- tuesday, 14:00–15:00 thursday, 12:00–13:00
- irenap@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5263-6578
Dr. Irena Teodora Vesevska
Irena Teodora Vesevska was born on August 24, 1983, in Skopje. She finished high school in 2002. in DSU Josip Broz – Tito. She received her university education at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, and at the University of Ljubljana in 2006-2007. She graduated in 2007, with an average grade of 9.95.
In the academic year 2007/08 she enrolled in the second cycle (master) studies at the Institute of History of Art and Archeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje. She completed her studies in 2009, with an average grade of 10.00 and a master’s degree on the topic: Early Christianity in Macedonia Secunda.
She applied for a doctoral dissertation in 2009 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje. She defended her dissertation on the topic: Early Christianity in the late antique provinces on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia I, Macedonia II, New Epirus, Dardania and Mediterranean Dacia) in 2015 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Archeology. She was hired as a demonstrator in Early Christian Archeology 1 and 2 (2006–2009), expert associate in Early Christian Archeology 1 and 2 (2009–2012), coordinator for ECTS (2009–2010), elected as a junior assistant in medieval archeology 1 and 2 , Early Christian Archeology 1 and 2, Introduction to Scientific Work, Medieval Numismatics, Biblical Archeology, Archeology of the Turkish Middle Ages (2012–2015), Assistant Professor of Medieval Archeology 1 and 2, Early Christian archeology 1 and 2, introduction to scientific work, medieval numismatics, biblical archeology, archeology of the Turkish Middle Ages (2015–2020) at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje – Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Art History and Archeology.
She now works as an associate professor in the same fields.
She is the winner of the award for the best student in the field of social sciences at UKIM for 2006/2007.
She attended courses and seminars and made study visits to universities in Slovenia, Serbia and Egypt. She was a member of research teams and managed archeological sites in Macedonia and Slovenia. Organized a series of lectures and coordinated international conferences of prominent experts.
She speaks English and German; is an amateur photographer and a lover of electronic music.
Prof. Dr. Irena Teodora Vesevska is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[A503Z / 18; U504I / 18] Early Christian Archeology 1
[A602Z / 18; U604I / 18] Early Christian Archeology 2
[A701Z / 18; U704I / 18] Medieval Archeology 1
[A801Z / 18; U804I / 18] Medieval Archeology 2
[A506I / 18; U305I / 18] Introduction to Biblical Archeology
The second cycle of studies:
Early Christian archeology in Macedonia
Early Christianity
Circulation of coins in the Middle Ages
Medieval funerary archeology
The third cycle of studies:
[IUA6] Everyday life in medieval Macedonia
[IUA25] Contextualizing gender in early Christianity
[IUA33] Early Christian basilicas on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in late antiquity
Upon the borders of Macedonia Secunda – facts, assumptions, considerations, Годишен Зборник на Филозофски Факултет 72, Скопје 2019
A Rare Byzantine Lead Seal From Medieval Bučin, Balcanoslavica 2, Prilep 2019
Ascending from Blood: Early Christian Architecture, Ancient Theatre and the Cult of the Martyrs, Folia Archaeologica Balkanica (FAB IV), Skopje 2018
Between east and west: Early Christian bishops from the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in historical source, Živa Antika 68, Skopje 2018
Women in Late Antiquity and Early Christianity: The voices and deeds of the “silent” minority, Годишен Зборник на Филозофски Факултет 71, Скопје 2018
Elizabeta Dimitrova, The Vinica Mystery: The Ceramic Treasures of Late Antique Fortress, Vinica: Museum “Teracota”, 2012 (book review by Irena T. Vesevska), Zograf. A Journal of Medieval Art, Number 37, 207, Belgrade 2013
Древниот Египет – каде што сé започнува, кон серијата предавања на д-р Рамадан Б. Хусеин, Министерство за антиквитети, Каиро, Macedoniae Acta Arhaeologica No. 20, 553-554, Скопје 2011
The triconch at Tudence: A short analyze of the type in history of architecture, Macedonian Historical Review vol. 1,81-89,2010 Skopje
Два дедикаторски натписа од Стоби, Македонско Наследство бр. 34-35, 151-156, 2009 Скопје
Хароновиот обол во антиката, Македонско Наследство бр. 28, 57 -61, 2006 Скопје