Dr. Lidija Georgieva

Full professor

Prof. Dr. Lidija Georgieva was born in 1960 in Kumanovo, graduated (1984) and received her master’s degree (1994) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. In September 1987 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as a junior assistant. She defended her doctoral dissertation on “Mechanisms for maintaining peace and security for the function of collective security” in December 1997 at the Faculty of Philosophy, earning her the title of Doctor of Science. She was elected assistant professor in 1998, and associate professor in 2006. Since November 2007 she has been a full professor at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.

In 2001, prof. Georgieva won a Fulbright Scholarship for a postdoctoral fellowship in political science at the Center for International Security Studies and the Center for International Conflict Management at the University of Maryland in Washington.

From 2012 to 2017 she was the head of the Center for Intercultural Studies and Research. Since 2014 she has been the Head of the UNESCO Department of Intercultural Studies and Research. Since 2009/2013 she was the academic coordinator of the TEMPUS project and its manager for UKIM.

In the period from 2014-2019 she was the project manager of the Visegrad International Fund – Theory of International Relations and Conflict Resolution. Since 2018 she is the head of the project Horizon 2020, RETOPEA – Religion, Tolerance and Peace. Since 2019 she is a visiting professor at the Open University. Se speaks English.

Research interests: peace policies and peace building; international conflict resolution; gender aspects of peace and security; religion and conflicts; peace and cultural diplomacy; welfare states in Southeast Europe; social stratifications in the Balkans; social mobilization and local communities

Prof. Dr. Lidija Georgieva  is engaged in lectures and seminars of the courses:

The third cycle of studies:
  • 1

    European and regional security

Bibliography of published papers

Monographs and textbooks

Theory of International Relations and Conflict Resolution, (Editor), Faculty of Philosophy/IVF project, 2016

Творење на мирот: Мирот, безбедноста и конфликтите по студената војна, Филозофски факултет, (трето издание) Скопје, 2010

Европска безбедност: Концепти, процеси и институции; Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2010

Менаџирање на ризици, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2006

Превенција на конфликти: од идеја до превенција на конфликти како норма, Фондација Фрдрих Еберт, Скопје 2005

Градење на мирот и човековата безбедност (Уредник); Фондација Фририх Еберт, 2004

Разрешување и трансформација на конфликти (Ко-автор), Македонска ризница, Скопје 1999

Research studies and papers:

Georgieva, Naumovski, Cvetkovska; Peace Governance and Multiculturalism: What role for Peace Education in the Balkans?; EUSER , European Center For Science Education And Research, Published 2017 pp.434-446

 In Theory of International Relations and Conflict Resolution, Faculty of Philosophy/IVF project, 2016

Georgieva, Naumovski, Cvetkovska; DEA Aplication in the Defence Sector; SYNOPIS, 2016

Georgieva, Naumovski, Cvetkovska: Measuring the efficiency of participating countries in NATO-LED MISSION IN; SYNOPIS, 2016

Institutional approach and challenges for effective disaster risk reduction in Macedonia; (coauthor) University of Applied Science-Velika Gorica 8th International Scientific Conference, Book of Papers, 2015 pp. 1041- 1052

Peace and security: Is conflict prevention still a norm of security policy; Researching Security-Approaches, Concepts and Politics, 2-3 June 2015; University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola, Faculty of Security – Skopje

Macedonia and NATO: Uneasy Path to Membership; Security Dialogues, eISSN 1857-8055 Година 6, Број 2-1, 2015/Vol. 6, No. 2-1, 2015 EBSCO

The role of higher education in fostering inter-cultural dialogue and understanding in a multiethnic society- the case of the Republic of Macedonia; Vol. 2 No. 12 December 2014 International Journal of Education and Research.

From Conflict Resolution towards Peace Management; Contemporary Macedonian Defense, Vol. 14 No. 27, 2014 EBSCO Host ISSN 1409-8199

Macedonia and NATO: overcoming the Bucharest summit legacy; in Marian Majer, Róbert Ondrejcsák, Vladimír Tarasovič and Tomáš Valášek (editors); Panorama of global security environment 2011; Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs Bratislava, pp. 391- 493

Georgieva L, Memeti A, Musliu A: Patterns of Conflict resolution in Macedonia; University College Dublin 2010

Georgieva Lidija, Macedonia and NATO Beyond Bucharest, in NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Anton Bebler (ed) ; E Human and Societal Dynamics; Vol.63, 2010 ISBN 978-1-60750-093-3

Georgieva Lidija, Recognizing Human Dimension of Security: Challenges and Perspectives of the Concept in Macedonia; in: Strengthening Regional Stability trough Human Security; Georgieva L.(ed), FES, ( 2008) pp.49-70

Georgieva Lidija, Police Reform in Macedonia in: Security Sector Governance in the Western Balkans: Self-Assessment Studies on Defence, Intelligence, Police and Border Management Reform,Anja H. Ebnöther , Philipp H. Fluri Predrag Jurekovic (Eds.) National Defence Academy; DCAF; PfP Consorcium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes; Vienna and Geneva; (2007) pp. 393-408

Georgieva Lidija, Border Management Reform in Macedonia in: Security Sector Governance in the Western Balkans: Self-Assessment Studies on Defence, Intelligence, Police and Border Management Reform, Anja H. Ebnöther, Philipp H. Fluri, Predrag Jurekovic (Eds.) National Defence Academy;DCAF; PfP Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes Vienna and Geneva, 2007, pp. 325-339

Between Early warnig and crisis management: the meaning of the conept of risk: Crisis management; Centre for Crisis Management, NoI, Skopje 2006

Macedonia and EU: from operational prevention towards conflict transformation; paper presented at Regional Conference on “Conflict Prevention throughout Integration: Macedonia and the Region towards EU and NATO- Needs, Experiences and Lessons Learned”; Skopje November, 2005, pp.18-30

Безбедносната стратегија на ЕУ и превенција на конфликти; Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет, 2006

Personal and Public Security: UNDP Early Warning Report, Skopje, 2005

Postconflict dillemas in Macedonia: issue of crisis management; Постконфликтни дилеми во Македонија: управување со кризите; MO – IOMS, DCAF, Skopje 2005, str 77-87

Problems of Post-Conflict Security management in Macedonia; paper presented at DCAF conference “After Intervention: Public Security Management in Post-Conflict Societies – From Intervention to Sustainable Local Ownership”; Viena, 2005

Conflict prevention and Peacebuilding: post-conflict Dilemmas for Macedonia; Friedrih Ebert Foundation and SEEU conference; 2005

Macedonia Towards EU: Whether and how much prevention matters? Croatian International Relation Review; Vol .X, No. 36/37-2004

From the Idea toward Policy of Conflict Prevention; Одбрана, Скопје, Март 2005

Postconflict security management in Macedonia: about ownership over the process; Современа македонска одбрана, Март 2005

Krizen menaxment: regionalno iskustvo i dilemi vo Makedonija; Sovremena Makedonska odbrana, Br.10; Dekemvri 2004

Georgieva L: The Role of the International Institutions in Macedonia: From Prevention towards Peacebuiding; in Georgieva L. ed: The Challenges for Post conflict peacebuilding and reconciliation in Macedonia; IDPS and DCAF, 2003

Georgieva L: Security Sector Expert Formation in Macedonia: Assessment of the Status and the Needs; in P.H. Fluri and D.M. Law: SSEF: Achievements and Needs in South East Europe, Study Group SSRDCAF, 2003

Georgieva L: Good Governance and security sector reform; J.A. Trapans and P.H. Fluri: Defence and Securiry Sector Governance and Reform in South East Europe: Insights and Perspectives; Volume II; 2003

Southeast Europe: Regional Stability trough Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding; Годишен зборник, Бр. 27, 2002

Менаџирање на мирот или менаџирање со конфликти и кризи; Современа македонска одбрана, Бр. 16, Скопје 2002

Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Contribution to regional stability”, Contemporary Macedonian defense, No. 1, Skopje, 2000

Post-Cold War Security and the Question of Minorities, Romanian Journal of International Relations, vol. 4, no. 2, 1998.

Reflections of Preventive Deployment: Macedonian case, International Psychology reporter, Vol.2, No.1March 1998

Превентивна дипломатија и превентивно распоредување, Годишен зборник, Бр.25, Филозофски факултет, 1998

Conceptual Approaches to Collective Security: Peace and Defense, Annuaire, Vol. 24,Faculty of Philosophy, 1997

Preventive Diplomacy, (Defence) Odbrana, No. 18, July 1995.

National Security After the Cold War, Odbrana, no. 17, June 1995

Defining Security in International Relations, (Security), no. 17, June 1995. (Skopje)

The WEU—Architect of European Security, Odbrana (Defense), no. 8, December 1993. (Skopje)