- (02) 3 116 520, loc. 155
- thursday, 10:30–12:30 friday, 10:00–12:00
- avirovic@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1609-000X
Dr. Irena Avirovic Bundalevska
Irena Avirovic Bundalevska was born on February 18, 1983 in Skopje. She graduated in 2006 at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski”, University “St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and earned the title of graduate professor of Italian language and literature in Spanish language and literature. In 2009 she completed her master’s degree at the University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”, Italy, at the Faculty of Political Science, Department: International Relations, obtaining the title – Master of Eastern European Research and Studies. In December 2013, Avirovic Bundalevska defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Macedonian Emigration to the United States between the Two World Wars” at the Institute of National History, at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and obtained a scientific degree – Doctor of Historical Sciences.
In the period from 2009 to 2012 she worked as a lecturer in Spanish at the University “American College” in Skopje, and from 2010 to 2014 she was employed at the Institute of National History as an assistant researcher in the Balkanology Department. Since December 2014, Dr. Irena Avirovic Bundalevska has been employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje at the Institute for Family Studies, as an assistant professor in the scientific fields (disciplines): The Family in Multicultural Societies and Family Problems and Religious Institutions.
Irena Avirovic Bundalevska is the national coordinator for Macedonia for COST Action 18123: The European Family Network.
She speaks English, Italian and Spanish. She has knowledge of German and Russian.
Research interests: Cultural and social changes in the Balkans in the 20th century, with a special focus on migration flows, ethnic groups and minorities on the peninsula. Family and marriage history, multiculturalism.
Prof. Dr. Irena Avirovic Bundalevska is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
Кескинова, А., Радуловиќ, М., Авировиќ Бундалевска, И., Драговиќ, И. (2019). Семејството и интелектуалната попреченост. Меѓународна научно-стручна конференција: 70 години – организирана едукација, рехабилитација и вработување на лица со попреченост во Република Северна Македонија. Битола: Сојуз на специјални едукатори и рехабилитатори на РСМ. стр. 223-231. ISBN 978-608-65438-6-0
Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Keskinova, A. (2019). United Nations’ Contribution to Families (Focus on Family International Day). Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 901-912. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178.
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Dragovic, I. (2019). Support of Families with a Child with Disabilities in Development. Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 815-826. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178.
Radulovic, M., Avirovic, I. (2018). The Need for Marital Education in Macedonia. International Journal for Education, Research and Training (IJERT). Skopje: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy-Department of Pedagogy, Vol. 4, Issue 1, June 2018, ISSN 1857-9841 (Printed), ISSN 1867-985X (Online), UDK: 37.017:316.362.3-058.8 (497.7)
Avirovic, I. (2017). Is Cohabitation Good for Marriage? A Look into Family Dynamics in Macedonia. Fourth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 1099-1113. ISBN 978-608-244-423-9, COBISS. MK-ID 103854858
Авировиќ. И. (2017). Влијанието на Католичката црква врз семејството во Италија. Годишен Зборник на Филозофски Факултет, кн. 70, Скопје, стр.447-464. ISSN 0350-1892
Avirovic, I. (2017). Marketing in Multicultural Societies: Understanding and Promoting Family Diversity. International Marketing Journal. Skopje: Macedonian Association of Marketing. (Year 3, n. 6) ISSN 1857-9787. EBSCO
Avirovic, I., Minov, N. (2017). Autonomia a Pindului vidzutã pit documentili ofitsiali (Ciarshar-Yizmãciunj 1917), 100 di anj di proclamarea a Printsipatlui armãnescu Pindu shi 100 di anj di deportarea a Armãnjlor, Materiali di Simpoziumlu internatsional tsãnut pi 13.05.2017 Scopia. pp. 25-41. ISBN 978-608-66076-0-9
Авировиќ И. (2016). Италијанската дипломатија и депортацијата на Евреите од Македонија. Меѓународна научна конференција: Дипломатијата и депортацијата на Евреите од Македонија во 1943, Скопје: Дипломатски клуб, стр. 167-187. ISBN 978-608-65989-0-7
Radulovic, M., Avirovic, I. (2016). Youth Perception on Marriage and Married Life: An Analysis from the Republic of Macedonia. Global virtual Conference Proceedings: EDIS – Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina Powered by: Publishing Society, Slovakia. ISSN: 1339-9373, CD ROM ISSN: 1339-2778 ISBN: 978-80-554-1197-2 DOI: 10.18638/gv.2016.4.1
Николова С., Авировиќ И. (2016). Два британски документа за формирањето на Сеамериканскиот словенски конгрес (25 и 26 април 1942 г.) во Детроит. Историја (Journal of History), год. L/LI, Скопје, 2015/2016, бр. 1, ЗИРМ, стр. 217-238. ISSN 0579-0263
Авировиќ. И. (2016). Иселеници повратници: нова перспектива на миграциските истражувања во Македонија. Годишен Зборник на Филозофски Факултет, кн. 69, Скопје, стр.383-392. ISSN 0350-1892
Avirovic, I., Radulovic, M. (2016). Is De Facto Partnership a Threat to Marriage? A Case Study from Macedonia European Journal for Social Sciences Education and Reseatcj (EJSER), European Center for Science Education and Research, ISSN 2411-9563 (Print), ISSN 2312-8429 (Online), JANUARY-APRIL 2016 (Volume 6, Nr. 2); EBSCO
Чепреганов, Т., Џинго Т., Авировиќ И., Николова С. (2016), Велика Британија и идеите за подунавска федерација, конфедерација и унија (документи), Скопје: ЗИРМ. ISBN 978-9989-776-12-0
Avirovic, I. (2015). Bulgarian Passports: Existential Necessity or Identity Crisis. The Sociological Review. Skopje: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy-Department of Sociology, No 2/2015 Volume XVI, ISSN 1409-5513 (print), ISSN 1857-9957 (online), UDK 342.711 (497.2:=163.3)
Авировиќ, И. (2014), Регистрирањето на македонските иселеници во Соединетите Американски Држави во меѓувоениот период: идентитетска расправа, Историја: ЗИРМ (Journal of History), бр. 1 (1*6), стр. 219-232. ISSN 0579-0263
Чепреганов, Т., Џинго Т., Авировиќ И., Николова, С., Нечев, З. (2013). Велика Британија и Македонија, грчко-југословенска федерација (1941-1942), документи, ИНИ: Скопје. ISBN 9989-159-54-8
Avirovic, I, (2012).Macedonian Post-Socialist Migration, Der Donauraum: Zeitschrift des Institutes für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM), 52. Jahrgang, 3-4/2012, Vienna, pp. 465-481. ISSN 0012-5415
Avirovic, I, (2010).Patterns of Migration – Patterns of Segregation? A Macedonian Micro-study”, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrucken (Germany): 2010. ISBN 978-3-639-22769-7