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Dr. Aneta Serafimova
Aneta Serafimova was born in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in art history and archaeology from Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She obtained MA at the University of Belgrade in 1994 and PhD at the University of Skopje in 2002. In 1987 she began her academic career at the Faculty of Philosophy, in 2012 being given the title of full professor. The fields of her scholarly interest are Byzantine iconography and semiotics in art during the Byzantine and the post-Byzantine period. She received fellowships and awards by Greek Government (National Technical University of Athens), Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini in Venice, BSA in Athens and BAN in Sofia. She was granted a two years scholarship for individual project by RSS at CEU-Prague. She wrote 40 full-length studies, 4 monographs as an individual author and one multimedia DVD. She co-authored several thematic and monographic publications. She participated in 30 conferences, most of them international, and was invited lecturer at British School of Archaeology (BSA) in Athens, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Scientific Research Centre SAZU in Ljubljana, MCC Gallery in New York and at Department of Slavic Studies at Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana. She participated in several international projects and co-operated with respective academic and scientific institutions in France (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Musée national du Moyen ge de Cluny), Italy (Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini, Fabbrica Europa-Florence), Slovenia (Faculty of Philosophy, Scientific Research Centre SAZU, Museum-Ljubljana) and in Greece (National Technical University of Athens, British School/BSA, Oxymoron).
Since 2011 she is the Board Member of UNESCO Chair in Education and Human Development at Skopje University. She is currently a member of the National Council for Cultural Heritage and National Commission for UNESCO.
Prof. Dr. Aneta Serafimova is engaged in the following courses of
The undergraduate studies:
The courses of postgraduate studies
[U132Z /19] Post-Byzantine Art in the Balkans
[U133Z /19] Art in the Balkans in the 19th Century
[FU102I /19] Byzantine Semiotics
[IS218 /19] Intercultural Aspects of Byzantine Art
The course of PhD studies:
[IUA30] Painting Workshops in the Balkans
Selected bibliography
– “On the Painterly Script of Nikola Mihailov in the Saint Nicholas Church in Kumanovo”, / „Сликарскиот ракопис на Никола Михаилов во црквата Свети Никола во Кумановo“, Balcanoslavica. International Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol. 45/2 (2017), 57-79 (co-authored by M. Simonovska).
– “Pontius Pilate vs Annas and Caiaphas in the Eastern Christian Art”, Abstract. International Conference »Process of Cultural Interference: The Balkans between East and West«”, PRI Institute for Old Slavic Culture Prilep, Negotino 2017, 23-24.
– „Свети Никола во Шишевскиот манастир: кадрирање на животописот“, Патримониум. МК, 14 (2016), 186-202 (in Macedonian with an English summary).
– “The Kosmas’ Cosmos and Representations of Psalm 148, 149 and 150: A case study of the ‘Praise the Lord’ icon from the Museum of Macedonia (Skopje)”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade (22-27 august) 2016, 782, 791.
– “On the Conceptual Codes of the Entity: Paintings of the upper compartments of the narthex and porch of Saint Sophia in Ohrid”, Sergiy Radonezhskiy and the Russian Art of the 14th – first half of the 15th centuries in the Context of Byzantine Culture, eds. G. Gerov et M. Orlova, Moscow
– “Notes on the Depictions of Saint Dionysios the Righteous of Olympos “, Heroes, Cults, Saints, eds. I. Gergova & E. Moutafov, Institute of Art Studies & Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 2015, 133-145.
– “Contribution to Studying Islamic Influences on the post-Byzantine Painting in Ottoman Macedonia”, Islamic Civilization in the Balkans, ed. Dr. Halit Eren, IRCICA, İstanbul 2015, 21-43 (co-authored by J. Spahiu).
– ‘Кон темата „Свети Климент Охридски легат и фасцинација: програмски концепт и насоки“,’ Осма научна средба по повод патрониот празник на НУБ „Свети Климент Охридски“, Скопје 2015, 2-7.
– “Image and Imagery: Revisiting the Depictions of the Seven Slavic Saints”, Patrimonium.MK, VII/12 (2014), 345-362.
– „Нова власт – друга вера. Прилог проучавању исламских утицаја на поствизантијску уметност“, Саопштења XLV (2013), 165-178 (коавтор: Ј. Спахиу) [in Serbian with an English summary].
– „Прилог кон проучувањата на ликовноста на светите Седмочисленици“, Зборник на Седмата научна средба „Свети Климент Охридски инспирација во ликовното творештво“, НУБ „Свети Климент Охридски“, Скопје 2013, 19-45.
– “The Prophetic Announcements in the Šiševo Monastery Church of St Nicholas”, Patrimonium.MK, 5/10 (2012), 275-288.
– “The Antique Ancestors of Christ in the Tree of Jesse in the Narthex of the Kučevište Monastery” / „Античките предци на Христа во кучевишката Лоза Есеева“, Systasis. E-journal of the Association of Classical Philologists “Antika”, 20 (2012).
– “The Old Testament Wall Paintings in the Šiševo Monastery of St. Nicholas (1630)”, Scripta & e-Scripta. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Mediaeval Studies, Vol. 10-11/2012, eds. R. Cleminson and E. Moussakova (2012), 361-391.
– “Through parallels to the Origin: Iconographic Studies of the Ohrid Painterly Discourse of the Akathistos Hymn (1364/65) and its Athonite Version (16th to 18th Centuries)”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Abstracts of Free Communications, Vo. III, Sofia (22-27 August) 2011, 382-383.
– „Османлиски социо-историски рефлексии: претстави на Турци во поствизантиското сликарство во Македонија“, / “Representations of Turks in Post-Byzantine Painting in Macedonia”, Patrimonium.MK, 4/9 (2011), 203-212.
– “Beyond the Stereotypes: On the Stylistic Diversity of the Byzantine Art in Macedonia from 11th to 14th Centuries”, Balcanoslavica, 37-38 (2010), 17-35.
– “Pictorial Semiotics of Maternity in Byzantine Depictions of the Nativity. Phases and models of its development”, Patrimonium.MK, 3/7-8 (2010), 263-276 [in Macedonian with an English summary].
– “The Ministry Cycle in the Šiševo Monastery of St. Nicholas (1630)”, Saopštenja, XL (2008), 127-150 (in Serbian with an English summary).
– “Saint Demetrius in Ohrid: Revisiting the Ohrid Artistic Production during the Second Half of the 14th Century” [in Macedonian], Bulletin »Mediaeval Art«, 6 (2007), 63-109.
– “Semiotic Analyses and Post-Byzantine Parallels of the Last Judgement from the Holy Archangels in Kuceviste” [in Macedonian]. In: Mélange. Dedicated to P. Miljkovic-Pepek, Skopje, 2004, 163-188.
– “The Establishing of the Holy Icons and the Raising of the Holy Cross” [authorized in English], Niš&Byzantium: Zbornik radova I, Niš, 2003, 235-248.
– “The Despotic Icons in the Holy Archangels of Kučevište (19 C.)“ [in Macedonian with an English summary], Bulletin »Mediaeval Art«, 4 (2002), 53-59.
– “The Post-Byzantine Context of the Representation of the Akathistos Hymn in the Narthex of the Holy Archangels Church in Kučevište“, [in Macedonian], Bulletin »Mediaeval Art«, 3 (2001), 153-185.
– “The Tree of Jesse in the Narthex of the Ss Archangels’ Church at the Kučevište Monastery“, Annuaire de la Faculté de Philosophie de l’Université St. Cyrille et Méthode de Skopje, Vol. 27 (53) (2000), 133-170.
– “On Research of the Painting Workshop from the 30s of the 17th Century”, Kulturno nasledstvo, 24-25 (1999), 47-75 [in Macedonian with an English summary].
– “The Saga of the Archangels in 15 scenes”, Živa Antika/Antiquité Vivante, 49 (1999), 73-207 [in Macedonian with an English summary].
– “Contribution to Studies of Iconostasis Crosses in the Balkans: Observing the Cross-Stands of the Peć Group” [in Serbian], Monastery Crna Rijeka and Saint Peter Koriški, ed. D. Bojović, Beograd, 198, 149-166.
– “The Naos Wall-Painting of the Kuceviste Monastery and so-called Provincial Epirote School”, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, Athens 1998, 49-61.
– “The Images of Liturgical Passages in the Kučevište Monastery (1591). The Ministry Cycle with the Pentecost Triodion and the Post-Resurrection Appearances“, Bulletin dedicated to Z. Rasolkoska-Nikolovska, Skopje, 1996, 179-207 [in Macedonian with an English summary].
Books and book chapters
– Drtkovski G. ed., Macedonia: Discover the Hidden Gem, guidebook, pub. Ljubovta e pettiot element, Skopje 2016, 30-44, 118-130, 153-170.
– Ликовната уметност на почвата на Македонија од IX до крајот на XIX век, книга 20, уредник: академик Г. Старделов, изд. МАНУ, Скопје 2010, xxi-xli.
– Ликовната уметност на почвата на Македонија од IX до крајот на XIX век, книга 21, уредник: академик Г. Старделов, изд. МАНУ, Скопје 2010, 1279-1296.
– Серафимова А., П. Кузман, В. Поповска-Коробар et al., Охрид. Светско наследство, Едиција „Македонско културно наследство“, изд. УНЕСКО Венеција и Управа за заштита на културното наследство на РМ, Скопје 2009.
– Серафимова А., В. Поповска-Коробар, Ј. Тричковска, М. М. Машниќ, Христијански споменици, Едиција „Македонско културно наследство“, изд. УНЕСКО Венеција и Управа за заштита на културното наследство на РМ, Скопје 2009.
– Macedonian Cultural Heritage. Christian Monuments, ed. J. Trichkovska, Venice Office Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (UNESCO-BRESCE) and Cooperazione Italiana, Skopje 2009.
Macedonian Cultural Heritage. Ohrid World Heritage Site, ed. J. Trichkovska,Venice Office Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (UNESCO-BRESCE) and Cooperazione Italiana, Skopje 2009.
– Кучевишки манастир Свети Архангели, НИК Лист, Скопје 2005.
– Painterly Heights. Masterpieces in Macedonia (11th-15th centuries), NIK List, Skopje 2003 (CD).
– Mediaeval Painting in Macedonia (9th-18th C.), Ministry of Information, Skopje 2000.
– “The Middle Ages”, In: Čausidis-Lilčić-Serafimova-Aleksiev, Macedonia: Cultural Heritage, Misla & Skenpoint, Skopje 1995, 90-174.
– „Среден век“, во: Чаусидис Н., В. Лилчиќ, А. Серафимова, Е. Алексиев, Македонија: Културно наследство, Мисла, 1995.
National and International Projects
2013-2015: “Macedonia: Discover the Hidden Gem”, Implementers: G. Drtkovski el al. A. Serafimova (contributor).
2014: стручен консултатнт во Проектот „Реконструкција на сликаната програма на пештерната црква и параклисот во монашката населба на културниот комплекс Зрзе“ (носител: м-р Александар Василески & НУ Институт за старословенска култура/УКЛО).
2013: надворешен соработник (стручен консултант) во Проектот „Исламските влијанија врз орнаментиката на поствизантиските споменици во Република Македонија“ (носител: д-р Атанас Атанасоски, виш научен соработник во Институтот за старословенска култура Прилеп).
2013: надворешен соработник (стручен консултант) во Проектот „Декоративната пластика во христијанските сакрални споменици од византискиот период (XI XIV век)“ (реализатор: Музејот на Македонија).
2011-2014: Книжевен проект „Публикации за најзначајните вредности од културното и природното наследство“ (реализатор: Министерство за култура и Управа за заштита на културното наследство) со целосно изготвени научно-пополарни монографии (предадени во печат 2012/2013) за Свети Константин и Елена во Охрид; Кучевишки манастир Свети Архангели; Свети Димитрија во Охрид.
2011-2012 International project: Enhancing Dialogue and Collaboration through Intercultural education and Research (established with the support of UNESCO Venice Office, within the framework of MDG-F UN Joint Programme “Enhancing Interethnic Community Dialogue and Collaboration” by the donor MDG-F Achievement Fund and the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” at Skopje as implementing partner).
2008-2010: Историја на културата на почвата на Македонија: покрстување, ереси, писменост (носител: акад. Г. Старделов), МАНУ.
2009-2010 Денови на Светите Кирил и Методиј во Словенија (реализатори: Slovensko Združenje v Makedoniji »France Prešeren« & Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani & Филозофски факултет /УКИМ/)
2005 Exhibition (J. Čokrevska-Filip) and Lecture (A. Serafimova) on The Fresco Painting in Macedonia from the 11th to the 15th Centuries, Macedonian Cultural Centre (MCC), New York (USA) , проект на Министерството за култура на РМ.
2008-2009 Implementation of the UN Convention (Paris, 1972) in Presentation and Popularization of the Cultural Heritage in Southeast Europe, UNESCO Office in Venice (BRESCE ) and Cooperazione Italiana.
2004-2005 International Project: The Gesture in the Cultural Heritage of Europe (Partners: Fabbrica Europa Florence & Museum Ljubljana & Scientific Research Centre SAZU Ljubljana).
1999-2000 EU Phare Cultural Development Project: “Macedonia »Cradle of Culture, Jewel of Nature«” (designed and developed by J. Šoptrajanova-Vrteva & »Vertikala« Progressive Ideas and Technologies).
1999 Trésors Médiévaux de la République de Macédoine organisés par le Musée national du Moyen Âge – Thermes et hôtel de Cluny (Musée de Cluny ) de Paris.