- (02) 3 116 520, loc. 204;
- (075) 323 757
- monday, 10:00–11:00 wednesday, 11:00–12:00
- mileva@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- milevagjurovska@gmail.com
- UKIM repository
Dr. Mileva Gjurovska
Prof. Dr. Mileva Gjurovska was born in 1957 in Skopje. She graduated (1980) and received her master’s degree (1988) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In September 1981 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant at the Institute of Sociology. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The influence of social factors on the vertical mobility of women in the field of work” in October 1996 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, earning the title of Doctor of Sociological Sciences. She was elected assistant professor in February 1997, and associate professor in February 2002. Since January 2007 she has been a full professor at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Awarded with the: Academic Palme (Palme Academique) by the Ministry of Education of France. She was a member of the Regional Expert Commission (CRE) at the Francophone University Agency (AUF-BECO) from 2010-2016.
Editor-in-Chief of the Sociological Review (2005-2010).
She has completed several study visits to universities in: Switzerland (University of Neuchatel), France (Institute for Political Studies-Paris), IRESKO-Paris, Jagiellonian University – Krakow. She has participated in several scientific congresses of the Francophone Association of Sociologists (AISLF) where she is an active member and part of the responsible team of CR – 24.
She has organized several international conferences in the Republic of Macedonia in partnership between AISLF and the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as between CEDIMES and the Faculty of Philosophy. She is the editor of two monographs in French from international conferences.
Since 2010 and at the moment she is the President of the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia, within which she participated in the preparation and realization of more than 200 public debates, international conferences and other public events.
National Coordinator of the National Convention for the European Union in the Republic of Macedonia (NCEU-MK) – Public platform for involvement of the professional public in the Accession negotiations process for EU membership (from 2017 and in the current situation).
She has been a national coordinator in several scientific projects in the fields: Information and telecommunication technologies (TACTICS, EC In-Co Copernicus Program, 1999); European Social Survey (SEESSP – supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Education, 2000); Entrepreneurial Culture (Project – Innovative Sociology 2002); Social dialogue (Swiss Labor Assistance Project 2005). Education for European integration of youth (European Movement Project 2004-2016); Sustainable development and Knowledge based society (ASO, 2006-2007);
She speaks French and English
Prof. Dr. Mileva Gjurovskais engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[СО105З / 18] Economy and society
[EI115I / 18] European integration and European construction
[SO212I / 18] Organizational aspects of human resource management
[EI101Z / 18] The social and economic integration of modern European societies
The third cycle of studies:
[SOC 5] Economic Challenges of Modern Society
[SOC24] Sociology of Organizations and Human Resource Management
[SOC23] Social Economy
2019 – „Национална конвенција за Европската унија во Република Северна Македонија: Книга на препораки“, Уредник, Воведен методолошко аналитички пристап (с. 5-21), Европско движење во Република Македонија, Скопје;
2015 – „Социологија на трудот“, учебник за високо образование, Филозофски Факултет, Скопје;
2015 – „Strategic study on social economy development in the context of the South East Europe 2020 strategy“, by Dina Rakin, Davorka Vidovic, Mileva Gjurovska, and Anto Jankovic, European Movement Srbija, Beograd;
2015 – „Gender equality in the Republic of Macedonia: Between Tradition and Gender Mainstreaming Policies“, in the book: „Gender (In) Equality and Gender Policies in Southeastern Europe“, edited by Christine M. Hassenstab and Sabrina P. Ramet, Palgrave Macmillan, London;
2013 – „ Expertise et l’expert. La sociologie et ses défis contemporaine“, Actes du colloque : Les sciences sociales et leurs publiques : Engagements et distinctions, Ed. Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu et Paul Arnault, Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza-Iasi et AUF (BECO);
2008 – „Europe Elargie et ses défies”, Anthology of second seminar of CEDIMES- Paris and Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje, M. Gjurovska Editеur,
2008 – „ Социологија на женскиот труд“, Филозфски факултет, Скопје;
2006 – „Социологија“, учебник за високо образование, Филозфски факултет, Скопје;
2003 – „Социологија“ Учебник за трета година средно гимназиско образование (ко-автор), Просветно дело, Скопје;
2003 – „ Sociology in South-East European Societies“; Indiana Press University, (Co-author with Petre Georgievski);
2002 – „Социологија“, Учебник за втора година – гимназиско образовние (ко-автор), Просветно дело, Скопје.
Scientific papers:
2018 – „ Political Clientelism and Corruption as Economic and Social Exchange”, Gjurovska, Mileva & Kandžija, Vinko & Miljanić, Journal of Economy and Business, Zagreb;
2017 – „From flexible organization to workplace stress“, Mileva Gjurovska & Peroska Jelena, Sociological Review 1, ZSM and Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje;
2015 – „Социологията между класическата концепция и неолибералната парадигма“, Special issue, Институтът по философия и социология при БАН (p.121 – 133)
2011 – „Субјективните перцепции за социјалниот статус на Балканот“, Монографија, 35 години социологија во Македонија, Филозофски факултет, Скопје;
2011 – „Sustainable development as social concept“, Sociological review 1/2, Institute of sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje;
2010 – „Le rôle de la société civile dans la construction européenne“, Réseaux Emergents ЕHES, Paris, 2010;
2010 – „Социјалниот капитал и глобализацијата“, Годишник на филозофскиот факултет, Скопје;
2009 – „Социјалните аспекти на глобализацијата“, Годишник на филозофскиот факултет, Скопје;
2008 – „The Balkans countries in the world of the changing work“, Sociological Problems, Special issue, Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Science;
2008 – „La démocratie dans le domaine du travail, Le processus de mutation des institutions du dialogue social“, Les Actes du colloque de l’AISLF: Engagement Citoyen, Nouvelle Université Bulgare;
2007 – „Демократијата во доменот на трудот: институционална инсуфициенција за водење на социјален дијалог во Македонија“, Евродијалог бр. 10, Центар за регионални истражувања и соработка Студиорум (стр. 69-80).
2007 – „Економијата и културата“, Социолошка ревија 1 /2, ЗСМ и Филозофски факултет, Скопје;
2007 – „Sociological aspects of the markets and informal economy“, Univerzitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia;
2007 – „Social aspects of EU integrations, employments and unemployment in Republic of Macedonia – Polish and Macedonian experience“, VIII Seminar Skopje-Krakow, Faculty of Philosophy Skopje;
2006 – „Задоволството од квалитетот на живеење на популацијата во Република Македонија“, Социолошка ревија 1 /2, ЗСМ и Филозофски факултет, Скопје;
2005 – „ La culture d’entreprise des Balkans“, Actes du colloque: Petites sociétés et minorités nationales sous la direction de Jacques L. Boucher et Thériault Joseph Yvon, Presse de l’Université du Québec;
2005 – „Redaction and adoption of Guidelines for the Multinational Companies (OECD) Publication in Macedonian language, Swiss Labour Assistance;
2004 –„Culture and Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Macedonia“, IX Seminar Skopje-Krakow, Jagiellonski Univerzitet, Krakow.