
- (02) 3 116 520, loc. 225
- monday, 10:00–11:00 tuesday, 11:00–12:00 workroom no.149
- suncica.dimitrijoska@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
Dr. Sunčica Dimitrijoska
Dr. Dimitrijoska Suncica was born in 1957. She finished primary school and pedagogical academy in Vranje. She graduated in 1989 at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. She completed her master’s studies at the Institute for Sociological and Political-Legal Research in Skopje with the defense of her master’s thesis on the topic: The needs of the elderly (1996). She defended her doctoral dissertation on “Systematic approach to working with the elderly” in 2002 at the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy, Faculty of Philosophy Skopje and obtained the title of Doctor of Science in Social Policy and Social Work.
In 1984 she was employed in the Inter-Municipal Center for Social Work of the Municipalities in the City of Skopje, where she worked until 1990 on work tasks in the field of immediate social protection as well as tasks in the field of guardianship (foster family accommodation and adoption).
She started working as a junior assistant at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy on December 1, 1990. She was elected assistant professor in December 2001, and associate professor in October 2006. Since November 2012 he is a full professor at the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.
She graduated from the Higher School of Social Work on 14.12.1979 with the highest average grade of 9.20 and by the University “St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje was named the best graduate student.
She has attended courses and seminars and studied at universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, Australia and Bulgaria.
She has a special research interest in conducting evaluation activities related to problems in the field of social protection and social work.
Evaluator of the National Strategy for Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration and Action Plans 2016, IOM
Participant / researcher in an international scientific project: “Taking action for social inclusion of the elderly” May, 2016 supported by the European Union
Expert activities in the preparation of a Program for resocialization and reintegration of child victims of trafficking, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, GIZ; 2014
Prepared a Program for resocialization and reintegration of child victims of trafficking, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, GIZ; 2014
Project participant Mapping of professional bodies that provide Findings and opinions on the type and degree of disability in physical or mental development and assessment of specific needs, UNICEF, 2014
Engaged in the preparation of National programs and benefits within the social protection system of the Republic of Macedonia (2013) GIZ. www.segrizime.gov.mk
Evaluator of the National Strategy for Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration and Action Plans 2012, GIZ
Evaluator of the project “Social work with street children”, Caritas, 2012.
Evaluator within the project Technical Assistance of the Center for Social Work in working with children at risk and children in conflict with the law (2010-2012), UNICEF
Project evaluator Active involvement of Roma students in non-institutional activities in high schools in the city of Skopje, Cival Association “Sumnal”, 2012
Participant in the project From safe accommodation to social integration of victims of trafficking, Citizens’ Association “Open Gate”, GIZ, 2012
Author of publications Benefits of participation, Municipal Development Project, World Bank, 2005 Participated in projects Empirical analysis of the problems of children at risk and evaluation of existing protection factors, Institute for Social Work and Social Policy, PHARE, 2003-2004
Dimitrijoska actively uses French.
President of the Association of Social Workers of the Republic of Macedonia from 1990 to 1995.
President of the Red Cross of the Municipality of Centar 2015-2022.
Continuously involved in professional trainings: Systemic family therapy, Counseling method and social therapy.
Prof. Dr. Suncica Dimitrijoska is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[SRSP 102 Z / 18] Social protection and good governance
[SRSP 121 I / 18] Network social work
[MR103 Z / 18] Humanitarian aspects of peace and security
[ICR 203 I / 18] Human Resource Management in Public Administration and Social Affairs
[MD 212 I] Contemporary tendencies in the treatment of juvenile offenders
[MD 213 I] Prevention of delinquent behavior
[SRZ 104 I] Clinical research methods and evaluation
[SR321 1I] Clinical case management
The third cycle of studies:
[SR1] Axiological and social dimensions of social work
[SRSP1] Social protection systems and services in modern societies
Svetlana Trbojevik, Suncica Dimitrijoska, Vladimir Iliev-ski, Тhe Need of Professional Social Work in Overcoming Social Problems and Social Exclusion of Children in the Process of Education, European Journal of Social Sciences, v. 2, n. 1, 2019.
Sunčica Dimitrijoska,Nataša Bogoevska, Porodica kao faktor recidivizma dece u vršenju krivičnih dela, Zbornik radova, Centar modernih znanja, 2019, Banja Luka
Natasha Bogoevska, Suncica Dimitrijoska, CHANGES IN THE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEM IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, Socijalne studije, godine 1, broj 1, 2018, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet politickih nauka.
Dimitrijoska, S; Ilievski, V., (2016) Ethics and Value Dilemmas in Social Work. Social Work Review / Revista de Asistenta Sociala. 2016, Issue 1, p49-58. EBSCO EDS
Dimitrijoska S., Trbojevik S., Bogoevska N. Ilievski VDetails.(2016) Provision of Health and Social Services for Drug Addicts in the Republic of Macedonia, European Journal of Multidiscipliary Studies April 2016 Nr.1
Dimitrijoska S. Dimitrijević. D.S (2016) International and national standards for protection and treatment of unaccompaniedminors, Jurmal of Social policy, Faculty of Philosophy, p (83-117). (во печат)
Dimitrijoska S., Trbojevik S., Bogoevska N. Ilievski V Provision of Health and Social Services for Drug Addicts in the Republic of Macedonia European Journal of Multidiscipliary Studies April 2016 Nr.1
Dimitrijoska, S; Ilievski, V., Ethics and Value Dilemmas in Social Work Social Work Review / Revista de Asistenta Sociala, Issue 1, 2016. EBSCO EDS
Dimitrijoska S., Ilievski V., Involvement of Vulnerable People in the Health Care System” International Conference оf Socio-economic Researchers Icrs 2016 Serbia, 27 – 29 May 2016, Zlatibor Volume 5, Number 9, June 2016
Bogoevska N, Ilievski V, Dimitrijoska S. Protection of children at risk in the system of justice for children in the Republic of Macedonia, European Center For Science Education And Research First Published 2015 European Journal Of Social IMPACT FACTOR GSCIF 0.894 EJSER now has received its impact factor status.
Dimitrijoska S.Trbojecic S.Ilievski V, (2015) Demographic aging of population and the social protection system in the Republic of Macedonia. Стр. 385-39 Euser European Center For Science Education And Research First Published 2015 European Journal Of Social Sciences Education And Research September – December 2015, Volume 5, Nr. IMPACT FACTOR GSCIF 0.894 EJSER now has received its impact factor status.
Бужаровска Г., Димитријоска С.,(2015): Ризик фактори за повторништво кај децата заради подобра превенција на детското престапништво, Министерство за правда.
Dimitrijoska S, Ilievski V (2015) Interdisciplinary Approach for Peace Students, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za bezbednost odbrana i mir. str 427-443.Security Dialoges Vol 1, Namber 2-1 2015 EBSCO, HOST
Dimitrijoska S,. (2015) Supervision as Model of Personal and Professional Development of Social Workers, Jurmal of Social policy, Faculty of Philosophy, p (65-79).
Saltirovska Z., Dimitrijoska S., (2015) Родовата димензија на семејното насилство во Република Македонија, International Scientific Journal Of The Ministry Of Defence Of The Republic Of Macedonia Vol. 15, No. 29, December 2015, st 69-83, EBSCO, HOST
Dimitrijoska S., (2015) Supervision of students’ practice for work with children in conflict with Law, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Researching Security: Approaches, Concepts and Policies Ohrid, Macedonia, 2-3 June 2015
Димитријоска С.,Јовановска В., (2014) Мапирање на стручните органи кои даваат наод и мислење за видот и степенот на попреченоста во физичкиот или психичкиот развој и оценка на специфичните потреби, УНИЦЕФ
Dimitrijoska S, Gacevski Lj,Pavicevic N.(2014),Mentorig children in conflict with the law, 21-22 juni 2014, Igalo, Unapredjenje kvaliteta zivota mladih i dece V Megunarodno-strucna коnferencija,, str 289-295
Dimitrijoska S, Tevdovska,(2014) Adaptacion of children towards divorce of separation of parants, 21-22 juni 2014 Igalo, Unapredjenje kvaliteta zivota mladihi dece V Megunarodno- strucna konferancija str. 155-162.
Димитријоска С.,(2014) Sosial exclusion of oldrer persons in the Republic of Macedonia, Меѓународна научна конференција, 3-5 June, Охрид
Димитријоска С., Sosial exclusion of oldrer persons in the Republic of Macedonia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola, Faculty of Security- Skopje, 2014
Gerovska M., Dimitrijoska S., Social politicy in the economic crisis times in the Republic of Macedonia, Ljetopis Socijalnog rada, 2013, str 171-186.SCOPUS, EBSCO
Димитријоска C, Batic (2013): Evaluation of the current situation in the center for social work Skopje, regarding the work with the children at risk and conflict with the law, Едукациско-рехабилитациски факултет у Тузла, Удружење за подршку и креативни развој деце и младих, Тузла, 2013, стр. 585-599.
Batic D, Dimitrijoska S, (2013) Reakcija dece na razvod i ponovni brak roditelja Едукациско-рехабилитациски факултет у Тузла, Удружење за подршку и креативни развој деце и младих, Тузла, 2013, стр. 183-197
Димитријоска С., Димишковска (2012): Од сигурно сместување до социјална интеграција на жртвите од трговија со луѓе, Здружение на граѓани „Отворена порта“, ГИЗ
Dimitrijoska S, (2012) Procenka i planiranje na uslugi za starite lica, Magunarodna konferencija ,,Aktivno streenje i megugeneraciska solidarnost”, Zbornik na naucni trudovi, st.97-112, Filozofski fakultet Skopje
Ilievski V. Dimitrijoska (2012) The situation of socially vulnerable groups in the labor markrt in Macedonia, Тhe II Internacional Stentific Conference, Dynamic of European through Social Inclusion, Tirana 8-9 ostober, 2012, Puno Sociale dhe Politika, Sociale, Number.6 Tirana
Димитријоска С, (2012): The effects of Mentoring programs for juveniles in conflict with the law, Едукациско-рехабилитациски факултет у Тузла, Удружење за подршку и креативни развој деце и младих, Златибор, стр. 631-645.
Димитријоска С., (2012) Од сигурно сместување до социјална интеграција на жртвите на трговија со луѓе Здруженије за акција против трговија со луѓе, Отворена порта,
Универзитетски учебник: Социјална работа со малолетници сторители на кривични дела, Филозофски факултет, 2009, второ изданије 2012
Прирачник за обука за менторска програма за малолетници во конфликт со законот, Скопје: Филозофски факултет, 2012 (автор) УНИЦЕФ
Mенторска програма, Скопје, Филозофски факултет, 2012 (прирачник автор) УНИЦЕФ
Прирачник за социјална работа со малолетници сторители на кривични дела, Скопје: Филозофски факултет, 2012 (автор)
Прирачник за идентрификација и дирекна помош и поддршка на жрти на трговија со луѓе и ранливи групи, ГИЗ 2012
Национални programи и бенифиции во рамки на системот на социјална заштита во Република Македонија, ГТЗ, 2011
Правото на компензација на жртви на трговија со луѓе во Република Македонија СДС, 2011
Mentoring Programs for Juveniles in Conflict with the Law Едукациско‑рехабилитациски факултет, Тузла, Удружење за подршку и креативен развој деце и младих, Тузла 2011, стр. 651-661
Monitoring Programs for Juveniles in Conflict with the Law Унапређење квалитета живота дјеце и младих Рехабилитациски факултет у Тузли, 2011
Socio-Economic transformation and welfare system in the Republic of Macedonia World Bank/UK DFID meeting on Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkan Brussels, December 14-15, 2011
Богоевска Н., Димитријоска С., „Juvenile Justice System in the Republic of Macedonia“, Едукациско-рехабилитациски факултет, Тузла, Удружење за подршку и креативен развој деце и младих, Тузла 2011. стр. 601-611.
Положба на лица со телесна инвалидност на пазарот на трудот УНИФЕМ, 2009
Социјална исклученост на старите лица во Македонија(2008-2009), UNDP
Социјална исклученост на старите лица, Социјалната заштита на раскрсница: локални одговори на глобалната кризa Асоцијација на центри за социјална работа, Србија, Ниш, 2009
Алтернативните форми на згрижување на деца базирани на семејна грижа, ТРАНСМОНЕЕ, Држaвен завод за статистика, 2008
Social Dimension of Prevention and Human Securitz bel del Conference Democratz and Human Securitz, Fridrich–Ebert Stiftung, Skopje, 2008.
Дијагностички техники во работа со семејство – генограм, УНИЦЕФ, 2008.
Малолетничка правда – од хартија до пракса, Место и улога на социјалните работници од аспект на ефикасноста на малолетничка правда, УНИЦЕФ, 2007
Социјална заштита на стари лица, Завод за социајлни дејности, Скопје 2001
Интервентни форми во социјална работа со деца во социјaлен ризик, Зборник на трудови од научен собир, Филозофски факултет Скопје, 2000
University Textbooks:
Универзитетски учебник, Социјална работа со малолетници сторители на кривични дела Филозофски факултет, 2012
Mенторска програма, Филозофски факултет, 2012
Прирачник за социјална работа со малолетници сторители на кривични дела, Филозофски факултет, 2012
Приручници за обука за менторска програм за малолетници во конфликт со законот, Филозофски факултет, 2012
Прирачник за работа со млади кои го напушатат Детскиот дом по полнолетство, НВО Среќно детство, 2005