 9 Number 3, pp. 236-244.
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Rizova, E. (2014). Contemporary Menagement and the Benefits of Its Implementation in Educational Organizations in the Rrepublic of Macedonia, Vodenje v vzgoji in izobrazevanju, Volume 12, Birografika Bori, d.o.o Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 191-201
Донев, Д., Мирчевска, Л., Велковски, З., Ќосевска, Е., Стојановска, В., Глигоров, И., Ризова, Е. (2014). Промоција на здравјето и здраствено воспитание. Скопје: Медицински факултет
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A. (2014). The pedagogical function of the homeroom teacher into the new concept of primary education in Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (JCRSEE), Vol 2, Issue1, June.
Stojanovska, V. (2013). Students’ opinion about professional ethics relation of the teachers. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (JCRSEE), Vol 1, No 2, December.
Stojanovska, V. (2013). A national strategy and project activities for implementation of ICT in primary education. International Scientific Sympoosium: Education between tradition and modernity, Faculty of Philosophy, University „SS. Cyril and Methodius“ Skopje
Koteva-Mojsovska, T., Stojanovska, V. (2012). Consideration the Needs of Parents for Educational Communication with School. Udruženje za poddršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih i Edukacisko-rehabilitaciski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Tuzla (Bosna i Hercegovina)
Стојановска, В. (2012). Наставни медиуми. Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Костов, Б., Баракоска, А., Стојановска, В. (2012). Значај и улога педагога из уметничких струка у остваривању естетског васпитања у дечјем вртичу. Алексинац: Висока школа за васпитaче струковних студија, бр.11
Стојановска, В. (2012). Советодавно-воспитната работа на училишниот педагог со учениците. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр.2
Stojanovska, V. Krsteska – Papić, B. (2011). Evaluation of multicultural component in the primary education in Republic of Macedonia. Pejatovic, A.,(ed.) Evaluation in Education in the Balkan countries. Publisher: Universsity of Belgrade-Facullty of Philosophy-Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy.
Stojanovska, V., Koteva – Mojsovska, T. (2011). Cooperation of the Preschool Pedagogue with Parents in Function of Improving the Quality of Life of Children. Udruženje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih, Tuzla (Bosna i Hercegovina), Zbornik: Unapređenje kvalitete života dјece i mladih.
Баракоска, А. Стојановска, В. (2011). Предшколско васпитање примарни фактор за успешно уводџење деце у сфери слободног времена. Алексинац: Висока школа за васпитaче струкових студија, бр.10
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A. (2010). Students’ preparedness for the challenges of E-learning. Penkova, R. et al (eds.) Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education: ICT in the Education in the Balkan Countries. Varna
Stojanovska, V. (2010). Implementation of ICT in the Education of the Republic of Macedonia. Penkova, R. et al (eds.) Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education: ICT in the Education in the Balkan Countries. Varna
Stojanovska, V. Krsteska – Papić, B. (2010). Multicultural Component in Elementary Education in the Republic of Macedonia. Budapest (Hungary): Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Vol.5 HU ISSN 1788-2591 (Online), HU ISSN 1788-2583 (Print)
Стојановска, В., Баракоска, А. (2010). Осврт врз законските обврски на стручниот соработник-педагог во основното училиште. Годишен зборник Кмига 63, Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V. (2010). Some aspects of educational inclusion of Roma population in Republic of Macedonia. 12th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries: Policy and Practises, Balkan Society for Pedagogu and Education, Publishing House: Kyriakidis Brothers s.a., Thessaloniki, Greece
Стојановска, В., Баракоска, А. (2007). Проектните активности во основното воспитание и образование во Република Македонија. Годишен зборник, Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Стојановска, В. (2007). Интернет во наставата и учењето. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр. 3.
Стојановска, В. (2007). Вреднување на воспитно-образовниот процес во училиштето. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр. 1
Стојановска, В. (2004). Дидактички аспекти на соработката меѓу училишниот педагог и наставниците. Скопје: Форум
Стојановска, В. (2004). Модел на web страна за училишен педагог. Годишен зборник, Книга 57, Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Стојановска, В. (2004). Педагошките погледи на проф. Анатоли Дамјановски за индивидуализацијата на наставата. Скопје: Филозофски факултет, Педагогија, бр. 1;
Стојановска, В. (2003). Глобални промени во образованието и нивна импликација во основното воспитание и образование. Годишен зборник, Книга 56. Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Стојановска, В. (2002). Причини кои ја отежнуваат кооперативната активност меѓу училишниот педагог и наставниците во основното училиште. Зборник на трудови од Меѓународен собир “Предучилишното и основното воспитание и образование – состојби и перспективи”. Скопје: Педагошки факултет
Стојановска, В. (2002). Интерно стручно усовршување на наставниците во основното училиште. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр. 4
Стојановска, В. (2001). Училишните педагози и вреднувањето на работата на наставниците. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр.5
Стојановска, В. (1998). Оспособување и стимулирање на наставниците за примена на современа наставна технологија. Зборник “Општествената транзиција и образованието”. Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Стојановска, В. (1997). Перманентното образование на наставниците – императив на нашето време. Зборник “Перманентното образование и учење на XXI век, како филозофски и педагошки основи на теоријата практиката во сферата на едукацијата”. Скопје: Педагошки факултет “Св. Климент Охридски”
Стојановска, В. (1996). Педагогически опити и схващания за акцелерация на способните ученици в основното училище. Софијя: сп. Педагогика, No 7 ISSN 0861-3982
Стојановска, В. (1995). Акцелерација на учениците во основното училиште. Битола: ГОЦМАР
Стојановска, В. (1995). Осврт врз формите на работа со надарените ученици. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр. 4
Стојановска, В. (1993). Дидактичката вредност на образовната технологија. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр. 2
Стојановска, В. (1992). Улогата на педагогот во откривањето и професионалната ориентација на талентираните ученици. Зборник “Современи тенденции во воспитанието и образованието”. Скопје: Просветно дело
Стојановска, В. (1990). Поттикнување и насочување на развојот на талентираните ученици во наставата. Скопје: Просветно дело, бр.5
Стојановска, В. (1989). Форми на работа со надарените ученици од основно – училишна возраст. Зборник “Откривање, развој и вработување на надарените деца и младинци”. Скопје: Републички завод за унапредување на образованието и воспитувањето.