- (02) 3 116-520
- Tuesday, 10:00–11:00; Thursday, 11:00–12:00
- kalina.sotiroska@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4904-0153
Kalina Sotiroska Ivanoska
Prof. Kalina Sotiroska Ivanoska, PhD was born in 1982 in Ohrid. She graduated (2005) and obtained her master’s degree (2010) at the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. In October 2014, she defended the doctoral dissertation entitled Perceiving the quality of the leader-follower relationship employees with different styles of the followership under the mentorship of Prof. Elisaveta Sardzoska at the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, with which she gained the title Doctor of Psychological Sciences. She served as dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, International University Vision for two terms. In 2016, she was appointed Assistant professor. In December 2020, she was appointed Associate professor in the scientific fields of organizational psychology and psychology of education and upbringing at the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje.
She has actively participated in numerous international conferences both in our country and abroad. As a researcher she was involved in several international scientific projects including Creative Work in Post-Communist Countries: Exploring Work Experiences and Inequality in the Creative Industries and Creative Labor Markets in Macedonia and Albania (2014-2016), funded by the Swiss RRPP Fund, under the auspices of at the University of Freiburg and the Partnership for Reconciliation through Early Childhood Development and Education in Europe (PRECEDE, 2012 – 2016), funded by the EU, IPA, Megjashi. She was involved in the work of expert commissions at the Ministry of Education and Science. She is a member of the Commission for psychological tests at the Chamber of Psychologists of the Republic of North Macedonia
She speaks English, and has a basic knowledge of Italian and Turkish language
Research interests: Leadership, followership, consumer behavior, marketing, education
Prof. Kalina Sotiroska Ivanoska, PhD performs classes and exercises in the subjects:
Of the first cycle of studies:
(2019). The willing to stand up to the leader: exemplary followers` perceptions of relationship quality with leaders, Psychology: science and practice, Vol. III (5-6), 131-145 (co-author)
(2019). The preferred leadership and followership styles of employees in state-and privately-owned organizations in Serbia and Macedonia:JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies, 24 (2), 305-323 (co-author)
(2019). Lifelong learning as an incentive of leadership: key element in leadership development, Vision International Scientific Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, 121-126 (co-author)
(2019). The role of family context in the development of leadership skills. Proceeding book: V International Strategic research Congress, 28-31 August, Gostivar, The Republic of North Macedonia (co-author)
(2019). The relationship between followers’ perceived quality of relationship with the leader and followership style, Proceedings: 4th International Scientific Research Congress (IBAD 2019), Uppsala, Sweden, 25-26, ISBN:978-605-7602—45-9
(2018). Follow the crowd without considering why: passive followers in organizations, Vision International Scientific Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, 21-28
(2018). Adaptation to, and coping with, climate change impacts and threats, IRSJV, 3(2), 23-35 (co-author)
(2018). Role and impact of international organizations in international relations in the direction of the protection of human rights and the rights to the environment, IRSJV, 3(2), 47-54 (co-author)
(2018). [review] Work in the 21st century: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology, by Frank J. Landy & Jeffrey М. Conte. Psychology: science and practice, Vol. II (3), 127-131
(2017). Bargaining to maximize your own self-interest: Pragmatic followers in organizations: HIKMET International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research, 30(2), 42-47
(2016). Leadership challenges in the modern workplace: culture specific aspects, Proceeding book: International Social Sciences Congress of Turkish World, Gostivar, 22-23 August (co-author)
(2016). Leader-follower interactions: perceived managers relationship with followers, Proceeding book: International Social Sciences Congress of Turkish World, Gostivar, 22-13 August, E-ISBN 978 -975-8628-40-7, 728-735 (co-author)
(2016). Gender differences in preferences of followership style and leadership style: how realistic they are, Individual and environment: international thematic proceedia, Faculty of Psychology, Nis, 435-440 (co-author)
(2016). Paternalistic Leadership: Differences Across Hierarchical Levels In Organizations, Proceeding book: ICEB’2016, Sarajevo, 634-640
(2016). Cultural direction of working organizers in business organizations in the Republic of Macedonia. HIKMET International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research, 28(2), 30-39 (co-author)
(2016). Different leader-follower relationships in organizations: the importance of leader-follower dyads: IRSJV, Volume 1 Issue 1, 29-36
(2015). The glorification of self: narcissistic tendencies among performers, HIKMET International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research, 30(2), 42-47,
(2015). Followership and followers in organizations: a challenge of the new era. Psychology: science and practice, Vol I (2), 57-71. (co-author)
(2013). Human rights and ethical standards. Proceeding book: First international scientific conference `Promoting human rights: recent developments`-MIT University, Skopje (co-author)
(2012). Orientations of the Managers, Culture and Gender: Cross-cultural Study of Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship, International Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 2 No. 5, pp. 104-109. doi:0.5923/j.ijap.20120205.05 (co-author)
(2010). Cultural orientations and supervisor-subordinate relationship: A cross-cultural study of managers in Macedonia. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (co-author) (2007). Follow the leader, obey the manager. In Mancheva, R. et al. (eds.). Young Psychologists: Ideas-Possibilities-Future. Blagoevgrad: The Faculty of Law and History of the South- West University ‘Neofit Rilski’