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- Monday, 14:30-15:30 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30
- gerovska@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- UKIM repository
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3854-5199
Dr. Maja Gerovska Mitev
Maja Gerovska Mitev is a Professor of Social Policy and editor-in-chief of the journal Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy. She is a National Coordinator for North Macedonia in the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) of the European Commission. She is academic coordinator of the Central European Social Policy and Social Work Network ( CESPASWON) within the CEEPUS program. Since 2011 she has been a member of the Research Network for Social Cohesion in South East Europe established within the European Institute at the London School of Economics. Since 2016, she is a member of the regional initiative The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans. Since 2019, she has been a member of the European Social Survey national network of North Macedonia.
Dr. Gerovska Mitev’s research examines the changing nature of the welfare systems and its impact on poverty and social exclusion; explores inequalities in access to social protection as well as essential services for low-income people. Dr. Gerovska Mitev’s book Material Deprivation, Poverty and Social Exclusion (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2012) presents one the first systematic and comprehensive assessments of the intersections between poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation in Macedonia. Her latest book “Social Work and Social Policy Transformations in Central and Southeast Europe” (2024) published by Springer, draws analytical conclusions about the interdependence between welfare state reforms and social work practices in Central and Southeast Europe and provides an overview of future perspectives regarding social policy and social service provision in this region.
Dr. Gerovska Mitev holds a BA and MA from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, MSc in European Social Policy from the London School of Economics, and PhD in Social Policy and Social Work from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
Research interests: Social Policy, Poverty, Social Exclusion, Social Inequalities.
Prof. Dr. Maja Gerovska Mitev is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:
First cycle of studies:
[SR505I / 18] Comparative social policy
[SR704I / 18] Global social policy
[SR801Z / 18] Social policy of the European Union
[MIS603] Social inequalities
Second cycle of studies:
[SRSP101Z] Politics and economics of welfare states
[SRSP112I] Analytical Perspectives in Social Inclusion Policy
Third cycle of studies:
[SRSP1] Contemporary theories and strategies of social policy and social development
Bibliography (selection):
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2024) (ed.) Social Work and Social Policy Transformations in Central and Southeast Europe, Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-51232-2
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2023) “Access for children in need to the key services covered by the European Child Guarantee in North Macedonia”, Brussels: European Commission.
Mustafa, A. and Gerovska-Mitev, M. (2022). Social protection expenditure and redistribution in the Western Balkans. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1017/ics.2022.1
Gerovska Mitev, Maja (2021). ESPN Thematic Report on Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis – North Macedonia, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2020) “Exclusion from Social Protection of People in Non-Standard Employment: The Case of North Macedonia” in Bartlett, W., Monastiriotis, V. and Koutroumpis, P. (eds.) Social Exclusion and Labour Market Challenges in the Western Balkans, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Геровска Митев, М. (2019) „Нови парадигми на социјалната држава“, Како до социјална држава, Скопје: Фондација Фридрих Еберт: 38-53.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2019) “IGO’s strategic frameworks and poverty alleviation” in An, S, Stubbs, P, Chubarova, T. and Deacon, B. (eds) Social Policy, Poverty and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.
Gerovska Mitev, Maja (2019) Financing social protection in North Macedonia, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2019) “Social policy during a decade of centre-right governance in Macedonia” in Reiner, O. and Bartlett, W. (eds.) Western Balkan Economies in Transition: Recent Economic and Social Developments, Berlin: Springer.
Геровска Митев, М. (2018) Перцепциите на граѓаните за правата и услугите од социјална заштита и социјално осигурување: извештај од теренско истражување, Скопје: Центар за управување со промени.
Gerovska Mitev, M. and Bornarova, S. (2017) “Welfare State Ideologies and Long Term Care Regimes: Challenges of Working Age Carers with Dependent Relatives in Macedonia” in Social Policy, No. 1/2017, Year 52: 9-26.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2017) “When Active is Passive: Conditional Cash Transfers and Employment Creation in Macedonia” in Scopetta, A., Leichsenring, K. and Stamatiou, W. (eds.) Innovative Approaches in Labor Market Policy and Health and Long Term Care in Eastern Europe, Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare and Research. pp.6-23.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2016) “ Welfare State Realities in Macedonia: Trends and Challenges” in Schubert, K., de Vilota, P. and Kuhlmann, J. (eds.) Challenges to European Welfare Systems, New York: Springer: 497-512.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2016) “Social Policy Challenges and Strategic Priorities in the EU Candidate Countries” in Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans, Volume 8 Number 1(14) April 2016: 65-88.
Gerovska Mitev, M (2015) “Poverty and Social Exclusion in Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia: Status and Policy Responses” in Revija za Socijalnu Politiku, Vol. 22, Issue 1, 2015, pp.81-94.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2013) “The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Labor Market and Social Services in Macedonia” in Bartlet W. and Uvalic, M. (eds.) The Social Consequences of the Global Economic Crisis in South East Europe, London: LSE and LSEE Research on South East Europe: 109-121
Gerovska, Mitev M., Stubbs, P. (2012) “The Social Policy Challenges of Europe 2020 in the EU Candidate Countries: The Case of Croatia and Macedonia”, Journal of Comparative Politics, Vo.5, No.1: 60-72.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2012) “Implications of EU2020 Targets and Indicators on Social Inclusion and Poverty in Macedonia” in Dodovski, I. et al. (eds.) Europe 2020: Towards Innovative and Inclusive Union, Skopje: University American College: 84-103.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2012) Material deprivation, poverty and social exclusion among households in Macedonia, Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Bornarova, S. and Gerovska Mitev, M. (2009) Social Exclusion, Ethnicity and Older People, Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2009) Well-being of children in difficult economic times, Skopje: UNICEF.
Геровска Митев, М. (2008) Социјална политика на Европската Унија, Скопје: Филозофски факултет.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2008) (ed.) Reframing Social Policy: actors, dimensions, reforms, Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Геровска Митев, М., Стабс, П. (2008) „Клучни социјални индикатори и политики за мерење на сиромаштијата и социјалната исклученост“, Ревија за социјална политика Год. 1, бр.1: 20-33.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2007) ‘Macedonia’ in Deacon, B. and Stubs, P. (eds.) Social Policy and International Interventions In South East Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2006) “Effects of Europeanisation on social policies of Slovenia and Macedonia: convergence vs. disparity?” Proceedings of the 1st Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference, Thessaloniki: South East European Research Centre.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2006) “Diseminacija evropske socijalne politike: instrumenti i efekti” u Vukovic, D. i Cekerevac, A. (ured.) Socijalna politika u procesu evropskih integracija, Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka.
Gerovska Mitev, M. (2004) “Evropeizacija socijalnih politika: nacionalne prilagodbe u Jugoistocnoj Europi”, Revija za socijalnu politiku, god.11, br.3-4, str.321-341.
Геровска, М. (2003) „Европската социјална политика: пречки и можности за иден развој“, Годишен зборник, книга 56, Скопје: Филозофски факултет.
Donevska, M. and Gerovska M. (2003) “Macedonia” in Munday, B. (ed.) Social Care in Central and Eastern Europe, Kent:European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent: 115-135.
Геровска, М. (1999) „Делувањето на глобалните социјални актери во македонски контекст“, Годишен зборник, книга 26 (52), Скопје: Филозофски факултет.
Доневска, М., Геровска, М. (1999) (уред.) Социјална политика и социјална работа: избор на текстови, Скопје: Филозофски факултет.
Геровска М. (1997) “Реалните димензии на социјалната држава“ Социолошка ревија, бр. 1-2, год. III: 142-147.