
- (02) 3 116 520, ext. 232
- monday, 13:30–15:00 tuesday, 11:00–12:30
- aneta@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1024-9339
Dr. Aneta Barakoska
Prof. Dr. Aneta Barakoska was born in 1964 in Skopje. She graduated (1987) and received her master’s degree (1994) at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy – University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In May 1988/89 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “Students’ free time as a pedagogical problem” in July 2002 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje at the Institute of Pedagogy, earning her the title of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. In the academic title of assistant professor she was elected in 2003, and in the title of associate professor she was elected in 2007. Since 2012 she is full professor at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy-UKIM in Skopje.
As a professional and expert in the field of pedagogy, she has participated in several domestic and international scientific research projects, has reviewed textbooks and scientific papers, has been a mentor of several diploma, master and doctoral theses. She has participated in numerous professional – scientific domestic and international conferences, symposia, thematic discussions, seminars, TV shows. She has also participated in the work of faculty committees, editorial boards of collections and magazines in the country and abroad. She realized several expert activities, as a trainer in workshops for educators, teachers and pedagogues, as well as expert activities of wider social interest. She is the editor of the International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) and the International Journal of Education. Research and Training (IJERT). She is a member of the International Editorial Board of the International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE). She is an active member of the Association for Development of Science, Engineering and Education URNIO-Republic of Serbia. She was the head of the postgraduate studies in pedagogy in the period from 2005-2009, and the head of the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje in the period from 2009-2017. Prof. Dr. Aneta Barakoska was elected President of the University Senate of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, for a term of office from June 29, 2020 to June 29, 2021. She has realized study visits in Austria and the Netherlands.
She speaks English, Serbian and Croatian, and is a fan of theater, film and music.
Research interests: general pedagogy, theory of upbringing, upbringing – social change, educational policies, values and value orientations, leisure pedagogy, methodology of educational work, educational management, leadership, training and human resource development.
Prof. Dr. Aneta Barakoska is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
[PE101Z/18; D103Z/18; AS102] General pedagogy
[PE205I/18; SS104I/18] Leisure pedagogy
The second cycle of studies:
[PE101Z/18] Pedagogical directions and teachings
[FPE107I/18] The school and the social environment
[PE202I/18; FMCR225И/18; MCRО403I/18] Development education
[PE223I/18] Educational work in free time
[МО101З/18] Management and entrepreneurship in education
[МО203I/18] Social and educational policy
[FMO105I/18] Professional ethics in education
[MHR101Z/18] Management and strategic development of human resources
[MHR2011I/18; MHR3012I/18] Leadership in organizations
[MCRO104I/18] General pedagogy
The third cycle of studies:
[FZFP1] Scientific research ethics in pedagogy
[PED29] Theoretical paradigms in pedagogical science
[PED26] Free time as a modern pedagogical category
[PED19] Education and Politics
[PED16] Multisectoral partnership in social and pedagogical work
[PEDO8] Comparative education policy
Selected bibliography
Баракоска, А., Воспитанието, вредностите и развојот на личноста, Годишен Зборник на Филозофски факултет-Скопје 72 (2019):81-106;
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Kostov., B., Modern Dimensions of The Leadership and Management with The Educational Institutions, Improving the quality of life of children and youth, X International scientific conference “Improving the quality of life of children and youth”, 21st – 23rd June, Istanbul, Turkey, (2019).
Panev, V., Barakoska, A., Values-Based Education: Research results, Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy (BJSEP) Volume 13, Number 2, (2019).
Kostov, B., Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V, Activities and Forms of Cooperation between the teachers and the parents of the children with special needs from the special schools, V International conference “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for persons with disabilities”- 25 Years of Special Education and Rehabilitation Studies. Ohrid, R.Macedonia. (2018), pg. 249-257;
Величковиќ, С. и Баракоска, А. Улогата на воспитувачот во иклузивна градинка, Во: Радуловиќ-Столиќ, Д. (ур.).„Рефлексије савременог доба на васпитно-образовни рад у предшколској установи“, Зборник на трудови од тринеесетата меѓународна конференције „Васпитач у 21. веку“(стр.300-305), Алексинац: Висока струковна школа за воспитувачи, (2018).
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A., Kostov, B., The Professional Needs Of The School Pedagogues For Improving The Quality Of Their Work With The Students In The Primary Education, IX Medzunarodna naućno-strućna konferencija ”Unapredzenje kvaliteta zivota djece I mladih”, Tematski zbornik, Udruzenje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih, edukacijsko rehabilitaciski fakutet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina, (2018).
Stošić, L. Barakoska, A., i Stošić, I., The application of educational technology in higher education: students’ perceptions and their experiences, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies organized by the Anglo-American Publication. Northern Cyprus. 95-101.
Barakoska, A., The Contribution of Education in the Formation of Values And Value Orientation, Internatonal Journal for Education, Research an Training, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. (IJERT) Vol.2, Issue1, November, (2016).
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Leasure time activities seen through the prism of the primary schools, VII Medzunarodna naućno-strućna konferencija ”Unapredzenje kvaliteta zivota gjece i mladih”, Tematski zbornik, Udruzenje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih, edukacijsko rehabilitaciski fakutet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina, (2016). ISSN 1986-9886;
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A., Training of the Teachers for the Application of ICT in the Teaching Process, Some Issues in Pedagogy and Methodology, International Research Institute sro, Komarno, Slovakia, pp.34-43;
Баракоска, А., (2016). “Педагогија на слободно време” (второ дополнето и изменето издание). Скопје: Филозофски факултет;
Panev, V., Barakoska, A., The Need Of Strengthening The Pedagogiical Competencies in Teaching From The English Teacher’s, Perspective, (IJCRSEE) Vol.3, Issue 1, June (2015).
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Stošić, L. (2015). Impact of the school climate on the effectiveness of the school from the teaching staff perspective, ITHEA International Journal Information Content and Processing (IJICP), Vol.3, Number 3, September 14-21, Varna Bulgaria;
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A., The Pedagogical Function of The Homeroom Teacher in to the New Concept of primary Education in Republic of Macedonia, (IJCRSEE) Vol.2, Issue 1, June (2014).
Jovkovska , A., Barakoska, A., The role of Educaton in the Formation of values and value orientations among adolescents, (IJCRSEE) Vol.3, Issue2, December (2014).
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., Rizova, E., Contemporary management and the benefits of it’s implementation in educational organizations in the Republic of Macedonia, National school for Leadership, Vodzenje v vzgoji in izobrazevanju, Special Issue (2014). Volumen 12;
Miovska-Spaseva, S., Barakoska, A., Practicum in the initial education of pedagogues: Student’s perceptions and experiences, First International Conference-Conference proceeadings-Practicum of Future Pedagogues, Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers in Multicultural Environments-Experiences and Challenges (PFPTKTIME), Skopje, November, Facullty of Philosophy, (2014).
Barakoska, A., Kostov, B., The Discipline Ethics and Religion Possibility of Understanding One Another, YILDIZ Internationnal conference on educational research and socil sciences proceedings book, Pegem akademi, YILDIZ University-Istanbul Turkey, (2014).
Barakoska, A., Veličković S., The Structure of Student’s spare time and leisure activitiesin Primary education, Proceedings of the Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference, Inovative Poteential Of educational space subjects In The Conditions Of Educational Modernization, Southern Federal University, Academy of Psychology and Education, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, (2014).
Barakoska, A., Stojanovska, V., The challenges of management and leadership in educational organizations, Nase stvaranje, No.13, Visoka skola za vaspitace strukovih studija, Aleksinac, (2014).
Barakoska, A., Education between tradition and modernity. International Scientific Sympoosium: Education between tradition and modernity, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, University”Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje, Faculty of Phhiloosophy-Skopje, Institute for Pedagoggy, Republic of Macedonia. (2013).
Баракоска, А., (2013). Општа педагогија. Скопје: Филозофски факултет;
Barakoska, A., Multikulturalism as Important Characteristic of Contemporary Education, Internatonal Journal of Cognitve Research n Scence, Engneerng and Education, (IJCRSEE) Vol.1, Issue1, june (2013) ;
Barakoska, A., Jovkovska , A., Pedagogical and Psyhological Basis of Moral Eduication, Internatonal Journal of Cognitve Research n Scence, Engineering and Education, (IJCRSEE) Vol.2, Issue1, December (2013).
Kostov, B., Barakoska, A. Collaboration between teachers and parents of children with special needs, Fourth International Conference-Modern Aspects Education and Rehabilitation of persons With Disabillities, (2013).
Баракоска, А., Величковиќ, С., Значај сарадње вртича и школе за пипрему деце и почетак школовања, Наше стварање, Висока школа за васпитаче струкових студија, Алексинац, Републка Србија, бр. 12 (2013).
Баракоска, А., Костов, Б., Стојановска, В., Значај и улога педагога из уметничких струка у остваривању естетског васпитања у дечјем вртичу, Значај и улога педагога из уметничких струка у остваривању естетског васпитања у дечјем вртичу, Алексинац: Висока школа за васпитaче струковних студија, бр. 11(2012).
Баракоска, А., Стошић, Л., Величковић С.,: Савремено образовање са аспекта мултикултурализма, Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву, Наука и идентитет. Том 2, Филозофске и природно-математичке науке: Зборник радова са Научног скупа, Пале, (2012). стр. 515-520;
Barakoska, A., Mitevska-Petruseva, Katerina, “Evalueation Of Moral Chaaracteristics Of Students In Secondary School In Republik Of Macedonia“, Pejatovic, A.,(ed.) “Evaluation in Education in the Balkan countries“ Publisher: Universsity of Belgrade-Facullty of Philosophy-Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, (2011), pg.93-99
Костова, М., Баракоска, А., Маказлиева, Е., (2011). Педагогија, (за трета година гимназиско образование). Скопје: Просветно дело;
Barakoska,A., Stojanovska, V., “Some aspects of educational inclusion of Roma population in FIROM“, Terzis., N.P.(ed.) “ Inclusive education in the Balkan countries policy and practice“ Publishing house Kyriakidis Brothers S.A.,pg.633-643 (2010);
Stojanovska, V., Barakoska, A., “Students’ Preparedness for the Challenges of E-learning“, Penkova, R. et al (eds.) Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education: “ICT in the Education in the Balkan Countries“, (2010).
Barakoska, A., Stošić, Lazar, Velićković, Sonja, Computer Literacy And Trained For E-learning In Teaching Process, Scientific Bulletin-Education Sciences Series, no-2, (2009). pg.58-69;
Barakoska, A., “States and perspectives in qualification of teachers for realization of the tasks of the Pedagogy of Leisure Time”. Terzis., N.P. (ed.) Further education in the Balkan countries” Publishing house Kyriakidis Brothers S.A., (2009). pg.1445-1451,);
Barakoska, A., “Globalization and challenges of education” Terzis, N.P. (ed.) ”European unification and Educational challenges in the Balkans” Publishing house Kyriakidis Brothers, S.A., (2008). pg. 179-187;
Баракоска, А., Вредностите и образованието во услови на општествени промени, Годишен Зборник на трудови, ФилозоФски факултет, Скопје, (2008);
Стојановска, В., Баракоска, А., Проектни активности во основното воспитание и образование во Република Македонија, Зборник на трудови, ФилозоФски факултет, Скопје, (2007);
Баракоска, А., (2007), Педагогија, (учебно помагало). Скопје: Филозофски факултет;
Barakoska, A., Social changes, values and education in the Republic of Macedonia ”Education and values in the Balkan Countries” 7- International Conference – Bucharest, Romnia, Terzis., N.P.(ed.). Publishing house Kyriakidis Brothers S.A., (2006). pg. 53-65;
Баракоска, А., Првичните погледи на професорот Анатоли Дамјановскин за слободното време, Педагогија бр.1, Институт за педагогија, Филозофски факултет-Скопје, (2004);
Баракоска, А., Проблемите на современата педагошка наука, Годишен Зборник на трудови, ФилозоФски факултет, Скопје, (2004);
Баракоска, А., Целта на воспитанието и слободното време, Годишен Зборник на трудови, ФилозоФски факултет-Скопје, (2003);
Баракоска, А., Современите теориски аспекти на педагогијата на слободното време – Зборник на трудови од Меѓународниот собир “Предучилишното и основното воспитание и образование-состојби и перспективи”. Педагошкиот Факултет „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Скопје, (2002);
Баракоска, А., (1996), Детето и неговата организација, Скопје: Фенкс.