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- monday, 12:00–13:00 thursday, 11:00–12:00
- elenaa@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8140-030X
Dr. Elena Achkovska Leshkovska
Prof. Dr. Elena Achkovska Leshkovska was born in Skopje, where she completed primary and secondary education with continuous excellent achievement. She graduated (1982) and received her master’s degree (1992) at the Institute of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius ” n Skopje. She obtained the degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences in 2004 at the same faculty, defending her doctoral dissertation i”Implicit and explicit theories in the process of the gifted students’ identification”. In 1985 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior teaching assistant, where she progressed in all teaching and scientific titles. Since 2014 she is a full professor at the Institute of Psychology.
She completed her professional development in the field of education through two stays abroad: Klagenfurt, Austria (2000) and Seattle, USA (2004). As part of the international teaching-scientific cooperation, at the invitation of the Department of Psychology at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, in November 2009 she held a lecture for students. In the period from 2011 to 2013 she attended the training on Education Policy, conducted by experts from the Center for Educational Policy (CEPS) at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and was certified as a specialist in educational policy.
She has presented the results of her scientific research work at world congresses of psychologists (Bellingham, 1998; Stockholm, 1999; Barcelona, 2001; Berlin, 2008, Coimbra, 2012) and at numerous scientific meetings of national, regional or international character.
Participated in the realization of several international and domestic research or applicative projects, as a head or member of the expert team: Value conflicts and their resolution in the period of socio-political changes in R. Macedonia (1995-1998), Training and retraining of teachers and trainers for the reform of secondary vocational education in R. Macedonia (2000-2003), Verification of the validity of the methodology for identification of gifted students in the Republic of Macedonia (2001-2004), Intercultural education in the Republic of Macedonia: analysis of contents implying interculturality in textbooks for primary education in Macedonian language (2009) , Roma Education Program (2009-2014), Growth Mindset in FYR Macedonia (2014), Discovering and working with the gifted and talented (2015-2018)
In terms of professional-applicative activity, in the last twenty years, as a trainer, she has held a number of seminars with teachers of all levels of education and / or with a student within the programs: Reading and writing for critical thinking, Creative teaching and learning , Roma Education Program and Teacher Training for Talented Students. She was a regional consultant in the Secondary Education Activities program. In the Project-National Program for Development of Education in the Republic of Macedonia (2005-2015), she participated as a member of the working group for the preparation of the program for development of secondary and post-secondary education. In 2012 she was selected by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Macedonia as a member of the expert team within the project Macedonian Talent.
Professor Elena Achkovska-Leshkovska was the Head of the teaching-scientific collegium of the second cycle of studies at the Institute of Psychology in two term periods (2009-2017). She has been or is a member of the editorial boards of several international and domestic journals: Thinking Classroom, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology: Science and Practice. She has been a member of several commissions formed at the Faculty of Philosophy: for approving funds for assisting the publishing activity, for evaluation, for quality of teaching, a competition commission for student admission etc. She has been a member of program boards at several international conferences. Since 2012 she is also a member of the board of the Macedonian Association for Gifted and Talented in Bitola. He actively speaks English and passively uses German.
Research interests: Cognitive psychology, Psychology of giftedness, Educational psychology.
Prof. Dr. Elena Achkovska Leshkovska is engaged in lectures and seminars of the following courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[UP001 / 18] Psychology in education
The second cycle of studies:
[PS101Z / 19] Schools and perspectives in psychology
[PS202I / 19] Intelligence
[PS211I / 19] Working with gifted students
[FPS204I / 19] Critical thinking in teaching
The third cycle of studies:
[PS102Z] New ideas and trends in psychology
[PS102I] General Psychology
[PS106I] Educational Psychology
[PS203I] Intelligence and cognitive styles
[PS207I] The gifted in the educational process
In addition, she conducts classes and exams in the subject Psychology for candidates for Pedagogical-psychological and methodological retraining
Prof. Dr. Elena Achkovska Leshkovska is the author of one and co-author of two other university textbooks, co-author of 6 handbooks and one high school textbook, author of 6 textbooks for internal use and author or co-author of over 60 articles published in domestic and foreign periodicals. Some of them are attached.
Textbooks, monographs, manuels, reports:
Миовска-Спасева, С. и Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2018). Идентификување на интеркултурната состојба во мултиетничките училишта во Република Македонија:Извештај од истражување во едно двојазично и две тријазични училишта, Скопје: Нансен дијалог центар.
Миовска-Спасева, С. и Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2017). Mултикултурноста и интеркултурноста во учебниците од шесто до деветто одделение во основното образование во Rепублика Mакедонија, Скопје: Нансен дијалог центар.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. и Миовска-Спасева, С. (2017). Идентификување на интеркултурната состојба во мултиетничките училишта во Република Македонија: Извештај од истражување во пет двојазични училишта, Скопје: Нансен дијалог центар и МОН на РМ.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. и Миовска-Спасева, С. (2016). Mултикултурноста и интеркултурноста во учебниците од прво до петто одделение во основното образование во Rепублика Mакедонија, Скопје: Нансен дијалог центар.
Крстеска-Папиќ, Б., Билал, С., Емин, О., Миовска-Спасева, С., Ачковска Лешковска, Е., Стојковски, С. (2015). Концепција за интеркултурно образование. Скопје: МОН на РМ
Ачковска Лешковска Е. Арнаудова, В. (2011). Психологија и култура во сообраќајот (за 4 година, сообраќајна струка), МОН на РМ.
Миовска Спасева, С., Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2010). Критичкото мислење во универзитетската настава. Скопје: ФИООМ.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2009). Надареност. Скопје: Филозофски факултет
Арнаудова, В. Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2007). Надарено дете. (2. издание) Скопје: Филозофски факултет.
Achkovska Leshkovska, E., B.Aleksovski,B., Brozo, B., Janevski, V., Lewis,J., Moore, D., Moorman, G., Rexepi, L., E.Stutevart, E. (2005). Learning by doing, Guide Book IV, SEA, U.S. Agency for International Development.
Achkovska Leshkovska, E., B.Aleksovski,B., Brozo, B., Janevski, V., Lewis,J., Moore, D., Moorman, G., Rexepi, L., E.Stutevart, E. (2004). Learning through community, Guide Book III, SEA, U.S. Agency for International Development.
Achkovska Leshkovska, E., B.Aleksovski,B., Brozo, B., Janevski, V., Lewis,J., Moore, D., Moorman, G., Rexepi, L., E.Stutevart, E. (2004). Learning through projects, Guide Book II, SEA, U.S. Agency for International Development.
Achkovska Leshkovska, E., B.Aleksovski,B., Brozo, B., Janevski, V., Lewis,J., Moore, D., Moorman, G., Rexepi, L., E.Stutevart, E. (2004). Learning in the classroom, Guide Book I, SEA, U.S. Agency for International Development.
Лазаревска, С. Анѓелеска, Н. (ур.)(2004). Со читање и пишување до критичко мислење, прирачник (коавтори: Ачковска Лешковска, Е., Јаневски, В., Андонова Митревска, Т., Стројманова, Р.). Скопје: ФИООМ.
Арнаудова, В., Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (1996). Ајде да мислиме како да мислиме. Скопје: Детска радост.
Papers in scientific journals:
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2017). Интелигенција наспроти рационалност (Intelligence versus Rationality). Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, Книга 70, 139-156.
Achkovska Leshkovska,E., Miovska-Spaseva, S. (2016). Compatibility of John Dewey’s work and Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory: educational implications. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 4(2), 57-66.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2016). Предиспитна анксиозност, стратегии за соочување со испитна ситуација и постигнување на тест ба знаење кај студенти. Зборник на трудови од Меѓународната конференција за теорија и практика во психологијата, Скопје: Филозофски факултет, 279-296.
Петроска Бешка, В. и Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2015). Изработка на прашалник за мерење на умствениот склоп (ПМУС) кaj адолесценти од Република Македонија. Психологија-наука и практика. 1(1), 9-25.
Lazarova, B., Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. (2014). Passion toward studying, flow and academic burnout in university students. XX Naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji (Zbornik radova), Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, 210-216.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2014). Психолошките карактеристиките на учениците како предиктори на нивното академско постигнување. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет,Скопје, Книга 67, 54-66.
Ачковска Лешковска Е. (2014). Испитна анксиозност, перфекционизам и училишни постигнувања кај средношколци. Просветно дело, LXVII (1), 16-28
Shterjovska, M., Achkovska Leshkovska, E. (2014). Time perspective as predictor of meaning in life. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2 (1), 25-29.
Achkovska Leshkovska,E.(2013). Implementation of Bologna Process at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje: А View from Inside. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, Vol.1(1), 42-50.
Achkovska Leshkovska, E. Davchev,V.(2013). Intercultural education: Analysis of the primary school textbooks in the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 1(2),51-56.
Shterjovska, M., Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. (2013). Is a meaningful life a satisfying one? XIX Naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, 181-188.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е., Штерјовска М. (2013). Временската перспектива како предиктор на субјективната благосостојба на македонските студенти. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 66, 135-147.
Shterjovska, M., Achkovska Leshkovska, E. (2013). Time perspective, meaning in life and subjective well-being in Macedonian undergraduate students. International Studies in Time Perspective. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 131-140, ISBN: 978-989-26-0668-2
Miovska-Spaseva, S., Ackovska Leskovska, E. (2011). Alternative methods of undergraduate students’ assessment. 14th International BASOPED Conference: Evaluation in Education in the Balkan Countries, Belgrade: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, 549-556.
Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. (2011). The educational implications of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory. Book of proceedings from International symposium Education between tradition and modernity), 22-24 September Ohrid, 364-372.
Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. (2009). Evaluation of gifted programs. Book of papers from the First international conference Talented and gifted creators of progress (theory and practice),University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Part one,173-180.
Davchev, V., Ackovska-Leskovska, E. (2008). Technology as a shaper of human culture: social and psychological consequences, Filozofska istraživanja 109,Vol.28 (1), 75-82.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2007). Застапеност на компонентите на љубов кај студенти со различно ниво на емоционална свесност. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет,Скопје, Книга 60, 151-169.
Arnaudova, V., Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. (2006). Kompatibilnost različitih kriterijuma u identifikaciji darovitih učenika, Zbornik radova Primenjena psihologija, 19-29.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е., Дунгевски, В. (2006). Разлики во стиловите на мислење кај средношколци од машки и женски пол. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, Книга 59, 143-154.
Арнаудова, В., Ачковска Лешковска, Е., Спасовски, О. (2005). Верификација на научната методологија за идентификација на надарените ученици. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, Книга 58, 67-84.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2004). Имплицитниот концепт на надарен ученик кај наставниците од основните и средните училишта. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет,Скопје, Книга 57, 151-169.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2003). Евалуација на процедурите за идентификација на надарени ученици: конфликт помеѓу теоријата и практиката. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, Книга 56, 183-194.
Ачковска Лешковска, Е. (2002). Гарднеровата теорија на интелигенцијата и нејзината импикација во наставната практика. Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, Скопје, Книга 55, 79-103.
Preece, A., Longman, R., Hittleman, D ., Lewis, J., Achkovska-Leshkovska, E. & Miovska, S. (2000).The atmosphere is completely different: Students perceptions of RWCT in action in Macedonian classrooms. In Klooster,D.J., Steel,J.& Bloem,P.L.(Eds.) Ideas without Boundaries: International Education Reform Through Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking, Newark: International Reading Association, 94-107. (ISBN-10:0872072851)
Achkovska Leshkovska, E. & Miovska, S. (2000). RWCT in Macedonia. Thinking Classroom (an International Journal of Reading, Writing and Critical Reflection), inaugural issue, 23-25.(ISSN 1392-947X)