- (02) 3 116 520, ext. 117
- wednesday, 12:00–13:00 thursday, 11:00–12:00
- damovska.lena@gmail.com
- lenad@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
Dr. Lena Damovska
Prof. Dr. Lena Alabashovska Damovska was born in 1967 in Poland. She graduated (1988) and obtained a master’s degree (1994), and a PhD degree (2000) at the Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In April 1990 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy. Since (1994) she has been a teaching assistant, since 2001 an assistant professor, since 2005 an associate professor and since 2010 a full professor at the Institute of Pedagogy.
Her teaching and scientific interests are focused on the scientific fields of Pedagogy and Methodology, narrower specialty didactic-methodological models and approaches to early learning and development of children in preschool and early school age. She teaches many courses at the first, second and third cycle of studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports at UKIM.
She was the head of the Institute of Pedagogy (2004-2009), first Vice Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Philosophy (2010-2013), Vice Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy (2013-2017). She is the initiator and founder of the UNESCO Center for Intercultural Studies and Research at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (2012).
She has been a consultant and collaborator to major international and non-governmental organizations, such as: the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, Save the Children, OMEP, USAID (USAID), SCG – Search for Common Ground, OSCE.
She attended courses and seminars and made study visits to several universities in the United States, Finland, Great Britain, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Croatia, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Greece; IVLP International Visiting Leadership Program, study visit to the United States (2012); Salzburg Seminar (2005).
She has been a visiting professor at universities in Greece, Sri Lanka and Poland.
Participated in numerous international and national scientific research and application projects, in various positions as project manager, member of expert team, national coordinator, advisor, including:
– SSIP Project Social Services Improvement Project, SSIP-Project for improvement of social services, World Bank and MLSP (2019-2024)
– Strengthening the social cohesion in MK, SCG – Search for common ground, USAID (2018-2019);
– Anchoring of multiethnic youth work in the University Curriculum for Future Teachers, LOJA, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy (2014-2019);
– Peace Educations impact on relationship building and societal conflicts, Gothenburg University, SGS- School of Global Studies (2015-2018);
– Partnership for Reconciliation through Early Childhood Education and Care, PRECEDE project, Children’s Embassy Megjashi (2014, 2015, 2016);
– Enhancing dialogue and collaboration through intercultural education and research, UNESCO Venice office, Faculty of Philosophy (2011-2013);
– Strengthening the Pre-Service Teacher Training System in a Multi-Ethnic Society, OSCE, (2009-2013); Guidelines for Conducting Practicum Assignments for students, future teachers, educators and pedagogues, OSCE Mission Skopje, (2012-2013).
– Going global – Early learning and development standards, UNICEF Office in MK, MLSP 2008-2010
– Regional Consultant for Development and Validation of Early Learning and Development Standards (Serbia, Bulgaria, Kosovo), UNICEF (2009-2010);
– member of the expert team Project – Early Childhood Development, Standards for early learning and development in children from 0-6 years in R. Macedonia, UNICEF, MLSP, 2008-2010
– Early Childhood Development, Development and Validation of Early Childhood Development Standards, UNICEF, MLSP 2006-2008
She is a member of several international associations for education and early learning and development: Balkan Association for Education and Pedagogy, International Research Network of Early Childhood Development, ISSA. She is a member of the editorial board of international magazines in the country and abroad (Poland, Serbia, Turkey). She was a UNICEF Regional Expert (2005-2010). She has realized a number of professional training in the country and in the region (Serbia, Bulgaria, Kosovo). She speaks English and Polish.
Prof. Dr. Lena Alabashovska Damovska is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[МО103З] Education system and legislation
[PE210I] Contemporary trends in preschool education
[KF253I] History of Byzantine philosophy
The third cycle of studies:
[PED01] Alternative approaches to early learning and development
[PED12] Early Education Curricula
Предучилишен курикулум (2019) Студентски сервис, Скопје
Нови практики во детските градинки (редактор) (2012), Темпора Веритас, Скопје
Спортска педагогија (коавтор) (2011) МОН, Скопје
Алтернативни пристапи кон педагогијата (коавтор) (2010) Бомат Графикс, Скопје
Компатибилноста на предучилишното со основното воспитание и образование (2001), КРУГ, Скопје
Предучилишното и основното воспитание и образование во РМ – развој, состојби и перспективи (коавтор) (2000), Филозофски Факултет: Скопје
Компаративно истражување на воспитно образовните вредности (1997), Европа92, Кочани
Играта и нејзиното организирање во детските градинки (1995), ДОГЕР, Скопје
Scientific papers and publications (selection)
Damovska, L., Tasevska, A. Requirements for reorganization of the first cycle of primary education in the republic of Macedonia (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. Vol. 2, Issue.1, June 2014.
Damovska, L., Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tasevska, A. The Conceptual and Systematic Setting of the Practical Teaching in the Republic of Macedonia (Model and Experiences) (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. Vol. 2, Issue.2, December 2014.
Damovska, L. Ефективно учење во раното детство, Effective learning in Early Childhood, International Journal for Education Research and training Volume,1 Issue 1, 2015.
Damovska, L. Quality of the Education of Preschool teachers and the new concept of Early Childhood Development, in Curriculums of Early and compulsory education ed. D. Bouillet-M. Matijevic), Uciteljski fakultet, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, 2009 p. 269-277.
Damovska, L., Tomevska-Ilievska, E., Tasevska, A. Practical teaching as a model for developing the pedagogical competences – states and perspectives, Conference proceedings, 1st International scientific conference: Practicum of future pedagogues, teachers and kindergarten teachers in multicultural environments – experiences and challenges, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of pedagogy, St Kliment Ohridski; State University Tetovo, Faculty of Philosophy; University St Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, Faculty of Education; Goce Delćev University in Štip,Faculty of Education Sciences, MCEC and OSCE-Human Dimension Department in Skopje, 2015.
Damovska, L. Tasevska, A. Contemporary strategies for the development of critical thinking in the first cycle of primary education, 2-nd International conference, Education across borders: Critical thinking in education, Book of papers, University of Florina, Faculty of Education; University of Korça, Faculty of Education and Philology; University of Bitola, Faculty of Education, (2014=.
Damovska, L. Tasevska, A. Professional competences of kindergarten teachers in R. Macedonia regarding the physical and health development of children aged between 0 to 6, Conference proceedings, 1-st International scientific conference: Research in physical education, sport
Реџио Емилија (Regio Emmilia), педагошко-психолошка концепција соодветна на децата на 21 век, Просветно Дело, бр. 3, 2009
The European Impact on the Current Educational Reforms in Macedonia in: European unification and the educational challenges in the Balkans (ed.N.P.Terzis), Publishing house Kyriakidis, 2008, p 47-55
Further Education of the Preschool and Elementary teachers in Macedonia in:Further Education in the Balkan Countries (ed. O Demirel- A.M.Sunbul) Volume 1, EGITIM academi, 2008 p. 47-58
Статусот на воспитувачите во реформата на предучилишното воспитание и образование, Просветно дело, бр. 3-4, 2005
Ајде да Учиме, Природа и Општество (коавтор) – прирачници за подготвителна година во детските градинки и во основните училишта, 1. Растенија и животни, 2. Јас и општествената средина, 3. Природата и екологијата, 4. Човекот и светот, Просветно дело, Скопје, 2005
Валдорф педагогијата на почетокот на 21 век – искуства и перспективи, Годишен зборник на Филозофки факултет, Скопје, кн. 58, 2005
Children’s games and toys in Macedonia in the period between the two World Wars(1918-1941), in Childhood in the SouthEast Europe, p.67, Zur Kunde SudoostEuropas, Band 11/28, Belgrade-Graz, 2002
“Conditions for appropriate pedagogical organizing and performing of play in preschool institutions in Macedonia,
Childhood education – international perspectives, Oulun-Yliopistopaino, Oulu, Finland, 1996
Детето и вредностите (1996), Просветно дело бр. 3, Скопје