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Dr. Elena Dzukeska
Prof. Dr. Elena Dzukeska was born on May 26, 1971 in Skopje. She completed her undergraduate studies in classical philology at the Institute of Classical Studies, at the Faculty of Philosophy at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje in 1994. She completed her master’s degree in Mycenaean epigraphy in 1996 at the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge, United Kingdom with the thesis: Aspects of Mycenaean Morphology. In 1997 she enrolled postgraduate studies in classical philology at the Department of Classics at the Faculty of Philosophy, at the University of Belgrade, where she received her master’s degree in 2000 with the thesis: Contribution to the Study of the Influence of Pronominal Inflection on Nominal Inflection in Mycenaean Greek. In 2003 she applied for a doctorate on the topic: The Genitive Singular Forms in Mycenaean Greek and in the Aeolian dialects at the Institute of Classical Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje and defended it on October 6, 2009.
During her education she was awarded the following scholarships: Scholarship for talented students, “Petar Stamatoff” (1991-1994); Soros Cambridge Scholarship for Master’s Degree (1995-1996); Postgraduate scholarship from the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia (1997-1998).
Since 15.02.2001, she has been working as an assistant at the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje in the research areas: Comparative Historical Grammar, Indo-European Linguistics, General and Comparative Linguistics, Dialectology, Paleography, Epigraphy. Since 15.12.2009 she is an assistant professor at the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje in the research areas: Comparative Historical Grammar, Indo-European Linguistics, General and Comparative Linguistics, Dialectology, Paleography, Epigraphy, Ancient Greek and Latin languages. On September 22, 2014 she was appointed associate professor at the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje in the research areas: Classical Philology, General Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, History of Language, Dialectology, Epigraphy: Greek and Roman. Since 05.07.2019 she is a full professor at the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje in the research areas: Classical Philology, Comparative Linguistics, History of Language, Dialectology, Epigraphy: Greek and Roman.
She has participated in several scholarly and translation workshops, applicative and research projects: Workshop “Workshop on Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions in EpiDoc XML”, organized by the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Sofia, 03-07.09.2013 (participant); Panel discussion “Translating Ancient Greek and Roman Drama – between the Reading Room and Stage” within the event “European Union’s Culture Program Book Fair 23-29 September 2013” organized by the EU Info Centre in Skopje, held on 24.09.2013 (moderator); Workshop “The Term ὕλη in the Context of Aristotle’s Philosophy – Challenges of Translation, Dilemmas, Solutions” held on 16.03.2016 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, organized by the Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia (moderator together with Jasmina Popovska); Workshop “Words, Shadows, Ideas – Plato’s style, Language and Thought as a Challenge of Translation” held on March 14, 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, organized by the Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia (moderator together with Jasmina Popovska); Project HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching – Contextualizing Classics: Renewal of Teaching Practices and Concepts, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Sofia, 2005-2008 (participant); Project Docendo discimus, Development and Implementation of Master Studies in Didactics of Classical Languages, Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University” University, Skopje, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and Department of Classics, University of Neuchâtel, 2005-2007 (member of the project team, lecturer); Project University Autonomy in Macedonian Higher Education, Independent Academic Union and Open Society Foundation – Macedonia, 2018 (field research coordinator, member of the project team); Project Identifying the Necessity and the Potential for Renewal of Classical Gymnasium in RM (as an Appropriate Preparatory High School Education for Potential Students of the Faculty of Philosophy), Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2019 (member of the project team); Project Hermes: Guide for High School Journey through Antiquity, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, 2019 (member of the project team, lecturer). Hermes: A guide for high school travel through antiquity, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, 2019 (project team member, lecturer).
She has held public lectures for high school students in Kumanovo, Resen and Bitola (2010), for students from faculties of engineering, within the activities of the Student Autonomous Zone (2015), for students from the Department of Classical Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, within the mobility program CEEPUS (2017), for students participating in the student conference GLAS 2018, held at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (2018), for students of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Zadar, within the mobility program CEEPUS ( 2019).
She has participated with contributions in many symposia, conferences and congresses in the Republic of North Macedonia and abroad: “Second Symposium of Macedonian Language Young Researchers”, Faculty of Philology, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 1995; “Third Symposium of Macedonian Language Young Researchers”, Faculty of Philology, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 1997; 11th International Congress of FIEC, Kavala, 1999; International Scientific Conference “Classical Education in Context”, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Sofia, 2006; Scientific symposium, “Antiquity and European Science and Culture”, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2006; Conference “Musarum semper amator”, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Dimitar Bojadziev, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Sofia, 2009; International Scientific Conference “100th Anniversary of the birth of prof. Mihail D. Petruševski, Fellow of the Macedonian Academy”, MANU and Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2011; Scientific workshop “All Aspects of Funny (from Antiquity until Today)”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and Association of Comparative Literature of Macedonia, Skopje, 2012; 14th International Congress on Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Berlin, 2012; International Conference “2400 Years from the Founding of Plato’s Academy”, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2013; International Conference “Macedonian Studies between Tradition and Contemporary Challenges”, Institute of Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov”, Skopje, 2013; Symposium “The Ancient Ideal of καλοκἀγαθία”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia, Skopje, 2014; International Scientific Conference “On Love”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and the Association of Comparative Literature of Macedonia, Skopje, 2014; 14th International Congress of FIEC, Bordeaux, 2014; Symposium “Chronos and kairos – the Ancient Concepts of Time”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and Philosophical Society of Macedonia, Skopje, 2015; 36th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2015; 14th Mycenological Colloquium, Copenhagen, 2015; International Scientific Conference “On the Soul”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, Association of Comparative Literature of Macedonia and Philosophical Society of Macedonia, Skopje, 2016; International Scientific Conference “Studia Classica Anniversaria, 70 years of the Institute of Classical Studies”, Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University , Skopje, 2016; Scientific symposium “Logos and tropos”, Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, Philosophical Society of Macedonia, Institute of Classical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2017; Scientific conference “Per omnia saecula vivam. 2000 Years of Ovid”, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, “St. Kliment Ohridski”, University, Sofia, 2017; International Scientific Conference “On the Cross-path of Cultural Ideas: Macedonia, the Balkans, Southeast Europe – heritage, management, resources”, Faculty of Philosophy, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University and the National Gallery of RSM, Ohrid, 2019; International Scientific Conference “International Workshop in Epigraphy and Sigillography”, “Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky” University, Shumen / Veliki Preslav, 2019.
She has participated as a member of the editorial board or as editor-in-chief and co-editor in the preparation and publication of several collections: Aeternitas antiquitatis, Proceedings of the Symposium held in Skopje as part of the 2009 Annual Conference of Euroclassica, August 28, Skopje: Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 2010; On Love, Conference Proceedings, Skopje: Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and Association of Comparative Literature of Macedonia, 2016; Conference proceedings The Ancient Ideal of καλοκἀγαθία, Skopje: Association of Classical Philologists “Antika” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia, 2016; Conference Proceedings Chronos and kairos – the Ancient Concepts of Time, Skopje: Philosophical Society of Macedonia and Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, 2017; Studia classica anniversaria, Proceedings of the International Conference held on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Institute of Classical Studies 22nd-23rd November, 2016, Skopje, Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, 2017; Aula: The Quest for the Treasures of Language, Thought and Culture (Studies Presented to Margarita Buzalkvoska-Aleksova on the Occasion of Her Retirement), Systasis Special Edition No. 4, Skopje, 2018.
She has been a member of the editorial board of the international scholarly journal “Systasis” since 2011, and since 2017 editor-in-chief.
She has active knowledge of English (advanced level) and Greek (intermediate level) and passive knowledge of Italian and French.
She was a member of the executive board of the Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, 2001 – 2016 and president, 2010 – 2014.
She actively participated in the activities of the Professors’ Plenum. She was Secretary General of the Independent Academic Union, 2017-2019, and was elected president in 2020.
Research interests: Mycenaean Greek; Historical and comparative grammar of Greek and Latin; Greek dialects; Greek and Latin epigraphy; General linguistics and linguistic theories
Prof. Dr. Elena Dzukeska is engaged in lectures and seminars for the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[KF 222Z/18] History of Classical Languages
[KF 313I/18] Greek Dialects
[KF 314I/18] Mycenaean Epigraphy
[UK 127I/18] Greek Language: Texts and Grammar
Scholarly papers:
“Nomen est omen”, во Весна Димовска, Даниела Тошева (уред.), „Exegi monumentum aere perennius. Зборник во чест на Елена Колева, Љубинка Басотова и Даница Чадиковска, по повод 85 години од нивното раѓање“, Систасис Посебно издание 5, Скопје, 2019, стр. 191-206.
„Аnimus и anima во игрите со зборови кај Плаут“, во „За душата, Зборник на текстови од Меѓународната научна конференција одржана на 1-3 јуни 2016 година“, уред. Јасмина Мојсиева-Гушева, Даниела Тошева, Љупчо Митковски, Скопје, 2018, стр. 407-415.
„За прилошките определби за време во микенскиот грчки“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 71, 2018, стр. 189-201 (“On time expressions in Mycenaean Greek”, pp. 203-214).
“On the compounds with αὐτός in Mycenaean and Post-Mycenaean Greek”, во E. Dzukeska and V. Dimovska (eds.), “Aula: The Quest for the Treasures of Language, Thought and Culture, Studies Presented to Margarita Buzalkovska Aleksova on the Occasion of her Retirement”, Systasis Special Edition 4, 2018, стр. 100-117.
„Формите на генитив сингулар од имиња со тематска деклинација на натписи од Линкестида, Пелагонија, Дериоп и Лихнид“, ЖА (2017) 67, стр. 115-124.
„Multa multat (Pl. Rud. 20)“, Систасис, бр. 32, 2018, стр. 55-64
„За функцијата на аблаутот при зборообразувањето на имињата во македонскиот јазик“ во „Македонистиката меѓу традицијата и современите предизвици“, Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција одржана на 21 и 22 ноември 2013 година во Скопје, гл. и одг. уредник Гоце Цветановски, Скопје, 2017, стр. 595-602.
„Semantics of Mycenaean Genitive: A Tentative Analysis of the Genitive Singular Forms Ending in -o, /-os/“, in Aegean Scripts, Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, Copenhagen, 2-5 September 2015, Vol. II, eds. M.-L. Nosch and H. Landenius Enegren, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraeneo Antico (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Roma, 2017, pp. 591-603.
„A-te-wo-jo ‒ генитив од микенско лично име“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 70, 2017, стр. 105-109 („A-te-wo-jo ‒ genitive of a mycenaean personal name“, pp. 111-115).
“On the Meanings of the Place names in Genitive in Mycenaean Greek” in Studia Classica Anniversaria, Proceedings of the International Conference Held on the Occasion of the70th Anniversary of the Institute of Classical Studies 22nd -23th November 2016 Skopje, eds. V. Tomovska et al., Skopje, 2017, pp. 135-146.
„Каквоста на времето и каквоста на мигот кај Платон и Аристотел“ во „Chronos и kairos – античките концепти за времето“, уред. А. Димишковска и Д. Тошева, Скопје, 2017, стр. 87-99.
„Терминот ὕλη во контекст на Аристотеловата филозофија ‒ преводни предизвици, дилеми, решенија“, Филозофска трибина бр. 21, 2017, стр. 151-162.
„Придавката Liber и нејзините изведенки во игрите со зборови кај Плаут“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 69, 2016, стр. 173-185.
„Со љубов од копнеж преку љубомора до ласкање“ во За љубовта (Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната научна конференција „За љубовта“), прир. Ј. Мојсиева-Гушева и Е. Џукеска, Скопје, 2016, стр. 343-349.
„Античкиот идеал на καλοκἀγαθία низ призмата на епиграфските сведоштва“ во Античкиот идеал на καλοκἀγαθία (Зборник на текстови), уред. Е. Џукеска – Ј. Наумоска, Скопје, 2016, стр. 27-35.
„Платон или за создавањето имиња“ во Зборник на текстови од меѓународната конференција одржана по повод 2400 Години од основањето на Платоновата академија, уред. Вера Георгиева и др., Скопје, 2016, стр. 303-319.
„Licet, licet, licentia“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 68, 2015, стр. 77-82.
„Mostellaria – привиденија или вистински етимологии во Плаутовите игри со зборови“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 66, 2013, стр. 107-113.
„Thoughts on Mycenaean O-we-to“, Систасис, бр. 22, 2013, http://www.systasis.org/.
„Игри со зборови кај Плаут“ во Сите лица на смешното (од антиката до денес), Зборник на трудови од научната работилница одржана на 11.5.2012, прир. В. Томовска и В. Мартиновски, Скопје, 2013, стр. 269-275.
„Грчката заменка ὁ, ἡ, τό во микенскиот период“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 65, 2012, стр. 105-112.
„The Position of the Historical Grammar in the Previous and in the Current BA Curriculum of Classical Studies at the Institute of Classical Studies in Skopje“ во Класическото образование в контекст, Сборник од международна научна конференция на катедра „Класическа филология“ 2006 г., съст. В. Герджикова и Е. Маринова, София, 2012, стр. 33-37.
„Ka-ma Revisited“, Систасис, бр. 20, 2012, http://www.systasis.org/.
„Генитив сингулар кај имињата со основа на оклузив во микенскиот грчки“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 64, 2011, стр. 323 – 336.
(http://fzf.ukim.edu.mk/media/files/22-Elena Dzukeska _323-336_.pdf)
“A Note on the Mycenaean Personal Name To-ro-wi”, Систасис, бр. 18, 2011, http://www.systasis.org/.
„Генитивските форми на –οιο на микенските плочки и тесалските натписи“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 63, 2010, стр. 409 – 422
10. “The Mycenaean Personal Name Ke-do-jo”, Систасис, бр. 15, 2009, http://www.systasis.org/.
„Микенското лично име su-ke-re“ во Musarum semper amator, Studia classica serdicensia, Том I, ред. М. Славова и др., София, 2010, стр. 54-57.
„Микенските и бојотските форми за генитив сингулар на –αο” во „Антиката и европската наука и култура“, Прилози од научниот собир одржан по повод јубилејот 60 години Институт за класични студии, уред. В. Софрониевски и др., Скопје, 2009, стр. 207 – 215.
„Употребата на локалните натписи во наставата по латински јазик“ во Docendo discimus, ред. Весна Димовска и др., Скопје, 2008, стр. 37-43,
„We-re-na-ko“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ бр. 59, Скопје, 2006, стр. 335-342.
„Формите на ген. плур. кај a-основите во микенскиот грчки“, Систасис, бр. 8, 2006, „За формите на ном. акуз. дуал кај женскиот род од a-основите во микенскиот грчки“, Систасис, бр. 6, 2005, http://www.systasis.org/.
„Морфолошките обележја на микенските генитиви на -о-јо“, Систасис, бр. 3, 2003, „Глаголот делка во македонскиот јазик и неговите паралели во индоевропските јазици“, во Трет научен собир на млади македонисти, Скопје, уред. Ж. Цветковски и др., 1997, стр. 233-239.
„Семантичка поврзаност или противпоставеност на зборовите ден и дожд“, во Втор научен собир на млади македонисти, уред. Л. Минова Ѓуркова и др., Скопје, 1995, стр. 203-208.
„Genitive singular forms of the Boeotian hypocoristics in -ει (-εις)and s-stem compound personal names“, 36th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Thesssaloniki, 24-25th April, 2015. „Genitive forms in -οιο on Greek inscriptions from Pelagonia, Lyncestis and Derriopos“, 14-ти Меѓународен конгрес за грчка и латинска епиграфика, Берлин, 2012.
„A Tentative Analysis of the Genitive Forms in οιο in Mycenaean Greek“ во Πρακτικά ΙΑ Διεθνούς συνεδρίου κλασσικών σπουδών, Καβάλα 24-30 Αυγουστου 1999, Τομ. Γ, Εκ. Επιτροπή Κ. Ἀγγ. Μανάφης et. al., Αθήναι, 2004, pp. 417-428.
„Heritage education in the primary and secondary schools: The missing link“, in On the Cross-path of Cultural Ideas: Macedonia, the Balkans, Southeast Europe – heritage, management, resources, Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje and National Gallery, Skopje, 2019, p. 7.
“Meanings of the Place names in Genitive in Mycenaean Greek” in Studia Classica Anniversaria, 70 years of the Institute of Classical Studies (Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje November 22-23, 2016), Skopje, 2016, p. 11.
„Plato or on the Name-making“, in 2400 Years from the founding of Plato’s Academy (Faculty of Philosophy – Skopje, October 25-26, 2013, Book of Abstracts), Skopje, 2013, p. 8.
„Формите на генитив сингулар во микенскиот грчки и во ајолските дијалекти“, Систасис, бр. 16, 2010
„A contribution to the study of the influence of pronominal inflexion on nominal inflexion in Mycenaean Greek“, Лингвистичке актуелности, I/3, 2000, стр. 71-77.
Библиографија на вработените и дипломираните на Институтот за класични студии на Филозофскиот факултет при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје, заедно со В. Софрониевски и В. Димовска-Јањатова, Скопје, 2016.
“Daniel Nečas Hraste, Starolatinski natpisi,Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar, 2019. Стр 171. ISBN 978-953-331-229-3″, Систасис, бр. 35, 2019, 93-96.
“José Miguel Jiménez Delgado. Sintaxis del griego micénico. Sevilla. Editorial Universidad de Sevilla 2016. Pp. 264. ISBN 978-84-472-1812-7”, ŽA (2016) 66, pp. 159-161.
„Весна Димовска – Јањатова, Светлана Кочовска, „Elementa Latinitatis – Grammatica“ и „Elementa Latinitatis – Lectiones et pensa“, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2012“, Систасис, бр. 21, 2012.
„Neven Jovanović, “Noga filologa”, Pelago, Zagreb, 2006“, Систасис, бр. 11, 2007.
„Тродимензионална епиграфија – Charlotte Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions, revised second edition, 2004“, Систасис, бр. 10, 2006, http://www.systasis.org.
„Guy Vottéro “Le Dialecte béotien (7e s. – 2e s. av. J.-C.) II Répertoire raisonné des inscriptions dialectales”, A.D.R.A. – Nancy, De Boccard, Paris, 2001, 353 стр.“, Систасис, бр. 8, 2006, http://www.systasis.org.
„Ирена Стефоска, „Словените на почвата на Македонија“ (од VII до почетокот на II век)“, Сигмапрес, Скопје, 2002, Систасис, бр. 3, 2003, http://www.systasis.org.
„Две книги за појавата на писмото (Петар Хр. Илиевски „Појава и развој на писмото: со посебен осврт кон почетоците на словенската писменост“ МАНУ, Скопје, 2001, 384 стр. и Denise Schmandt-Besserat “How writing came about”, abridged edition of “Before Writting, vol I: From Counting to Cuneiform, vol.II: A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens”, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1996)“, Систасис, бр. 1, 2002, http://www.systasis.org.
Формите на генитив сингулар во микенскиот грчки и ајолските дијалекти, Скопје, 2014.
Χρυσεῖον α’ – старогрчки јазик, почетно изучување, II година гимназиско образование, заедно со В. Софрониевски, А. Сених, М. Бузалковска – Алексова, Скопје, 2010.
Exercitationes Linguae Latinae, Вежбанка по латински јазик за општествени и хуманистички науки – гимназиско образование, заедно В. Димовска, М. Бузалковска – Алексова, Скопје, 2003.
Exercitationes Linguae Latinae, Вежбанка по латински јазик за природно-математички науки – гимназиско образование, заедно со В. Димовска, М. Бузалковска – Алексова, Скопје, 2003.
Liber Latinus I, латински јазик – почетно изучување, гимназиско образование, заедно со В. Димовска, М. Чешларов, М. Бузалковска-Алексова, Скопје, 2002.
Liber Latinus I – Exercitationes, латински јазик – почетно изучување, гимназиско образование, заедно со В. Димовска, М. Чешларов, М. Бузалковска-Алексова, Скопје, 2002.
Аристотел, „Историја на животните, книга Алфа (I), глава прва (486a5 ‒ 488b29)“, Систасис, бр. 33, 2018, 73-80. 1. Т. М. Плаут, „Сеништа“, Скопје, 2011.
Аристотел, Метеорологија,Скопје, 2009.
Аристотел, За создавањето и уништувањето, Скопје, 2007.
Аристотел, Политика, заедно со М. Бузалковска-Алексова, Скопје, 2006.
Аристотел, За небото, Скопје, 2005.