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Dr. Oliver Bakreski

Full professor

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bakreski was born in 1971 in the village of Sveta Demir Hisar. He graduated (1998), received his master’s degree (2002) and his doctorate (2005) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In 1998 he was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace. He defended his doctoral dissertation on “Coordination of state bodies in the function of effective defense and Euro-Atlantic integration” in January 2005 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Security, Defense and Peace. He was elected assistant professor in 2005, associate professor in 2009, and full professor in 2014. Bakreski attended several professional trainings in Lithuania in Nemencine (2001) and Vilnius (2002).

Member of the program and editorial board of international scientific conferences organized (2014-2020) in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Ohrid, organized by the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace, etc. He was a deputy of the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Security Dialogues” and is permanent member of the editorial board, then he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Contemporary Macedonian Defense”, a member of the expert council of the electronic magazine for security in the Republic of Serbia.

Participated in several commissions in the Ministry of Education and Science, was Chairman of the Commission for conducting a professional exam for trainees in public high schools (Ministry of Education and Science) term until November 2012. In the period from 2015-2019 he participated in the work of the Expert Council of the Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia for private security. After that, he was the Head of the postgraduate studies in security in two terms (2007-2011) and (2011-2014), as well as the Head of the Institute of Security, Defense and Peace (2014-2017). Since September 2017, he is the Vice Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.

Bakreski has participated in numerous scientific conferences in Macedonia and abroad. He has received numerous certificates for participation in international scientific conferences in Romania, Lithuania, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc. n.

Research interests: security, defense

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bakreski  is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:

The second cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Corporate security system

  • 2

    Security Management

  • 3

    Security planning

  • 4

    Democratic control and oversight of the intelligence and security community

  • 5

    Foreign and security policy

  • 6

    Planning and risk assessment in companies

  • 7

    Modern security systems

The third cycle of studies:
  • 1

    Strategic planning and security assessments

Selected bibliography

Основи на безбедносниот менаџмент, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2011.

Теории на менаџментот и конфликтите, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2012

Корпорациски безбедносен систем, Скопје, 2012.

Контрола на безбедносниот сектор, Аутопринт и Филозофски факултет, дополнето издание, 2012.

Ohrid Framework Agreement: Accommodation of Minority Grievances via Ethnic or Civic Identity? (co-author), Global Politician, Online International Political News Journal, February 10, 2012, New York

Negotiation and Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Future of the Macedonian State (co-author), Global Politician, Online International Political News Journal, February 20, 2012, New York

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Links between Private and Public Sectors in the Republic of Macedonia), (co-author), Varstvoslovje, let./year 11, št./no. 2, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia.

The Role Of the Political Parties In the Defense System and the Need For Inter-Party Consensus, Vojno delo, Beograd, 2012.

Coordination of the security sector as precondition for efficient crisis management in the Republic of Macedonia, co–author,University of Applied Sciences, Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2012.

Assymatrical Threts and its Reflection on Security and Peace (co-author), International Scientific Conference: Društvena reakcija na savremene oblike ugrožavanja bezbjednosti, Banja Luka, 25 maj 2012.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Policy of the Global Actors towards the Westrn Balkan Countries: from full engagement to Gradual Disen Gagement, International Yearbook, Faculty of Security, 2013.

Координација на безбедносниот систем – принципи и предизвици, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2013. 

Безбедносни системи – теоријско концептуални оквир, (коавтор), Нови Сад, 2013 (монографија објавена во странство). 

Bakreski О. (co-author), „The Gender Perspective of the Defence Systems in the Western Balkans”, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Skopje, September, 2013.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), The Role of Security Sector Against Human Trafficking in the Republic of Macedonia,9th International Academic Conference, Istanbul ISBN 978-80-87927-00-7, IISES, Istanbul, 2014.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Collective Security – The Role of International Organizations – Implications in International Security Order, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy/2014.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), “Security of Classified Information as Part of the National Critical Infrastructure Protection: Macedonian Experience”, Series NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – D: Information and Communication Security, DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-478-7-107, Ebook Volume 39: Comprehensive Approach as “Sine Qua Non” for Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2015.

Приватна безбедност – теорија и концепт, Комора на РМ за приватно обезбедување, 2015

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Organization and Functioning of the Security Sector of the Republic of Macedonia in Contemporary Conditions, International Scientific Conference: Banja Luka, 2015.

Oliver Bakreski, Security Sector Reform in the Republic of Macedonia: Need for Transformation, Security Dialogues, Vol. 6, No. 2-1, 2015.

Oliver Bakreski(co-author), The Security Dilemmas of the Balkan States on the Refugee Transit Route: Closed or Channeled Borders? Bеzpečnostné Fórum, II.Volume, Zborník vedeckých prác /Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, 2016.

Планирање и процена на ризици, Комора на РМ за приватно обезбедување, 2016.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Regulating Private Security in the Republic of Macedonia, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, ISSN 1409-8199, Skopje, June, 2016.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), The Balkans as a Prominent Point for Human Smuggling Networks, Humanities and Social Sciences Review, CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6258 :: 06(02):79–88, Freiburg, Germany, 2017.

Oliver Bakreski, (co-author), Vulnerability Indicators in the Context of Urban Security,International Academic Conference, Beograd, 2017.

Заштита на критична инфраструктура, Комора на РМ за приватно обезбедување, (коавтор) 2017.

Whistle blowing – way to curb corruption in Balkan EU Candidate Countries, Humanities and Social Sciences Review, USA, 2018. ISSN: 2165-6258: 08(01):9–18, 2018.

Coordination and reorganization of security institutions (co-author), Vol. I, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola; Faculty of Security-Skopje, Macedonia, Skopje, 2018.

Безбедноста низ призмата на приватната безбедност, 2018.

Безбедносни системи, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2018.

The Agricultural Products – Market Structure in South-East Europe, (co-author), Economics of Agriculture, Year 65, No. 3, 2018, 885-1328, Belgrade, Journal is indexed and abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Приватен безбедносен сектор во ЈИЕ, 2019.