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- jasmina@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
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Dr. Jasmina Delčeva-Dizdarević
Prof. Dr. Jasmina Delceva Dizdarevic was born in 1963 in Skopje. She graduated (1985) and received her master’s degree (1991) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje. In December 1992 she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje as an assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Methodology of teaching Macedonian language from I to IV grade through the development of primary education in Macedonia” in June 2000 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, which earned her the title of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. She was elected assistant professor in May 2001, and associate professor in October 2005. Since July 2010 he has been a full professor at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.
Professional engagements:
– Member of the National Commission for Textbooks, MES, 2019
– Member of the working group for adoption of bylaws on the Law on Primary Education, MES, 2019
– Certificate for IPSOVTIM, Improving Pedagogical skills of VET teachers in Macedonia, (MKLLP- LDV- A.24. – 2012-2013)
– General Director of Macedonian, ESA, Employment Service Agency Skopje, 2005 – 2006
– Study visit, Jerusalem, Year of Educational Technology, MASHAV, 1999
– expert / team member, National Project: “Support to the reforms in primary education in the Republic of Macedonia”. Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Nansen Dialogue Center Skopje. (2017-2018)
– expert / team member International project: “Improving the quality of physical education at the level of primary education and presenting its importance and significance for the health and well-being of future generations”. Erasmus + K2: 2017-1-MKO1-KA201-035380. University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”, Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health-Skopje. (2017-2019).
– expert / member of the team “Networking of pedagogues from R. Macedonia and research of educational needs to strengthen their professional competencies ″. Institute of Pedagogy / Faculty of Philosophy, 2016
– еxpert, part of team Project LLP/Leonardo da Vinci programme, VETPRO mobility project for Improving pedagogical skills of VET teachers in the Republic of Macedonia 2013-2014
– expert / team member Education Database Institute of Pedagogy / Faculty of Philosophy, 2013
– expert / team member, Improving the competencies of teachers and leadership skills of principals in secondary vocational schools. Jawaskula University of Finland and Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Pedagogy 2011-2012
– еxpert, part of team, Donor conference, NY York, UN and Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Employment for youth, 2006
– еxpert, part of team, National Employment Project in collaboration with government Sweden, CARDS II, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005-2006
– еxpert, part of team, “I love my city”,UNDP, АVRM, Skopje Macedonia. 2006
– еxpert, part of team, Modernization of education, МОN and World bank, 2005, Skopje, Macedonia
– еxpert, part of team, Building a network of education in SEE Balkan, 2001-2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia
– еxpert, part of team, Development of curricula for professional pedagogical development of teachers, 2001 – 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia
– еxpert, part of team Integration of children with special needs in regular schools, UNICEF – MES 1998 – 1999
– еxpert, part of team, Approaches towards Visual Thinking Strategy, FIOSM – MES 1996 – 1999
Prof. Dr. Jasmina Delceva Dizdarevic is engaged in teaching and seminars of the courses:
In the first cycle of studies:
The second cycle of studies:
[PE101Z] Teaching and learning
[FPE105I] Effective school
[МО101З] Quality management of education
[МО207И] Effective school
The third cycle of studies:
[PED02] Didactic methodological approaches to teaching in the field of language and art
[PED03] Didactic methodological approaches to teaching mathematics and science
[PED28] Strategies of visual, graphic and symbolic communication in teaching
[PED14] Modeling the teaching process
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Dizdarevikj V., The Power of a Story in the Function of Language Literacy, Zivot i skola, casopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja obrazovanja, Vol. LXV No. 1-2, Osijek, pg. 201-205, 2020
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Dizdarevikj V. The method of Global Reading from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, SCOPUS – CiteScore 2017 = 0,10, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, (IJCRSEE), Vol.6, No.1, 2018 pg. 61-66., 2018
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J. Analysis the Math Curriculum in the primary Educational Cycles, IJERT, (International Journal For education, Research and Training, ISSN 1857 – 9841, Volume 2, Skopje, pg.170-176, 2016.
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J.Usage of the Internet in Education in Didactics of Science in the first Educational Cycle Conference on Educational Research and Social Sciences- YILDIZ University, pg , 2014
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J. Classroom management, Global Impact Factor for 2013=0.514
IJCRSEE (International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education), pg.51-55, 2014
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J.The Compatibility of the School Programs with the Course books for Macedonian Language in grades 1 and 2, 12-th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries: Policy and Practice., , Faculty of Philosophy, pg. 181-187, (2013)
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Evaluation of the Process of Literati on in the First Grade of Primary School, BASOPED, Serbia, pg. 297- 291, (2011)
Делчева-Диздаревиќ, Ј., Ангелоска-Галевска, Н., Инклузивното образование – потреба во современатa едукација, Парадигми Сучаснои педагогики – наукова конференција., Министерство Освити и Науки Украини, (2010)
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Quality School and Creativity, Conference Talented and Gifted Creators of Progress (Theory and Practice), University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, pg. 293-298, 2009
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Inclusive Education – Police and Practice, Further Education in The Balkan Countries, Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, pg. 33-46, (2009)
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, “Multicurtilar Education”, European unification and educational challenges in the Balkans,No.8, Publishing House,Kyriakidis Brothers s.a., Thesaloniki, pg137-145 (2007)
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Quality in Curriculum and Teaching, Balcan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Sofia, pg. 457-466, 2004
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Drafting New curricula in South-East Europe Final Report of the Regional seminar, IBE, CEPS, UNESCO International Bureau of education, 2003
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Scientific Gathering on: Humanistic thoughts and social strategy – conditions and perspectives, Creativity of the pupils and teachers from primary school (1st to 4th grade) education, Annual bulletin of Faculty of philosophy, Skopje, 1997
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Scientific discussion on: Permanent education and learning at the beginning of 21st century as philosophic and pedagogic basis for the theory and practice in the field of education – title of the paper: Metodickite osnovi na permanentnoto obrazovanie (Methodological basis of permanent education), Skopje, 1996
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Symposium on modern social changes and the purpose of education in Republic of Macedonia – title of the paper: Ucebnicite i celta na vospitanieto (Reading books and the purpose of education), Struga, 1996
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Nastavnikot – realizator i kreator na pedagoskata dejnost vo ucilisteto, (The teacher – the implementer and creator of pedagogic activities in the school), Prosvetno delo br. 1/1995
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Symposium the “year of the family”- title of the paper: Uspehot na ucenicite vo nekompletnite semejni sredini, (The success of the pupils coming from incomplete family environments), Skopje 1994
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Symposium on 25th anniversary of introduction of the pedagogy-psychology service in R. Macedonia – title of the paper: Pedagogot pomegju semejstvoto i ucilisteto (The Pedagogue between family and school), Skopje, 1994
Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Podgotovka na ucitelski i nastavnicki kadri vo prviot period po osloboduvanjeto na Makedonija (1944-1958) (Preparation of teachers in the first period after the war (1944-1958), published in Annual bulletin of the Faculty of philosophy. Skopje, 1994
Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј.,, Дидактика на јазично подрачје во оснoвното образование (Didactic of mothers language in elementary school), АД Просветно дело, 2004
Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ, Aјде да учиме да читаме (Let’s learn to read), АД Просветно дело, 2006
Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ,, Ајде да учиме да пишуваме (Let’s learn to write), АД Просветно дело, 2006
Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ, Прирачник за наставници (Guide for teachers), АД Просветно дело, 2006