- (071) 264 926
- wednesday, 10:00–12:00 thursday, 10:00–12:00
- angelka@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3518-8296
Dr. Angelka Keskinova
Dr. Keskinova Angelka was born on August 6, 1984. in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia.
She graduated in 2008, obtained a master’s degree in 2012 and a doctorate in 2014 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. After defending her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Specific learning problems in people with disabilities” she obtained a scientific degree – Doctor of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences.
Since 2007 to 2010 she was hired as a junior assistant at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation. For a period of 7 years, from 2010 to 2017, she worked as a special educator and rehabilitator, as well as coordinator of the Day Care Center for Persons with Mental or Physical Disabilities, which operates under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
From 2015 to 2018 she worked as a lecturer in various subjects at the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Tetovo.
Since December 2018 she has been employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje at the Institute for Family Studies, as an assistant professor in the fields of: Education, Special Education and Rehabilitation (Family and Disability, Special Education and Families, Family and Developmental Disabilities).
During her professional engagement she took part in the following projects:
– Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia, Personal Assistant Program for Persons with Disabilities (2018)
– Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives – Step by Step Macedonia, Inclusive Partnerships in Communities (2018)
– USAID and LCIF Children with Visually Impairment project, (2017-2018)
– Coordinating Board for Volunteer Services, Project – Inclusion of dropped out and improvement of education process of students from Roma nationality in primary schools (2014-2015)
– Coordinating Board for Voluntary Services, Project – Support of Roma women to access the labor market in Macedonia (2012-2014)
– Association of Special Educators of the Republic of Macedonia, Project – Improving the educational process of children with disabilities at the local level (2010-2012)
– Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science – Working with children with disabilities, (2010)
She speaks English.
Research interests: people with disabilities, families and disability, parenting of a child with disabilities, integral rehabilitation of people with disabilities, family and mental health.
Assoc. Dr. Angelka Keskinova is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Dragovic, I. (2019). Support to families of children with disabilities. Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 815-826. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178.
Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Keskinova, A. (2019). United Nations’ Contribution to Families (Focus on Family International Day). Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 901-912. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178.
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Bundalevska Avirovic, I (2019), Family and intеllectual disability. International Scientific Conference: 70 years – organized education, rehabilitation and employment of persons with disability in Republic North Macedonia. Bitola: Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RNM, pg. 223-231. ISBN 978-608-65438-6-0
Keskinova, A., & Ajdinski, G. (2018). LEARNING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN WITH MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 6(1), 31–37. https://doi.org/10.5937/ijcrsee1801031K
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski, G. (2018) Language ability in people with intellectual disability, Journal of special education and rehabilitation, vol.19 (1/2):28-39
Ajdinski, G, Keskinova A, Memedi B. – „Intellectual disability“– book, 2017
Keskinova, A., Auditiv memory, Philosophica – International Journal of Social and Human Sciences, Tetovo, Macedonia 2017
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski, G., Memedi, B., (2015). Quality of life of family of child with intellectual disability, Sixth international scientific conference organized: Improving the quality of life of children and young people, Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RM, Ohrid, Macedonia
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski, G., Memedi, B. (2015). Quality of drawing in students with mild intellectual disability , Sixth international scientific conference organized: Improving the quality of life of children and young people, Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RM, Ohrid, Macedonia
Keskinova, A., Daskalovski, D., Ajdinski, G. (2014). High functional autism, First symposium: Scientific achievements in function of practice, Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RM and Faculty of Philosophy, Struga, Macedonia
Keskinova, A., Cicevska- Jovanova, N., Ajdinski G. (2013)Stress in families with child with intellectual disability,Fifth international scientific conference:Innovations in education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RM, Ohrid, Macedonia
Keskinova A., Cicevska-Jovanova, N. and Ajdinski, G. (2013) “Socioeconomic status of the families with children with intellectual disability” in Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, Vol. 49, No.2, pp:180-187. (http://hrcak.srce.hr/112821?lang=en )
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski, G., Karovska, A. (2012). Improving detection of children with disabilities in preschool institutions, International scientific and professional conference: Inclusive education – condition and challenges, Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RM and Faculty of Philosophy, Strumica, Macedonia
Keskinova, A,, Mishovska, T. Living with support in Macedonia, (2011) First international conference of students in special education/rehabilitation, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrad, Serbia
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski G, Milena Milicevic. (2010) Theory of emotional ties of children with autism and Down syndrome, First International conference: Special Education and Rehabilitation – Science and/or practice, Association of special educators, Sombor, Serbia
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski G. Analysis of the opinions of preschool educators of the inclusion process and detecting the number of children with special needs included in these institutions, (2010), international conference “60 years of upbringing, education, rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Bitola, Macedonia